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details vigra::rf::algorithms Namespace Reference VIGRA


class  ClusterImportanceVisitor
class  CorrectStatus
class  Draw
class  GetClusterVariables
struct  HC_Entry
class  HClustering
class  NormalizeStatus
class  PermuteCluster
class  RFErrorCallback
class  VariableSelectionResult


template<class FeatureT , class ResponseT , class ErrorRateCallBack >
void backward_elimination (FeatureT const &features, ResponseT const &response, VariableSelectionResult &result, ErrorRateCallBack errorcallback)
template<class FeatureT , class ResponseT >
void cluster_permutation_importance (FeatureT const &features, ResponseT const &response, HClustering &linkage, MultiArray< 2, double > &distance)
template<class FeatureT , class ResponseT , class ErrorRateCallBack >
void forward_selection (FeatureT const &features, ResponseT const &response, VariableSelectionResult &result, ErrorRateCallBack errorcallback)
template<class FeatureT , class ResponseT , class ErrorRateCallBack >
void rank_selection (FeatureT const &features, ResponseT const &response, VariableSelectionResult &result, ErrorRateCallBack errorcallback)

Detailed Description

This namespace contains all algorithms developed for feature selection

Function Documentation

void vigra::rf::algorithms::forward_selection ( FeatureT const &  features,
ResponseT const &  response,
VariableSelectionResult &  result,
ErrorRateCallBack  errorcallback 

Perform forward selection

featuresIN: n x p matrix containing n instances with p attributes/features used in the variable selection algorithm
responseIN: n x 1 matrix containing the corresponding response
resultIN/OUT: VariableSelectionResult struct which will contain the results of the algorithm. Features between result.selected.begin() and result.pivot will be left untouched.
See Also
errorcallbackIN, OPTIONAL: Functor that returns the error rate given a set of features and labels. Default is the RandomForest OOB Error.

Forward selection subsequently chooses the next feature that decreases the Error rate most.


MultiArray<2, double> features = createSomeFeatures();
MultiArray<2, int> labels = createCorrespondingLabels();
VariableSelectionResult result;
forward_selection(features, labels, result);

To use forward selection but ensure that a specific feature e.g. feature 5 is always included one would do the following

VariableSelectionResult result;
result.init(features, labels);
std::swap(result.selected[0], result.selected[5]);
forward_selection(features, labels, result);
See Also
void vigra::rf::algorithms::backward_elimination ( FeatureT const &  features,
ResponseT const &  response,
VariableSelectionResult &  result,
ErrorRateCallBack  errorcallback 

Perform backward elimination

featuresIN: n x p matrix containing n instances with p attributes/features used in the variable selection algorithm
responseIN: n x 1 matrix containing the corresponding response
resultIN/OUT: VariableSelectionResult struct which will contain the results of the algorithm. Features between result.pivot and result.selected.end() will be left untouched.
See Also
errorcallbackIN, OPTIONAL: Functor that returns the error rate given a set of features and labels. Default is the RandomForest OOB Error.

Backward elimination subsequently eliminates features that have the least influence on the error rate


MultiArray<2, double> features = createSomeFeatures();
MultiArray<2, int> labels = createCorrespondingLabels();
VariableSelectionResult result;
backward_elimination(features, labels, result);

To use backward elimination but ensure that a specific feature e.g. feature 5 is always excluded one would do the following:

VariableSelectionResult result;
result.init(features, labels);
std::swap(result.selected[result.selected.size()-1], result.selected[5]);
backward_elimination(features, labels, result);
See Also
void vigra::rf::algorithms::rank_selection ( FeatureT const &  features,
ResponseT const &  response,
VariableSelectionResult &  result,
ErrorRateCallBack  errorcallback 

Perform rank selection using a predefined ranking

featuresIN: n x p matrix containing n instances with p attributes/features used in the variable selection algorithm
responseIN: n x 1 matrix containing the corresponding response
resultIN/OUT: VariableSelectionResult struct which will contain the results of the algorithm. The struct should be initialized with the predefined ranking.
See Also
errorcallbackIN, OPTIONAL: Functor that returns the error rate given a set of features and labels. Default is the RandomForest OOB Error.

Often some variable importance, score measure is used to create the ordering in which variables have to be selected. This method takes such a ranking and calculates the corresponding error rates.


MultiArray<2, double> features = createSomeFeatures();
MultiArray<2, int> labels = createCorrespondingLabels();
std::vector<int> ranking = createRanking(features);
VariableSelectionResult result;
result.init(features, labels, ranking.begin(), ranking.end());
backward_elimination(features, labels, result);
See Also
void vigra::rf::algorithms::cluster_permutation_importance ( FeatureT const &  features,
ResponseT const &  response,
HClustering &  linkage,
MultiArray< 2, double > &  distance 

Perform hierarchical clustering of variables and assess importance of clusters

featuresIN: n x p matrix containing n instances with p attributes/features used in the variable selection algorithm
responseIN: n x 1 matrix containing the corresponding response
linkageOUT: Hierarchical grouping of variables.
distanceOUT: distance matrix used for creating the linkage

Performs Hierarchical clustering of variables. And calculates the permutation importance measures of each of the clusters. Use the Draw functor to create human readable output The cluster-permutation importance measure corresponds to the normal permutation importance measure with all columns corresponding to a cluster permuted. The importance measure for each cluster is stored as the status() field of each clusternode

See Also


MultiArray<2, double> features = createSomeFeatures();
MultiArray<2, int> labels = createCorrespondingLabels();
HClustering linkage;
MultiArray<2, double> distance;
cluster_permutation_importance(features, labels, linkage, distance)
// create graphviz output
Draw<double, int> draw(features, labels, "linkagetree.graph");

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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