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details GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::NodeMap< T > Class Template Reference VIGRA

Type of a node property map that maps node descriptor objects onto property values of type T (API: LEMON). More...

#include <vigra/multi_gridgraph.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::NodeMap< T >:
MultiArray< N, T > MultiArrayView< N, vigra::detail::ResolveMultiband< T >::type, vigra::detail::ResolveMultiband< T >::Stride >

Public Member Functions

 NodeMap (GridGraph const &g)
 Construct property map for the given graph g (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each node of the graph).
 NodeMap (GridGraph const &g, T const &t)
 Construct property map for the given graph g (preallocates an entry with initial value t for each node of the graph).
 NodeMap (difference_type const &shape)
 Construct property map for the given shape. (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each node of a grid graph with this shape).
 NodeMap (difference_type const &shape, T const &t)
 Construct property map for the given shape. (preallocates an entry with initial value t for each node of a grid graph with this shape).
Value & operator[] (Key const &key)
 Read/write access to the value associated with node descriptor key.
Value const & operator[] (Key const &key) const
 Read-only access to the value associated with node descriptor key.
void set (Key const &k, Value const &v)
 Set the property of node desctiptor key to value v.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MultiArray< N, T >
allocator_type const & allocator () const
MultiArrayinit (const U &init)
 MultiArray ()
 MultiArray (allocator_type const &alloc)
 MultiArray (difference_type_1 length, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
 MultiArray (difference_type_1 width, difference_type_1 height, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
 MultiArray (const difference_type &shape, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
 MultiArray (const difference_type &shape, const_reference init, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
 MultiArray (const difference_type &shape, MultiArrayInitializationTag init, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
 MultiArray (const difference_type &shape, const_pointer init, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
 MultiArray (const MultiArray &rhs)
 MultiArray (multi_math::MultiMathOperand< Expression > const &rhs, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
 MultiArray (const MultiArrayView< N, U, StrideTag > &rhs, allocator_type const &alloc=allocator_type())
MultiArrayoperator*= (const MultiArrayView< N, U, StrideTag > &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator*= (const T &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator*= (multi_math::MultiMathOperand< Expression > const &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator+= (const MultiArrayView< N, U, StrideTag > &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator+= (const T &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator+= (multi_math::MultiMathOperand< Expression > const &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator-= (const MultiArrayView< N, U, StrideTag > &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator-= (const T &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator-= (multi_math::MultiMathOperand< Expression > const &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator/= (const MultiArrayView< N, U, StrideTag > &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator/= (const T &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator/= (multi_math::MultiMathOperand< Expression > const &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator= (const MultiArray &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator= (const MultiArrayView< N, U, StrideTag > &rhs)
MultiArrayoperator= (value_type const &v)
MultiArrayoperator= (multi_math::MultiMathOperand< Expression > const &rhs)
void reshape (const difference_type &shape)
void reshape (const difference_type &shape, const_reference init)
void swap (MultiArray &other)
 ~MultiArray ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MultiArray< N, T >
typedef A allocator_type
typedef view_type::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef view_type::const_pointer const_pointer
typedef view_type::const_reference const_reference
typedef view_type::const_traverser const_traverser
typedef view_type::difference_type difference_type
typedef view_type::iterator iterator
typedef MultiArray< N, T, A > matrix_type
typedef view_type::pointer pointer
typedef view_type::reference reference
typedef view_type::size_type size_type
typedef view_type::traverser traverser
typedef view_type::value_type value_type
typedef MultiArrayView< N,
< T >::type, typename
< T >::Stride > 
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MultiArray< N, T >
void allocate (pointer &ptr, difference_type_1 s, const_reference init)
void allocate (pointer &ptr, difference_type_1 s, U const *init)
void allocate (pointer &ptr, MultiArrayView< N, U, StrideTag > const &init)
void deallocate (pointer &ptr, difference_type_1 s)
- Protected Attributes inherited from MultiArray< N, T >
allocator_type m_alloc

Detailed Description

template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
template<class T>
class vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::NodeMap< T >

Type of a node property map that maps node descriptor objects onto property values of type T (API: LEMON).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)