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details Any Class Reference VIGRA

Typesafe storage of arbitrary values. More...

#include <vigra/any.hxx>

Public Member Functions

 Any ()
template<class T >
 Any (T const &t)
 Any (Any const &other)
void destroy ()
bool empty () const
template<class T >
T & get ()
template<class T >
T const & get () const
template<class T >
bool is_readable () const
template<class T >
bool is_type () const
 operator bool () const
bool operator!= (Any const &other) const
template<class T >
Anyoperator= (T const &t)
Anyoperator= (Any const &other)
bool operator== (Any const &other) const
template<class T >
read () const
void swap (Any &other)


void swap (Any &l, Any &r)

Detailed Description

Typesafe storage of arbitrary values.

Items are always stored by value, but it is of course possible to store pointers and smart pointers.


Any a(10); // store integer '10'
// retrieve the stored value (throws when types don't match)
assert(a.get<int>() == 10);
// change the value
a = 20;
assert(a.get<int>() == 20);
// values of arithmetic types can be converted into each other
// (this is currently not implemented for other types)
assert(a.cast<double>() == 20.0);
// delete the stored value
assert(a == false);
// store a shared_ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr<int> Ptr;
Any p(Ptr(new int(5))), q = p;
assert(*(p.get<Ptr>()) == 5);
// the addresses of the elements in p and q are the same
assert(p.get<Ptr>().get() == p.get<Ptr>().get());

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Any ( )

Construct empty 'Any' object.

Any ( T const &  t)

Construct 'Any' object holding the given value.

Any ( Any const &  other)

Construct 'Any' object holding a copy of other's value.

Member Function Documentation

Any& operator= ( T const &  t)

Assign the given value to this 'Any' object (overwrites the old value, regardless of types).

Any& operator= ( Any const &  other)

Assign a copy of other's value to this 'Any' object (overwrites the old value, regardless of types).

void destroy ( )

Delete the contained object (make this 'Any' object empty).

void swap ( Any other)

Exchange the value of this object with other's.

bool operator== ( Any const &  other) const

Check if this object contains the same type and value as other. Also true if both 'Any' objects are empty.

bool operator!= ( Any const &  other) const

Check if this object differs from other by type or value.

operator bool ( ) const

Convert 'Any' to false if this object is empty, true otherwise.

bool empty ( ) const

Check if this object is empty (holds no value).

bool is_type ( ) const

Check if this object holds a value of the given type.

bool is_readable ( ) const

Check if this object's value is convertible to the given type. At present, this only succeeds if T matches the stored type exactly or is an arithmetic type convertible from the stored type.

T& get ( )

Read-write access to the contained value. This throws an exception if the types don't match.

T const& get ( ) const

Read-only access to the contained value. This throws an exception if the types don't match.

T read ( ) const

By-value access to the stored value. This throws an exception if the stored type doesn't match T and T is not an arithmetic type.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

void swap ( Any l,
Any r 

Exchange the value of objects l and r.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)