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multi_gridgraph.hxx VIGRA

1 /************************************************************************/
2 /* */
3 /* Copyright 2011-2012 by Stefan Schmidt and Ullrich Koethe */
4 /* */
5 /* This file is part of the VIGRA computer vision library. */
6 /* The VIGRA Website is */
7 /* http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/ */
8 /* Please direct questions, bug reports, and contributions to */
9 /* ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de or */
10 /* vigra@informatik.uni-hamburg.de */
11 /* */
12 /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person */
13 /* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation */
14 /* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without */
15 /* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, */
16 /* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or */
17 /* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the */
18 /* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following */
19 /* conditions: */
20 /* */
21 /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
22 /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the */
23 /* Software. */
24 /* */
33 /* */
34 /************************************************************************/
39 #include "multi_fwd.hxx"
40 #include "multi_iterator.hxx"
41 #include "multi_array.hxx"
42 #include "graphs.hxx"
44 template <unsigned int N>
45 struct NeighborhoodTests;
47 namespace vigra {
49 template<unsigned int N, class T, class Stride>
50 inline
54 {
55  return pmap[k];
56 }
58 /** \addtogroup GraphDataStructures Graph Data Structures and Algorithms
60  Graph algorithms and the underlying graph data structures (e.g. GridGraph and AdjacencyListGraph)
61  implementing the APIs of the
62  <a href="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/graph/">boost::graph</a> and
63  <a href="http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/">LEMON</a> libraries.
65  See also the \ref BoostGraphExtensions.
66 */
67 //@{
69 /*
70 undirected edge_descriptor derived from TinyVector,
71 including flag for original edge orientation,
72 as necessary for source(), target() functions;
73 This edge_descriptor allows to directly (without adapter object)
74 index a MultiArrayView with one dimension more than the gridgraph,
75 the last coordinate indexing the edge number
76 (missing edges at the border are just ignored)
78 The gridgraph class is able to convert/construct these edge_descriptors
79 and to reconstruct the corresponding source/target nodes.
81 FIXME: store edge index in (*this)[0] ??
82 */
83 template<unsigned int N>
84 class GridGraphArcDescriptor
85  : public MultiArrayShape<N+1>::type
86 {
87  public:
88  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N+1>::type base_type;
89  typedef typename base_type::value_type value_type;
90  typedef base_type edge_coord_type;
91  typedef value_type index_type;
92  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
93  typedef TinyVectorView<value_type, N> vertex_descriptor_view;
95  GridGraphArcDescriptor()
96  : is_reversed_(false)
97  {}
99  GridGraphArcDescriptor(lemon::Invalid)
100  : base_type(-1),
101  is_reversed_(false)
102  {}
104  GridGraphArcDescriptor(base_type const & b, bool reversed)
105  : base_type(b),
106  is_reversed_(reversed)
107  {}
109  GridGraphArcDescriptor(shape_type const &vertex,
110  index_type edge_index,
111  bool reversed=false)
112  : base_type(detail::DontInit())
113  {
114  set(vertex, edge_index, reversed);
115  }
117  void set(shape_type const &vertex, index_type edge_index, bool reversed)
118  {
119  this->template subarray<0,N>() = vertex;
120  (*this)[N] = edge_index;
121  is_reversed_ = reversed;
122  }
124  void increment(GridGraphArcDescriptor const & diff, bool opposite=false)
125  {
126  if(diff.is_reversed_)
127  {
128  is_reversed_ = !opposite;
129  this->template subarray<0,N>() += diff.template subarray<0,N>();
130  }
131  else
132  {
133  is_reversed_ = opposite;
134  }
135  (*this)[N] = diff[N];
136  }
138  bool isReversed() const
139  {
140  return is_reversed_;
141  }
143  vertex_descriptor_view vertexDescriptor() const
144  {
145  return this->template subarray<0,N>();
146  }
148  value_type edgeIndex() const
149  {
150  return (*this)[N];
151  }
153  protected:
154  bool is_reversed_;
155 };
157 inline MultiArrayIndex
158 gridGraphMaxDegree(unsigned int N, NeighborhoodType t)
159 {
160  return t == DirectNeighborhood
161  ? 2*N
162  : pow(3.0, (int)N) - 1;
163 }
165 template <unsigned int N, NeighborhoodType>
166 struct GridGraphMaxDegree;
168 template <unsigned int N>
169 struct GridGraphMaxDegree<N, DirectNeighborhood>
170 {
171  static const MultiArrayIndex value = 2*N;
172 };
174 template <unsigned int N>
175 struct GridGraphMaxDegree<N, IndirectNeighborhood>
176 {
177  static const MultiArrayIndex value = MetaPow<3, N>::value - 1;
178 };
180 template <class Shape>
182 gridGraphEdgeCount(Shape const & shape, NeighborhoodType t, bool directed)
183 {
184  int res = 0;
185  if(t == DirectNeighborhood)
186  {
187  for(unsigned int k=0; k<shape.size(); ++k)
188  res += 2*prod(shape - Shape::unitVector(k));
189  }
190  else
191  {
192  res = prod(3*shape - Shape(2)) - prod(shape);
193  }
194  return directed
195  ? res
196  : res / 2;
197 }
199 namespace detail {
201 template <class Shape>
202 void
203 computeNeighborOffsets(ArrayVector<Shape> const & neighborOffsets,
204  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<bool> > const & neighborExists,
205  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<Shape> > & incrementOffsets,
206  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<GridGraphArcDescriptor<Shape::static_size> > > & edgeDescriptorOffsets,
207  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> > & indices,
208  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> > & backIndices,
209  bool directed)
210 {
211  typedef GridGraphArcDescriptor<Shape::static_size> EdgeDescriptor;
213  unsigned int borderTypeCount = neighborExists.size();
214  incrementOffsets.resize(borderTypeCount);
215  edgeDescriptorOffsets.resize(borderTypeCount);
216  indices.resize(borderTypeCount);
217  backIndices.resize(borderTypeCount);
219  for(unsigned int k=0; k<borderTypeCount; ++k)
220  {
221  incrementOffsets[k].clear();
222  edgeDescriptorOffsets[k].clear();
223  indices[k].clear();
224  backIndices[k].clear();
226  for(unsigned int j=0; j < neighborOffsets.size(); ++j)
227  {
228  if(neighborExists[k][j])
229  {
230  if(incrementOffsets[k].size() == 0)
231  {
232  incrementOffsets[k].push_back(neighborOffsets[j]);
233  }
234  else
235  {
236  incrementOffsets[k].push_back(neighborOffsets[j] - neighborOffsets[indices[k].back()]);
237  }
239  if(directed || j < neighborOffsets.size() / 2) // directed or backward edge
240  {
241  edgeDescriptorOffsets[k].push_back(EdgeDescriptor(Shape(), j));
242  }
243  else if(edgeDescriptorOffsets[k].size() == 0 || !edgeDescriptorOffsets[k].back().isReversed()) // the first forward edge
244  {
245  edgeDescriptorOffsets[k].push_back(EdgeDescriptor(neighborOffsets[j], neighborOffsets.size()-j-1, true));
246  }
247  else // second or higher forward edge
248  {
249  edgeDescriptorOffsets[k].push_back(EdgeDescriptor(neighborOffsets[j] - neighborOffsets[indices[k].back()],
250  neighborOffsets.size()-j-1, true));
251  }
253  indices[k].push_back(j);
254  if(j < neighborOffsets.size() / 2)
255  backIndices[k].push_back(j);
256  }
257  }
258  }
259 }
261 } // namespace detail
263 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly>
264 class GridGraphNeighborIterator
265 {
266 public:
267  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
268  typedef MultiCoordinateIterator<N> vertex_iterator;
269  typedef typename vertex_iterator::value_type vertex_descriptor;
270  typedef vertex_descriptor value_type;
271  typedef typename vertex_iterator::pointer pointer;
272  typedef typename vertex_iterator::const_pointer const_pointer;
273  typedef typename vertex_iterator::reference reference;
274  typedef typename vertex_iterator::const_reference const_reference;
275  typedef MultiArrayIndex difference_type;
276  typedef MultiArrayIndex index_type;
277  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
279  friend struct NeighborhoodTests<N>;
281  GridGraphNeighborIterator()
282  : neighborOffsets_(0),
283  neighborIndices_(0),
284  index_(0)
285  {}
287  template <class DirectedTag>
288  GridGraphNeighborIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g, typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::Node const & v)
289  : neighborOffsets_(0),
290  neighborIndices_(0),
291  target_(v),
292  index_(0)
293  {
294  unsigned int nbtype = g.get_border_type(v);
295  neighborOffsets_ = &(*g.neighborIncrementArray())[nbtype];
296  neighborIndices_ = &(*g.neighborIndexArray(BackEdgesOnly))[nbtype];
297  updateTarget();
298  }
300  template <class DirectedTag>
301  GridGraphNeighborIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g, typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::NodeIt const & v)
302  : neighborOffsets_(0),
303  neighborIndices_(0),
304  target_(v),
305  index_(0)
306  {
307  unsigned int nbtype = g.get_border_type(v);
308  neighborOffsets_ = &(*g.neighborIncrementArray())[nbtype];
309  neighborIndices_ = &(*g.neighborIndexArray(BackEdgesOnly))[nbtype];
310  updateTarget();
311  }
313  // TODO: implement a "goto-neighbor" operation
314  // yielding a vertex_iterator! -> useful for
315  // watershed algo.
317  GridGraphNeighborIterator & operator++()
318  {
319  ++index_;
320  updateTarget();
321  return *this;
322  }
324  GridGraphNeighborIterator operator++(int)
325  {
326  GridGraphNeighborIterator ret(*this);
327  ++*this;
328  return ret;
329  }
331  const_reference operator*() const
332  {
333  return target_;
334  }
336  const_pointer operator->() const
337  {
338  return &target_;
339  }
341  operator const_reference() const
342  {
343  return target_;
344  }
346  const_reference target() const
347  {
348  return target_;
349  }
351  MultiArrayIndex index() const
352  {
353  return index_;
354  }
356  MultiArrayIndex neighborIndex() const
357  {
358  return (*neighborIndices_)[index_];
359  }
361  bool operator==(GridGraphNeighborIterator const & other) const
362  {
363  return index_ == other.index_;
364  }
366  bool operator!=(GridGraphNeighborIterator const & other) const
367  {
368  return index_ != other.index_;
369  }
371  bool isValid() const
372  {
373  return index_ < (MultiArrayIndex)neighborIndices_->size();
374  }
376  bool atEnd() const
377  {
378  return index_ >= (MultiArrayIndex)neighborIndices_->size();
379  }
381  GridGraphNeighborIterator getEndIterator() const
382  {
383  GridGraphNeighborIterator res(*this);
384  res.index_ = (MultiArrayIndex)neighborIndices_->size();
385  return res;
386  }
388  protected:
390  // for testing only
391  GridGraphNeighborIterator(ArrayVector<shape_type> const & neighborOffsets,
392  ArrayVector<index_type> const & neighborIndices,
393  ArrayVector<index_type> const & backIndices,
394  vertex_descriptor source)
395  : neighborOffsets_(&neighborOffsets),
396  neighborIndices_(BackEdgesOnly ? &backIndices : &neighborIndices),
397  target_(source),
398  index_(0)
399  {
400  updateTarget();
401  }
403  void updateTarget()
404  {
405  if(isValid())
406  target_ += (*neighborOffsets_)[index_];
407  }
409  ArrayVector<shape_type> const * neighborOffsets_;
410  ArrayVector<index_type> const * neighborIndices_;
411  vertex_descriptor target_;
412  MultiArrayIndex index_;
413 };
415 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly>
416 class GridGraphOutEdgeIterator
417 {
418  public:
419  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
420  typedef MultiArrayIndex index_type;
421  typedef GridGraphArcDescriptor<N> arc_descriptor;
422  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N+1>::type value_type;
423  typedef value_type const & reference;
424  typedef value_type const & const_reference;
425  typedef value_type const * pointer;
426  typedef value_type const * const_pointer;
427  typedef MultiArrayIndex difference_type;
428  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
430  friend struct NeighborhoodTests<N>;
431  friend class GridGraphEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly>;
433  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator()
434  : neighborOffsets_(0),
435  neighborIndices_(0),
436  index_(0)
437  {}
439  template <class DirectedTag>
440  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g,
441  typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::NodeIt const & v,
442  bool opposite=false)
443  : neighborOffsets_(0),
444  neighborIndices_(0),
445  edge_descriptor_(),
446  index_(0)
447  {
448  if(v.isValid()){
449  unsigned int nbtype = g.get_border_type(v);
450  init(&(*g.edgeIncrementArray())[nbtype], &(*g.neighborIndexArray(BackEdgesOnly))[nbtype], *v, opposite);
451  }
452  else{
453  index_ = (index_type)neighborIndices_->size();
454  }
455  }
457  template <class DirectedTag>
458  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g,
459  typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::Node const & v,
460  bool opposite=false)
461  : neighborOffsets_(0),
462  neighborIndices_(0),
463  edge_descriptor_(),
464  index_(0)
465  {
466  if(isInside(g, v)){
467  unsigned int nbtype = g.get_border_type(v);
468  init(&(*g.edgeIncrementArray())[nbtype], &(*g.neighborIndexArray(BackEdgesOnly))[nbtype], v, opposite);
469  }
470  else{
471  index_ = (index_type)neighborIndices_->size();
472  }
473  }
475  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator & operator++()
476  {
477  increment(false);
478  return *this;
479  }
481  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator operator++(int)
482  {
483  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator ret(*this);
484  ++*this;
485  return ret;
486  }
488  const_reference operator*() const
489  {
490  return edge_descriptor_;
491  }
493  operator const_reference() const
494  {
495  return edge_descriptor_;
496  }
498  const_pointer operator->() const
499  {
500  return &edge_descriptor_;
501  }
503  index_type index() const
504  {
505  return index_;
506  }
508  index_type neighborIndex() const
509  {
510  return (*neighborIndices_)[index_];
511  }
513  arc_descriptor const & arcDescriptor() const
514  {
515  return edge_descriptor_;
516  }
518  bool operator==(GridGraphOutEdgeIterator const & other) const
519  {
520  return index_ == other.index();
521  }
523  bool operator!=(GridGraphOutEdgeIterator const & other) const
524  {
525  return index_ != other.index();
526  }
528  bool isValid() const
529  {
530  return index_ < (index_type)neighborIndices_->size();
531  }
533  bool atEnd() const
534  {
535  return index_ >= (index_type)neighborIndices_->size();
536  }
538  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator getEndIterator() const
539  {
540  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator res(*this);
541  res.index_ = (index_type)neighborIndices_->size();
542  return res;
543  }
545  protected:
547  // for testing only
548  GridGraphOutEdgeIterator(ArrayVector<arc_descriptor> const & neighborOffsets,
549  ArrayVector<index_type> const & neighborIndices,
550  ArrayVector<index_type> const & backIndices,
551  shape_type const & source)
552  : neighborOffsets_(0),
553  neighborIndices_(0),
554  edge_descriptor_(),
555  index_(0)
556  {
557  init(&neighborOffsets, BackEdgesOnly ? &backIndices : &neighborIndices, source);
558  }
560  void init(ArrayVector<arc_descriptor> const * neighborOffsets,
561  ArrayVector<index_type> const * neighborIndices,
562  shape_type const & source,
563  bool opposite=false)
564  {
565  neighborOffsets_ = neighborOffsets;
566  neighborIndices_ = neighborIndices;
567  edge_descriptor_ = arc_descriptor(source, 0);
568  index_ = 0;
569  updateEdgeDescriptor(opposite);
570  }
572  void increment(bool opposite)
573  {
574  ++index_;
575  updateEdgeDescriptor(opposite);
576  }
578  void updateEdgeDescriptor(bool opposite)
579  {
580  if(isValid())
581  edge_descriptor_.increment((*neighborOffsets_)[index_], opposite);
582  }
584  ArrayVector<arc_descriptor> const * neighborOffsets_;
585  ArrayVector<index_type> const * neighborIndices_;
586  arc_descriptor edge_descriptor_;
587  index_type index_;
588 };
590 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly>
591 class GridGraphOutArcIterator
592 : public GridGraphOutEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly>
593 {
594  public:
595  typedef GridGraphOutEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly> base_type;
596  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
597  typedef MultiArrayIndex index_type;
598  typedef GridGraphArcDescriptor<N> value_type;
599  typedef value_type const & reference;
600  typedef value_type const & const_reference;
601  typedef value_type const * pointer;
602  typedef value_type const * const_pointer;
603  typedef MultiArrayIndex difference_type;
604  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
606  friend struct NeighborhoodTests<N>;
607  friend class GridGraphEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly>;
609  GridGraphOutArcIterator()
610  : base_type()
611  {}
613  explicit GridGraphOutArcIterator(base_type const & b)
614  : base_type(b)
615  {}
617  template <class DirectedTag>
618  GridGraphOutArcIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g, typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::NodeIt const & v)
619  : base_type(g, v)
620  {}
622  template <class DirectedTag>
623  GridGraphOutArcIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g, typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::Node const & v)
624  : base_type(g, v)
625  {}
627  GridGraphOutArcIterator & operator++()
628  {
629  base_type::operator++();
630  return *this;
631  }
633  GridGraphOutArcIterator operator++(int)
634  {
635  GridGraphOutArcIterator ret(*this);
636  ++*this;
637  return ret;
638  }
640  const_reference operator*() const
641  {
642  return this->edge_descriptor_;
643  }
645  operator const_reference() const
646  {
647  return this->edge_descriptor_;
648  }
650  const_pointer operator->() const
651  {
652  return &this->edge_descriptor_;
653  }
655  GridGraphOutArcIterator getEndIterator() const
656  {
657  return GridGraphOutArcIterator(base_type::getEndIterator());
658  }
660  protected:
662  // for testing only
663  GridGraphOutArcIterator(ArrayVector<value_type> const & neighborOffsets,
664  ArrayVector<index_type> const & neighborIndices,
665  ArrayVector<index_type> const & backIndices,
666  shape_type const & source)
667  : base_type(neighborOffsets, neighborIndices, backIndices, source)
668  {}
669 };
671 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly>
672 class GridGraphInArcIterator
673 : public GridGraphOutEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly>
674 {
675  public:
676  typedef GridGraphOutEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly> base_type;
677  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
678  typedef MultiArrayIndex index_type;
679  typedef GridGraphArcDescriptor<N> value_type;
680  typedef value_type const & reference;
681  typedef value_type const & const_reference;
682  typedef value_type const * pointer;
683  typedef value_type const * const_pointer;
684  typedef MultiArrayIndex difference_type;
685  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
687  friend struct NeighborhoodTests<N>;
689  GridGraphInArcIterator()
690  : base_type()
691  {}
693  explicit GridGraphInArcIterator(base_type const & b)
694  : base_type(b)
695  {}
697  template <class DirectedTag>
698  GridGraphInArcIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g, typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::NodeIt const & v)
699  : base_type(g, v, true)
700  {}
702  template <class DirectedTag>
703  GridGraphInArcIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g, typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::Node const & v)
704  : base_type(g, v, true)
705  {}
707  GridGraphInArcIterator & operator++()
708  {
709  base_type::increment(true);
710  return *this;
711  }
713  GridGraphInArcIterator operator++(int)
714  {
715  GridGraphInArcIterator ret(*this);
716  ++*this;
717  return ret;
718  }
720  const_reference operator*() const
721  {
722  return this->edge_descriptor_;
723  }
725  operator const_reference() const
726  {
727  return this->edge_descriptor_;
728  }
730  const_pointer operator->() const
731  {
732  return &this->edge_descriptor_;
733  }
735  GridGraphInArcIterator getEndIterator() const
736  {
737  return GridGraphInArcIterator(base_type::getEndIterator());
738  }
739 };
741  // Edge iterator for directed and undirected graphs.
742  // Composed of a vertex_iterator and an out_edge_iterator.
743 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly>
744 class GridGraphEdgeIterator
745 {
746 public:
747  typedef GridGraphEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly> self_type;
748  typedef MultiCoordinateIterator<N> vertex_iterator;
749  typedef typename vertex_iterator::value_type vertex_descriptor;
750  typedef GridGraphOutArcIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly> out_edge_iterator;
751  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N+1>::type edge_descriptor;
752  typedef edge_descriptor value_type;
753  typedef value_type const * pointer;
754  typedef value_type const * const_pointer;
755  typedef value_type const & reference;
756  typedef value_type const & const_reference;
757  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
758  typedef MultiArrayIndex difference_type;
759  typedef MultiArrayIndex index_type;
760  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
762  friend struct NeighborhoodTests<N>;
764  GridGraphEdgeIterator()
765  : neighborOffsets_(0),
766  neighborIndices_(0)
767  {}
769  template <class DirectedTag>
770  GridGraphEdgeIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g)
771  : neighborOffsets_(g.edgeIncrementArray()),
772  neighborIndices_(g.neighborIndexArray(BackEdgesOnly)),
773  vertexIterator_(g),
774  outEdgeIterator_(g, vertexIterator_)
775  {
776  if(outEdgeIterator_.atEnd()) // in a undirected graph, the first point stores no edges
777  {
778  ++vertexIterator_;
779  if(vertexIterator_.isValid())
780  outEdgeIterator_ = out_edge_iterator(g, vertexIterator_);
781  }
782  }
786  template <class DirectedTag>
787  GridGraphEdgeIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g, const typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::Edge & edge)
788  : neighborOffsets_(g.edgeIncrementArray()),
789  neighborIndices_(g.neighborIndexArray(BackEdgesOnly)),
790  vertexIterator_(g,g.u(edge)),
791  outEdgeIterator_(g, vertexIterator_)
792  {
793  if(vertexIterator_.isValid()){
794  // vigra_precondition(edge!=lemon::INVALID,"no invalid edges here");
795  // vigra_precondition( allLess(*vertexIterator_,g.shape()), "fixme1");
796  // vigra_precondition( allGreaterEqual(*vertexIterator_,shape_type() ), "fixme2");
799  if(edge[N] >= 0 && edge[N] < g.maxUniqueDegree( ) &&
800  (*( g.neighborExistsArray()))[vertexIterator_.borderType()][edge[N]] ){
801  while(*outEdgeIterator_!=edge){
802  ++outEdgeIterator_;
803  }
804  }
805  else{
806  vertexIterator_ = vertexIterator_.getEndIterator();
807  }
809  // vigra_precondition(edge[N] >= 0 && edge[N] < g.maxUniqueDegree(),"fixme3");
810  // vigra_precondition( ,"fixme4");
811  // vigra_precondition(!outEdgeIterator_.atEnd(),"fixme5");
814  }
815  }
820  GridGraphEdgeIterator & operator++()
821  {
822  ++outEdgeIterator_;
823  if(outEdgeIterator_.atEnd())
824  {
825  ++vertexIterator_;
826  if(vertexIterator_.isValid())
827  {
828  unsigned int borderType = vertexIterator_.borderType();
829  outEdgeIterator_.init(&(*neighborOffsets_)[borderType], &(*neighborIndices_)[borderType], *vertexIterator_);
830  }
831  }
832  return *this;
833  }
835  GridGraphEdgeIterator operator++(int)
836  {
837  GridGraphEdgeIterator ret(*this);
838  ++*this;
839  return ret;
840  }
842  const_reference operator*() const
843  {
844  return *outEdgeIterator_;
845  }
847  operator const_reference() const
848  {
849  return *outEdgeIterator_;
850  }
852  const_pointer operator->() const
853  {
854  return outEdgeIterator_.operator->();
855  }
857  MultiArrayIndex neighborIndex() const
858  {
859  return outEdgeIterator_.neighborIndex();
860  }
863  bool operator==(GridGraphEdgeIterator const & other) const
864  {
865  return (vertexIterator_ == other.vertexIterator_ && outEdgeIterator_ == other.outEdgeIterator_);
866  }
868  bool operator!=(GridGraphEdgeIterator const & other) const
869  {
870  return !operator==(other);
871  }
873  bool isValid() const
874  {
875  return vertexIterator_.isValid();
876  }
878  bool atEnd() const
879  {
880  return !isValid();
881  }
883  GridGraphEdgeIterator getEndIterator() const
884  {
885  GridGraphEdgeIterator ret(*this);
886  ret.vertexIterator_ = vertexIterator_.getEndIterator();
887  vertex_iterator lastVertex = ret.vertexIterator_ - 1;
888  unsigned int borderType = lastVertex.borderType();
889  ret.outEdgeIterator_.init(&(*neighborOffsets_)[borderType], &(*neighborIndices_)[borderType], *lastVertex);
890  ret.outEdgeIterator_ = ret.outEdgeIterator_.getEndIterator();
891  return ret;
892  }
894  protected:
896  // for testing only
897  GridGraphEdgeIterator(ArrayVector<ArrayVector<typename out_edge_iterator::value_type> > const & neighborOffsets,
898  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<index_type> > const & neighborIndices,
899  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<index_type> > const & backIndices,
900  shape_type const & shape)
901  : neighborOffsets_(&neighborOffsets),
902  neighborIndices_(BackEdgesOnly ? &backIndices : &neighborIndices),
903  vertexIterator_(shape),
904  outEdgeIterator_(neighborOffsets[vertexIterator_.borderType()],
905  neighborIndices[vertexIterator_.borderType()],
906  backIndices[vertexIterator_.borderType()], shape_type())
907  {
908  if(outEdgeIterator_.atEnd()) // in a undirected graph, the first point stores no edges
909  {
910  ++vertexIterator_;
911  if(vertexIterator_.isValid())
912  {
913  unsigned int borderType = vertexIterator_.borderType();
914  outEdgeIterator_.init(&(*neighborOffsets_)[borderType], &(*neighborIndices_)[borderType], *vertexIterator_);
915  }
916  }
917  }
919  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<typename out_edge_iterator::value_type> > const * neighborOffsets_;
920  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<index_type> > const * neighborIndices_;
921  vertex_iterator vertexIterator_;
922  out_edge_iterator outEdgeIterator_;
923 };
925 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly>
926 class GridGraphArcIterator
927 : public GridGraphEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly>
928 {
929 public:
930  typedef GridGraphEdgeIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly> base_type;
931  typedef GridGraphArcIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly> self_type;
932  typedef MultiCoordinateIterator<N> vertex_iterator;
933  typedef typename vertex_iterator::value_type vertex_descriptor;
934  typedef GridGraphOutArcIterator<N, BackEdgesOnly> out_edge_iterator;
935  typedef typename out_edge_iterator::value_type edge_descriptor;
936  typedef edge_descriptor value_type;
937  typedef value_type const * pointer;
938  typedef value_type const * const_pointer;
939  typedef value_type const & reference;
940  typedef value_type const & const_reference;
941  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
942  typedef MultiArrayIndex difference_type;
943  typedef MultiArrayIndex index_type;
944  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
946  friend struct NeighborhoodTests<N>;
948  GridGraphArcIterator()
949  : base_type()
950  {}
952  explicit GridGraphArcIterator(base_type const & b)
953  : base_type(b)
954  {}
956  template <class DirectedTag>
957  GridGraphArcIterator(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g)
958  : base_type(g)
959  {}
961  GridGraphArcIterator & operator++()
962  {
963  base_type::operator++();
964  return *this;
965  }
967  GridGraphArcIterator operator++(int)
968  {
969  GridGraphArcIterator ret(*this);
970  ++*this;
971  return ret;
972  }
974  const_reference operator*() const
975  {
976  return *(this->outEdgeIterator_);
977  }
979  operator const_reference() const
980  {
981  return *(this->outEdgeIterator_);
982  }
984  const_pointer operator->() const
985  {
986  return this->outEdgeIterator_.operator->();
987  }
989  GridGraphArcIterator getEndIterator() const
990  {
991  return GridGraphArcIterator(base_type::getEndIterator());
992  }
994  protected:
996  // for testing only
997  GridGraphArcIterator(ArrayVector<ArrayVector<value_type> > const & neighborOffsets,
998  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<index_type> > const & neighborIndices,
999  ArrayVector<ArrayVector<index_type> > const & backIndices,
1000  shape_type const & shape)
1001  : base_type(neighborOffsets, neighborIndices, backIndices, shape)
1002  {}
1003 };
1005 template<unsigned int N>
1006 inline bool operator==(MultiCoordinateIterator<N> const & i, lemon::Invalid)
1007 {
1008  return i.atEnd();
1009 }
1011 template<unsigned int N>
1012 inline bool operator!=(MultiCoordinateIterator<N> const & i, lemon::Invalid)
1013 {
1014  return i.isValid();
1015 }
1017 template<unsigned int N>
1018 inline bool operator==(lemon::Invalid, MultiCoordinateIterator<N> const & i)
1019 {
1020  return i.atEnd();
1021 }
1023 template<unsigned int N>
1024 inline bool operator!=(lemon::Invalid, MultiCoordinateIterator<N> const & i)
1025 {
1026  return i.isValid();
1027 }
1030 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly> \
1031 inline bool operator==(type<N, BackEdgesOnly> const & i, lemon::Invalid) \
1032 { \
1033  return i.atEnd(); \
1034 } \
1035 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly> \
1036 inline bool operator!=(type<N, BackEdgesOnly> const & i, lemon::Invalid) \
1037 { \
1038  return i.isValid(); \
1039 } \
1040 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly> \
1041 inline bool operator==(lemon::Invalid, type<N, BackEdgesOnly> const & i) \
1042 { \
1043  return i.atEnd(); \
1044 } \
1045 template<unsigned int N, bool BackEdgesOnly> \
1046 inline bool operator!=(lemon::Invalid, type<N, BackEdgesOnly> const & i) \
1047 { \
1048  return i.isValid(); \
1049 }
1051 VIGRA_LEMON_INVALID_COMPARISON(GridGraphNeighborIterator)
1060 using boost_graph::directed_tag;
1061 using boost_graph::undirected_tag;
1063 namespace detail {
1065 template <unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
1066 struct GridGraphBase;
1068 template <unsigned int N>
1069 struct GridGraphBase<N, directed_tag>
1070 {
1071  template <class T>
1072  class ArcMap
1073  : public MultiArray<N+1, Multiband<T> >
1074  {
1075  public:
1076  typedef MultiArray<N+1, Multiband<T> > base_type;
1077  typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
1078  typedef typename base_type::key_type key_type;
1079  typedef typename base_type::value_type value_type;
1080  typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
1081  typedef typename base_type::const_reference const_reference;
1082  typedef boost_graph::read_write_property_map_tag category;
1084  typedef lemon::True ReferenceMapTag;
1085  typedef key_type Key;
1086  typedef value_type Value;
1087  typedef reference Reference;
1088  typedef const_reference ConstReference;
1090  ArcMap()
1091  : base_type()
1092  {}
1094  explicit ArcMap(GridGraph<N, directed_tag> const & g)
1095  : base_type(g.arc_propmap_shape())
1096  {}
1098  ArcMap(GridGraph<N, directed_tag> const & g, T const & t)
1099  : base_type(g.arc_propmap_shape(), t)
1100  {}
1102  explicit ArcMap(difference_type const & shape)
1103  : base_type(shape)
1104  {}
1106  ArcMap(difference_type const & shape, T const & t)
1107  : base_type(shape, t)
1108  {}
1110  ArcMap & operator=(ArcMap const & m)
1111  {
1112  base_type::operator=(m);
1113  return *this;
1114  }
1116  ArcMap & operator=(base_type const & m)
1117  {
1118  base_type::operator=(m);
1119  return *this;
1120  }
1122  // appropriate operator[] are inherited
1124  void set(Key const & k, Value const & v)
1125  {
1126  (*this)[k] = v;
1127  }
1128  };
1129 };
1131 template <unsigned int N>
1132 struct GridGraphBase<N, undirected_tag>
1133 {
1134  typedef lemon::True UndirectedTag;
1136  template <class T>
1137  class ArcMap
1138  : public MultiArray<N+1, Multiband<T> >
1139  {
1140  public:
1141  typedef MultiArray<N+1, Multiband<T> > base_type;
1142  typedef GridGraphArcDescriptor<N> difference_type;
1143  typedef difference_type key_type;
1144  typedef typename base_type::value_type value_type;
1145  typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
1146  typedef typename base_type::const_reference const_reference;
1147  typedef boost_graph::read_write_property_map_tag category;
1149  typedef lemon::True ReferenceMapTag;
1150  typedef key_type Key;
1151  typedef value_type Value;
1152  typedef reference Reference;
1153  typedef const_reference ConstReference;
1155  ArcMap()
1156  : base_type()
1157  {}
1159  explicit ArcMap(GridGraph<N, undirected_tag> const & g)
1160  : base_type(g.arc_propmap_shape()),
1161  graph_(&g)
1162  {}
1164  ArcMap(GridGraph<N, undirected_tag> const & g, T const & t)
1165  : base_type(g.arc_propmap_shape(), t),
1166  graph_(&g)
1167  {}
1169  ArcMap & operator=(ArcMap const & m)
1170  {
1171  base_type::operator=(m);
1172  return *this;
1173  }
1175  ArcMap & operator=(base_type const & m)
1176  {
1177  base_type::operator=(m);
1178  return *this;
1179  }
1181  reference operator[](difference_type const & s)
1182  {
1183  if(s.isReversed())
1184  {
1185  return base_type::operator[](graph_->directedArc(s));
1186  }
1187  else
1188  {
1189  return base_type::operator[](s);
1190  }
1191  }
1193  const_reference operator[](difference_type const & s) const
1194  {
1195  if(s.isReversed())
1196  {
1197  return base_type::operator[](graph_->directedArc(s));
1198  }
1199  else
1200  {
1201  return base_type::operator[](s);
1202  }
1203  }
1205  void set(Key const & k, Value const & v)
1206  {
1207  (*this)[k] = v;
1208  }
1210  GridGraph<N, undirected_tag> const * graph_;
1211  };
1212 };
1214 } // namespace detail
1216 /********************************************************/
1217 /* */
1218 /* GridGraph */
1219 /* */
1220 /********************************************************/
1222 /** \brief Define a grid graph in arbitrary dimensions.
1224  A GridGraph connects each pixel to its direct or indirect neighbors.
1225  Direct neighbors are the adjacent point along the coordinate axes,
1226  whereas indirect neighbors include the diagonally adjacent points. Thus,
1227  direct neighbors correspond to the 4-neighborhood in 2D and the
1228  6-neighborhood in 3D, whereas indirect neighbors correspond to the
1229  8-neighborhood and 26-neighborhood respectively. The GridGraph class
1230  extends this scheme to arbitrary dimensions. While the dimension must be
1231  defined at compile time via the template parameter <tt>N</tt>, the
1232  desired neighborhood can be chosen at runtime in the GridGraph's
1233  constructor. The shape of the grid is also specified at runtime in terms
1234  of a suitable shape object.
1236  Another choice to be made at compile time is whether the graph should be directed
1237  or undirected. This is defined via the <tt>DirectedTag</tt> template parameter
1238  which can take the values <tt>directed_tag</tt> or <tt>undirected_tag</tt> (default).
1240  The main difficulty in a grid graph is to skip the missing neighbors
1241  of the pixels near the grid's border. For example, the upper left pixel in a
1242  2D grid has only two direct neighbors instead of the usual four. The GridGraph
1243  class uses a precomputed set of internal look-up tables to efficiently determine the
1244  appropriate number and location of the existing neighbors. A key design decision
1245  to make this fast was to give up the requirement that edge IDs are contiguous
1246  integers (as in LEMON's implementation of a 2D grid graph, which became very
1247  complicated and slow by enforcing this requirement). Instead, edges are numbered
1248  as if all nodes (including nodes at the grid's border) had the same degree.
1249  Since edges crossing the border are not actually present in the graph, these IDs
1250  are missing, leading to gaps in the sequence of IDs.
1252  For the sake of compatibility, the GridGraph class implements two
1253  popular graph APIs: the one defined by the <a href="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/graph/">boost::graph</a> library and
1254  the one defined by the <a href="http://lemon.cs.elte.hu/">LEMON</a> library.
1255  Their basic principles are very similar: The graph's nodes, edges and adjacency
1256  structure are accessed via a set of iterators, whereas additional properties
1257  (like node and edge weights) are provided via <i>property maps</i> that are
1258  indexed with suitable node or edge descriptor objects returned by the iterators.
1260  Specifically, GridGraph implements the requirements of the following <a href="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/graph/doc/graph_concepts.html">concepts of the
1261  boost::graph API</a>: <b>Graph, IncidenceGraph, BidirectionalGraph, AdjacencyGraph,
1262  VertexListGraph, EdgeListGraph,</b> and <b>AdjacencyMatrix</b>. Likewise, it supports
1263  the concepts <b>Graph</b> and <b>Digraph</b> of the LEMON API. The property maps
1264  associated with a GridGraph support the boost concepts ReadablePropertyMap,
1265  WritablePropertyMap, ReadWritePropertyMap, and LvaluePropertyMap as well as the
1266  LEMON concepts ReadMap, WriteMap, ReadWriteMap, and ReferenceMap.
1268  VIGRA's GridGraph class is designed such that multi-dimensional coordinates
1269  (i.e. <tt>TinyVector<MultiArrayIndex></tt>) serve as descriptor objects, which means
1270  that normal <tt>MultiArray</tt>s or <tt>MultiArrayView</tt>s can serve as property
1271  maps in most situations. Thus, node properties like a foreground probability for
1272  foreground/background segmentation can simply be stored as normal images.
1274  Since the boost::graph and LEMON APIs differ in how they call corresponding
1275  functionality (e.g., they use the terms <tt>vertex</tt> and <tt>node</tt> respectively
1276  in an exactly synonymous way), most GridGraph helper classes and functions are exposed
1277  under two different names. To implement your own algorithms, you can choose the API
1278  you like most. VIGRA adopts the convention that algorithms using the boost::graph
1279  API go into the namespace <tt>vigra::boost_graph</tt>, while those using the
1280  LEMON API are placed into the namespace <tt>vigra::lemon_graph</tt>. This helps
1281  to avoid name clashes when the two APIs happen to use the same name for different
1282  things. The documentation of the GridGraph members specifies which API the respective
1283  function or class belongs to. Please consult the documentation of these
1284  libraries for tutorial introductions and full reference of the respective APIs.
1286  VIGRA adds an important new concept of its own: the back neighborhood
1287  and associated adjacency and edge iterators. The back neighborhood of a given vertex
1288  with ID <tt>i</tt> is the set of all neighbor vertices whose ID is smaller than <tt>i</tt>.
1289  This concept is useful if you work on the grid graph's vertices in scan order
1290  and want to access just those neighbors that have already been processed. Connected
1291  components labeling is a typical example of an algorithm that can take advantage of this
1292  possibility. In principle, a back neighborhood iterator could be implemented as
1293  a filter iterator that simply skips all neighbors with inappropriate IDs. However,
1294  in case of grid graphs it is more efficient to provide a special iterator for this purpose.
1296  <b>Usage:</b>
1298  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/multi_gridgraph.hxx> <br/>
1299  Namespace: vigra
1301  At present, the GridGraph class is mainly used internally to implement image
1302  analysis functions for arbitrary dimensional arrays (e.g. detection of local
1303  extrema, connected components labeling, watersheds, SLIC superpixels). For example,
1304  a dimension-independent algorithm to detect local maxima using the LEMON API
1305  might look like this:
1307  \code
1308  namespace vigra { namespace lemon_graph {
1310  template <class Graph, class InputMap, class OutputMap>
1311  void
1312  localMaxima(Graph const & g,
1313  InputMap const & src,
1314  OutputMap & local_maxima,
1315  typename OutputMap::value_type marker)
1316  {
1317  // define abreviations for the required iterators
1318  typedef typename Graph::NodeIt graph_scanner;
1319  typedef typename Graph::OutArcIt neighbor_iterator;
1321  // iterate over all nodes (i.e. pixels)
1322  for (graph_scanner node(g); node != INVALID; ++node)
1323  {
1324  // remember the value of the current node
1325  typename InputMap::value_type current = src[*node];
1327  // iterate over all neighbors of the current node
1328  bool is_local_maximum = true;
1329  for (neighbor_iterator arc(g, node); arc != INVALID; ++arc)
1330  {
1331  // if a neighbor has larger value, the center node is not a local maximum
1332  if (current < src[g.target(*arc)])
1333  is_local_maximum = false;
1334  }
1336  // mark the node when it is a local maximum
1337  if (is_local_maximum)
1338  local_maxima[*node] = marker;
1339  }
1340  }
1342  }} // namespace vigra::lemon_graph
1343  \endcode
1345  It should be noted that this algorithm will work for any LEMON-compatible graph class,
1346  not just our GridGraph. When implemented in terms of the boost::graph API, the same algorithm
1347  looks like this:
1349  \code
1350  namespace vigra { namespace boost_graph {
1352  template <class Graph, class InputMap, class OutputMap>
1353  void
1354  localMaxima(Graph const & g,
1355  InputMap const & src,
1356  OutputMap & local_maxima,
1357  typename property_traits<OutputMap>::value_type marker)
1358  {
1359  // define abreviations and variables for the required iterators
1360  typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator graph_scanner;
1361  typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator neighbor_iterator;
1363  graph_scanner node, node_end;
1364  neighbor_iterator arc, arc_end;
1366  // iterate over all nodes (i.e. pixels)
1367  tie(node, node_end) = vertices(g);
1368  for (; node != node_end; ++node)
1369  {
1370  // remember the value of the current node
1371  typename property_traits<InputMap>::value_type current = get(src, *node);
1373  // iterate over all neighbors of the current node
1374  bool is_local_maximum = true;
1375  tie(arc, arc_end) = adjacent_vertices(*node, g);
1376  for (;arc != arc_end; ++arc)
1377  {
1378  // if a neighbor has larger value, the center node is not a local maximum
1379  if (current < get(src, *arc))
1380  is_local_maximum = false;
1381  }
1383  // mark the node when it is a local maximum
1384  if (is_local_maximum)
1385  put(local_maxima, *node, marker);
1386  }
1387  }
1389  }} // namespace vigra::boost_graph
1390  \endcode
1392  It can be seen that the differences between the APIs are mainly syntactic
1393  (especially note that boost::graph users traits classes and free functions,
1394  whereas LEMON uses nested typedefs and member functions). Either of these
1395  algorithms can now serve as the backend of a local maxima detector
1396  for <tt>MultiArrayViews</tt>:
1398  \code
1399  namespace vigra {
1401  template <unsigned int N, class T1,
1402  class T2>
1403  void
1404  localMaxima(MultiArrayView<N, T1> const & src,
1405  MultiArrayView<N, T2> local_maxima,
1406  T2 marker,
1407  NeighborhoodType neighborhood = IndirectNeighborhood)
1408  {
1409  vigra_precondition(src.shape() == local_maxima.shape(),
1410  "localMinMax(): shape mismatch between input and output.");
1412  // create a grid graph with appropriate shape and desired neighborhood
1413  GridGraph<N, undirected_tag> graph(src.shape(), neighborhood);
1415  // forward the call to the graph-based algorithm, using
1416  // the given MultiArrayViews as property maps
1417  lemon_graph::localMaxima(graph, src, local_maxima, marker);
1418  }
1420  } // namespace vigra
1421  \endcode
1423  A slightly enhanced version of this code is actually used to implement this
1424  functionality in VIGRA.
1425 */
1426 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag=undirected_tag>
1427 class GridGraph
1428 : public detail::GridGraphBase<N, DirectedTag>
1429 {
1430 public:
1431  /** \brief 'true' if the graph is directed (API: boost::graph)
1432  */
1433  static const bool is_directed = IsSameType<DirectedTag, directed_tag>::value;
1435  typedef detail::GridGraphBase<N, DirectedTag> base_type;
1438  /** \brief Dimension of the grid.
1439  */
1440  static const unsigned int dimension = N;
1442  /** \brief Shape type of the graph and a node property map.
1443  */
1446  /** \brief Shape type of an edge property map (must have one additional dimension).
1447  */
1450  /** \brief Type of node and edge IDs.
1451  */
1454  /** \brief Type to specify number of vertices (API: boost::graph,
1455  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertices_size_type</tt>).
1456  */
1459  /** \brief Type to specify number of edges (API: boost::graph,
1460  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edges_size_type</tt>).
1461  */
1464  /** \brief Type to specify number of neighbors (API: boost::graph,
1465  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::degree_size_type</tt>).
1466  */
1469  /** \brief Iterator over the vertices of the graph (API: boost::graph,
1470  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator</tt>).
1471  */
1474  /** \brief Iterator over the neighbor vertices of a given vertex (API: boost::graph,
1475  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator</tt>).
1476  */
1477  typedef GridGraphNeighborIterator<N> adjacency_iterator;
1479  /** \brief Same as adjacency_iterator (API: VIGRA).
1480  */
1483  /** \brief Iterator over only those neighbor vertices of a given vertex
1484  that have smaller ID (API: VIGRA).
1485  */
1486  typedef GridGraphNeighborIterator<N, true> back_neighbor_vertex_iterator;
1488  /** \brief Iterator over the incoming edges of a given vertex (API: boost::graph,
1489  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::in_edge_iterator</tt>).
1490  */
1491  typedef GridGraphInArcIterator<N> in_edge_iterator;
1493  /** \brief Iterator over the outgoing edges of a given vertex (API: boost::graph,
1494  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::out_edge_iterator</tt>).
1495  */
1496  typedef GridGraphOutArcIterator<N> out_edge_iterator;
1498  /** \brief Iterator over only those outgoing edges of a given vertex
1499  that go to vertices with smaller IDs (API: VIGRA).
1500  */
1501  typedef GridGraphOutArcIterator<N, true> out_back_edge_iterator;
1503  /** \brief Iterator over the edges of a graph (API: boost::graph,
1504  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator</tt>).
1505  */
1506  typedef GridGraphArcIterator<N, !is_directed> edge_iterator;
1508  /** \brief The vertex descriptor (API: boost::graph,
1509  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor</tt>).
1510  */
1511  typedef shape_type vertex_descriptor;
1513  /** \brief The edge descriptor (API: boost::graph,
1514  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor</tt>).
1515  */
1516  typedef GridGraphArcDescriptor<N> edge_descriptor;
1518  /** \brief Is the graph directed or undirected ? (API: boost::graph,
1519  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::directed_category</tt>).
1520  */
1521  typedef DirectedTag directed_category;
1523  /** \brief The graph does not allow multiple edges between the same vertices
1524  (API: boost::graph, use via
1525  <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_parallel_category</tt>).
1526  */
1527  typedef boost_graph::disallow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category;
1529  /** \brief The graph does not define internal property maps (API: boost::graph,
1530  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_property_type</tt>).
1531  */
1532  typedef boost_graph::no_property vertex_property_type; // we only support "external properties".
1533  // FIXME: Maybe support the vertex -> coordinate map (identity) as the only internal property map
1534  // and additionally the vertex_descriptor -> ID map (vertex_index = SOI).
1536  /** \brief Define several graph tags related to graph traversal (API: boost::graph,
1537  use via <tt>boost::graph_traits<Graph>::traversal_category</tt>).
1538  */
1540  : virtual public boost_graph::bidirectional_graph_tag,
1541  virtual public boost_graph::adjacency_graph_tag,
1542  virtual public boost_graph::vertex_list_graph_tag,
1543  virtual public boost_graph::edge_list_graph_tag,
1544  virtual public boost_graph::adjacency_matrix_tag
1545  {};
1547  // internal types
1556  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1558  // LEMON interface
1559  typedef self_type Graph;
1561  /** \brief The Node descriptor (API: LEMON).
1562  */
1563  typedef vertex_descriptor Node;
1565  /** \brief Iterator over all nodes of the graph (API: LEMON).
1566  */
1567  typedef vertex_iterator NodeIt;
1569  /** \brief The arc (directed edge) descriptor (API: LEMON).
1570  */
1571  typedef GridGraphArcDescriptor<N> Arc;
1573  /** \brief Iterator over the outgoing edges of a node (API: LEMON).
1574  */
1575  typedef GridGraphOutArcIterator<N> OutArcIt;
1577  /** \brief Iterator over only those outgoing edges of a node
1578  that end in a node with smaller ID (API: VIGRA).
1579  */
1580  typedef GridGraphOutArcIterator<N, true> OutBackArcIt;
1582  /** \brief Iterator over the acrs (directed edges) of a node (API: LEMON).
1583  */
1584  typedef GridGraphArcIterator<N, false> ArcIt;
1586  /** \brief Iterator over the incoming arcs of a node (API: LEMON).
1587  */
1588  typedef GridGraphInArcIterator<N> InArcIt;
1590  /** \brief The edge descriptor (API: LEMON).
1591  */
1594  /** \brief Iterator over the incident edges of a node (API: LEMON).
1595  */
1596  typedef GridGraphOutEdgeIterator<N> IncEdgeIt;
1598  /** \brief Iterator over only those incident edges of a node that
1599  end in a node with smaller ID (API: VIGRA).
1600  */
1601  typedef GridGraphOutEdgeIterator<N, true> IncBackEdgeIt;
1603  /** \brief Iterator over the edges of the graph (API: LEMON).
1604  */
1605  typedef GridGraphEdgeIterator<N, !is_directed> EdgeIt;
1607  typedef lemon::True NodeNumTag;
1608  typedef lemon::True EdgeNumTag;
1609  typedef lemon::True ArcNumTag;
1610  typedef lemon::True FindEdgeTag;
1611  typedef lemon::True FindArcTag;
1613  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1615  /** \brief Type of a node property map that maps node descriptor objects
1616  onto property values of type <tt>T</tt> (API: LEMON).
1617  */
1618  template <class T>
1619  class NodeMap
1620  : public MultiArray<N, T>
1621  {
1622  public:
1623  typedef MultiArray<N, T> base_type;
1624  typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
1625  typedef typename base_type::key_type key_type;
1626  typedef typename base_type::value_type value_type;
1627  typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
1628  typedef typename base_type::const_reference const_reference;
1629  typedef boost_graph::read_write_property_map_tag category;
1631  typedef lemon::True ReferenceMapTag;
1632  typedef key_type Key;
1633  typedef value_type Value;
1634  typedef reference Reference;
1635  typedef const_reference ConstReference;
1637  NodeMap()
1638  : base_type()
1639  {}
1641  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph \a g
1642  (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each node of the graph).
1643  */
1644  explicit NodeMap(GridGraph const & g)
1645  : base_type(g.shape())
1646  {}
1648  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph \a g
1649  (preallocates an entry with initial value \a t for each node of the graph).
1650  */
1651  NodeMap(GridGraph const & g, T const & t)
1652  : base_type(g.shape(), t)
1653  {}
1655  /** \brief Construct property map for the given \a shape.
1656  (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each node of a grid
1657  graph with this shape).
1658  */
1659  explicit NodeMap(difference_type const & shape)
1660  : base_type(shape)
1661  {}
1663  /** \brief Construct property map for the given \a shape.
1664  (preallocates an entry with initial value \a t for each node of a grid
1665  graph with this shape).
1666  */
1667  NodeMap(difference_type const & shape, T const & t)
1668  : base_type(shape, t)
1669  {}
1671  NodeMap & operator=(NodeMap const & m)
1672  {
1674  return *this;
1675  }
1677  NodeMap & operator=(base_type const & m)
1678  {
1680  return *this;
1681  }
1683  // appropriate operator[] are inherited
1684 #ifdef DOXYGEN
1685  /** \brief Read/write access to the value associated with node descriptor \a key.
1686  */
1687  Value & operator[](Key const & key);
1689  /** \brief Read-only access to the value associated with node descriptor \a key.
1690  */
1691  Value const & operator[](Key const & key) const;
1692 #endif // DOXYGEN
1694  /** \brief Set the property of node desctiptor \a key to value \a v.
1695  */
1696  void set(Key const & k, Value const & v)
1697  {
1698  (*this)[k] = v;
1699  }
1700  };
1703  /** \brief Type of an edge property map that maps edge descriptor objects
1704  onto property values of type <tt>T</tt> (API: LEMON).
1705  */
1706  template <class T>
1707  class EdgeMap
1708  : public MultiArray<N+1, Multiband<T> >
1709  {
1710  public:
1712  typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
1713  typedef typename base_type::key_type key_type;
1714  typedef typename base_type::value_type value_type;
1715  typedef typename base_type::reference reference;
1716  typedef typename base_type::const_reference const_reference;
1717  typedef boost_graph::read_write_property_map_tag category;
1719  typedef lemon::True ReferenceMapTag;
1720  typedef key_type Key;
1721  typedef value_type Value;
1722  typedef reference Reference;
1723  typedef const_reference ConstReference;
1725  EdgeMap()
1726  : base_type()
1727  {}
1729  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph \a g
1730  (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each edge of the graph).
1731  */
1732  explicit EdgeMap(GridGraph const & g)
1733  : base_type(g.edge_propmap_shape())
1734  {}
1736  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph \a g
1737  (preallocates an entry with initial value \a t for each edge of the graph).
1738  */
1739  EdgeMap(GridGraph const & g, T const & t)
1740  : base_type(g.edge_propmap_shape(), t)
1741  {}
1743  /** \brief Construct property map for the given \a shape
1744  (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each edge of
1745  a grid graph with this shape).
1746  */
1747  explicit EdgeMap(difference_type const & shape)
1748  : base_type(shape)
1749  {}
1751  /** \brief Construct property map for the given \a shape
1752  (preallocates an entry with initial value \a t for each edge
1753  of a grid graph with this shape).
1754  */
1755  EdgeMap(difference_type const & shape, T const & t)
1756  : base_type(shape, t)
1757  {}
1759  EdgeMap & operator=(EdgeMap const & m)
1760  {
1762  return *this;
1763  }
1765  EdgeMap & operator=(base_type const & m)
1766  {
1768  return *this;
1769  }
1771  // appropriate operator[] are inherited
1772 #ifdef DOXYGEN
1773  /** \brief Read/write access to the value associated with edge descriptor \a key.
1774  */
1775  Value & operator[](Key const & key);
1777  /** \brief Read-only access to the value associated with edge descriptor \a key.
1778  */
1779  Value const & operator[](Key const & key) const;
1780 #endif // DOXYGEN
1782  /** \brief Set the property of edge desctiptor \a key to value \a v.
1783  */
1784  void set(Key const & k, Value const & v)
1785  {
1786  (*this)[k] = v;
1787  }
1788  };
1790 #ifdef DOXYGEN
1791  /** \brief Type of an arc property map that maps arc descriptor objects
1792  onto property values of type <tt>T</tt> (API: LEMON).
1793  */
1794  template <class T>
1795  class ArcMap
1796  : public MultiArray<N+1, Multiband<T> >
1797  {
1798  public:
1800  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph \a g
1801  (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each arc of the graph).
1802  */
1803  explicit ArcMap(GridGraph const & g);
1805  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph \a g
1806  (preallocates an entry with initial value \a t for each arc of the graph).
1807  */
1808  ArcMap(GridGraph const & g, T const & t);
1810  /** \brief Construct property map for the given \a shape
1811  (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each arc of
1812  a grid graph with this shape).
1813  */
1814  explicit ArcMap(difference_type const & shape);
1816  /** \brief Construct property map for the given \a shape
1817  (preallocates an entry with initial value \a t for each arc of
1818  a grid graph with this shape).
1819  */
1820  ArcMap(difference_type const & shape, T const & t);
1822  /** \brief Read/write access to the value associated with arc descriptor \a key.
1823  */
1824  Value & operator[](Key const & key);
1826  /** \brief Read-only access to the value associated with arc descriptor \a key.
1827  */
1828  Value const & operator[](Key const & key) const;
1830  /** \brief Set the property of arc desctiptor \a key to value \a v.
1831  */
1832  void set(Key const & k, Value const & v);
1833  };
1834 #endif // DOXYGEN
1836  /** \brief Type of a property map that returns the coordinate of a given node (API: LEMON).
1837  */
1838  class IndexMap
1839  {
1840  public:
1841  typedef Node Key;
1842  typedef Node Value;
1843  typedef Key key_type;
1844  typedef Value value_type;
1845  typedef Value const & reference;
1846  typedef boost_graph::readable_property_map_tag category;
1848  IndexMap()
1849  {}
1851  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph.
1852  */
1853  explicit IndexMap(const GridGraph&)
1854  {}
1856  /** \brief Get the grid coordinate of the node descriptor \a key.
1857  */
1858  Value const & operator[](Key const & key) const
1859  {
1860  return key;
1861  }
1862  };
1864  /** \brief Type of a property map that returns the number of incoming edges of a given node (API: LEMON, use via <tt>lemon::InDegMap<Graph></tt>).
1865  */
1866  class InDegMap
1867  {
1868  public:
1870  /// The graph type of InDegMap (works for directed and undirected graphs)
1871  typedef GridGraph Graph;
1872  typedef GridGraph Digraph;
1873  typedef Node Key;
1874  typedef degree_size_type Value;
1875  typedef Key key_type;
1876  typedef Value value_type;
1877  typedef Value const & reference;
1878  typedef boost_graph::readable_property_map_tag category;
1880  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph.
1881  */
1882  explicit InDegMap(const GridGraph& graph)
1883  : graph_(graph)
1884  {}
1886  /** \brief Get the in-degree of the node descriptor \a key.
1887  */
1888  Value operator[](const Key& key) const
1889  {
1890  return graph_.in_degree(key);
1891  }
1893  protected:
1895  GridGraph const & graph_;
1896  };
1898  /** \brief Type of a property map that returns the number of outgoing edges of a given node (API: LEMON, use via <tt>lemon::OutDegMap<Graph></tt>).
1899  */
1901  {
1902  public:
1904  /// The graph type of OutDegMap (works for directed and undirected graphs)
1905  typedef GridGraph Graph;
1906  typedef GridGraph Digraph;
1907  typedef Node Key;
1908  typedef degree_size_type Value;
1909  typedef Key key_type;
1910  typedef Value value_type;
1911  typedef Value const & reference;
1912  typedef boost_graph::readable_property_map_tag category;
1914  /** \brief Construct property map for the given graph.
1915  */
1916  explicit OutDegMap(const GridGraph& graph)
1917  : graph_(graph)
1918  {}
1920  /** \brief Get the out-degree of the node descriptor \a key.
1921  */
1922  Value operator[](const Key& key) const
1923  {
1924  return graph_.out_degree(key);
1925  }
1928  GridGraph const & graph_;
1929  };
1931  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1933  // dummy default constructor to satisfy adjacency_graph concept
1934  GridGraph()
1935  : max_node_id_(-1),
1936  max_arc_id_(-1),
1937  max_edge_id_(-1)
1938  {}
1940  /** \brief Construct a grid graph with given \a shape and neighborhood type \a ntype.
1942  The shape must have type <tt>MultiArrayShape<N>::type</tt> with the appropriate
1943  dimension <tt>N</tt>. The neighborhood type can take the values
1944  <tt>DirectNeighborhood</tt> to use only the axis-aligned edges (2N-neighborhood)
1945  and <tt>IndirectNeighborhood</tt> to use all diagonal edges as well
1946  ((3<sup>N</sup>-1)-neighborhood).
1947  */
1948  GridGraph(shape_type const &shape, NeighborhoodType ntype = DirectNeighborhood)
1949  : shape_(shape),
1950  num_vertices_(prod(shape)),
1951  num_edges_(gridGraphEdgeCount(shape, ntype, is_directed)),
1952  max_node_id_(num_vertices_ - 1),
1953  max_arc_id_(-2),
1954  max_edge_id_(-2),
1955  neighborhoodType_(ntype)
1956  {
1957  // populate the neighborhood tables:
1958  // FIXME: this might be static (but make sure that it works with multi-threading)
1959  detail::makeArrayNeighborhood(neighborOffsets_, neighborExists_, neighborhoodType_);
1960  detail::computeNeighborOffsets(neighborOffsets_, neighborExists_, incrementalOffsets_,
1961  edgeDescriptorOffsets_, neighborIndices_, backIndices_, is_directed);
1963  // compute the neighbor offsets per neighborhood type
1964  // detail::makeArraySubNeighborhood(neighborhood[0], neighborExists, shape_type(1), neighborhoodIndices);
1965  }
1967  /** \brief Get the ID (i.e. scan-order index) for node desciptor \a v (API: LEMON).
1968  */
1969  index_type id(Node const & v) const
1970  {
1971  return detail::CoordinateToScanOrder<N>::exec(shape(), v);
1972  }
1974  index_type id(NodeIt const & v) const
1975  {
1976  return v.scanOrderIndex();
1977  }
1979  index_type id(neighbor_vertex_iterator const & v) const
1980  {
1981  return id(*v);
1982  }
1984  index_type id(back_neighbor_vertex_iterator const & v) const
1985  {
1986  return id(*v);
1987  }
1989  /** \brief Get node descriptor for given node ID \a i (API: LEMON).
1991  Return <tt>Node(lemon::INVALID)</tt> when the ID does not exist in this graph.
1992  */
1993  Node nodeFromId(index_type i) const
1994  {
1995  if(i < 0 || i > maxNodeId())
1996  return Node(lemon::INVALID);
1998  Node res(SkipInitialization);
1999  detail::ScanOrderToCoordinate<N>::exec(i, shape(), res);
2000  return res;
2001  }
2003  /** \brief Get the maximum ID of any node in this graph (API: LEMON).
2004  */
2005  index_type maxNodeId() const
2006  {
2007  return prod(shape()) - 1;
2008  }
2010  /** \brief Get the grid cordinate of the given node \a v (convenience function).
2011  */
2012  Node const & pos(Node const & v) const
2013  {
2014  return v;
2015  }
2017  /** \brief Get vertex iterator pointing to the first vertex of this graph (convenience function,<br/>
2018  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::vertices(graph)</tt>,<br/>
2019  LEMON uses <tt>Graph::NodeIt(graph)</tt>).
2020  */
2021  vertex_iterator get_vertex_iterator() const
2022  {
2023  return vertex_iterator(shape_);
2024  }
2026  /** \brief Get vertex iterator pointing to the given vertex (API: VIGRA).
2027  */
2028  vertex_iterator get_vertex_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2029  {
2030  return vertex_iterator(shape_) + v;
2031  }
2033  /** \brief Get vertex iterator pointing beyond the valid range of vertices of this graph (convenience function,<br/>
2034  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::vertices(graph)</tt>,<br/>
2035  LEMON uses the special value <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> instead).
2036  */
2037  vertex_iterator get_vertex_end_iterator() const
2038  {
2039  return get_vertex_iterator().getEndIterator();
2040  }
2042  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing to the first neighbor of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2043  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::adjacent_vertices(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2044  LEMON uses <tt>Graph::ArcIt(g, v)</tt>).
2045  */
2046  neighbor_vertex_iterator get_neighbor_vertex_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2047  {
2048  return neighbor_vertex_iterator(*this, v);
2049  }
2051  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of neighbors of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2052  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::adjacent_vertices(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2053  LEMON uses the speical value <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> instead).
2054  */
2056  {
2057  return get_neighbor_vertex_iterator(v).getEndIterator();
2058  }
2060  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing to the first backward neighbor of the given vertex (API: VIGRA,<br/>
2061  in analogy to the boost::graph API, we also provide a free function <tt>boost::back_adjacent_vertices(v, g)</tt>,<br/>
2062  and the LEMON analogue is <tt>Graph::OutBackArcIt(graph, v)</tt>).
2063  */
2065  {
2066  return back_neighbor_vertex_iterator(*this, v);
2067  }
2069  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of backward neighbors of the given vertex (API: VIGRA,<br/>
2070  in analogy to the boost::graph API, we also provide a free function <tt>boost::back_adjacent_vertices(v, g)</tt>,<br/>
2071  and LEMON just uses <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> instead).
2072  */
2074  {
2075  return get_back_neighbor_vertex_iterator(v).getEndIterator();
2076  }
2078  // --------------------------------------------------
2079  // support for VertexListGraph:
2081  /** \brief Get the number of vertices in this graph (convenience function,
2082  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::num_vertices(graph)</tt>).
2083  */
2085  {
2086  return num_vertices_;
2087  }
2089  /** \brief Get the number of nodes in this graph (API: LEMON).
2090  */
2092  {
2093  return num_vertices();
2094  }
2096  // --------------------------------------------------
2097  // support for IncidenceGraph:
2099  /** \brief Get the ID (i.e. scan-order index in an edge property map) for the
2100  given edges descriptor \a e (API: LEMON).
2101  */
2102  index_type id(Edge const & e) const
2103  {
2104  return detail::CoordinateToScanOrder<N+1>::exec(edge_propmap_shape(), e);
2105  }
2107  index_type id(EdgeIt const & e) const
2108  {
2109  return id(*e);
2110  }
2112  index_type id(IncEdgeIt const & e) const
2113  {
2114  return id(*e);
2115  }
2117  index_type id(IncBackEdgeIt const & e) const
2118  {
2119  return id(*e);
2120  }
2122  /** \brief Get the edge descriptor for the given edge ID \a i (API: LEMON).
2124  Return <tt>Edge(lemon::INVALID)</tt> when the ID does not exist
2125  in this graph.
2126  */
2127  Edge edgeFromId(index_type i) const
2128  {
2129  if(i < 0 || i > maxEdgeId())
2130  return Edge(lemon::INVALID);
2132  Edge res(SkipInitialization);
2133  detail::ScanOrderToCoordinate<N+1>::exec(i, edge_propmap_shape(), res);
2135  unsigned int b = detail::BorderTypeImpl<N>::exec(res.template subarray<0, N>(), shape());
2136  if(neighborExists_[b][res[N]])
2137  return res;
2138  else
2139  return Edge(lemon::INVALID);
2140  }
2142  /** \brief Get the maximum ID of any edge in this graph (API: LEMON).
2143  */
2144  index_type maxEdgeId() const
2145  {
2146  if(max_edge_id_ == -2) // -2 means uninitialized
2147  const_cast<GridGraph *>(this)->computeMaxEdgeAndArcId();
2148  return max_edge_id_;
2149  }
2151  /* Initial computation of the max_arc_id_ and max_edge_id_ (call in the constructor and
2152  whenever the shape changes).
2153  */
2154  void computeMaxEdgeAndArcId()
2155  {
2156  if(edgeNum() == 0)
2157  {
2158  max_arc_id_ = -1;
2159  max_edge_id_ = -1;
2160  }
2161  else
2162  {
2163  Node lastNode = shape() - shape_type(1);
2164  index_type n = neighborIndices_[get_border_type(lastNode)][0];
2165  Arc a(neighbor(lastNode, n), oppositeIndex(n), false);
2166  max_arc_id_ = detail::CoordinateToScanOrder<N+1>::exec(arc_propmap_shape(), a);
2168  if(is_directed)
2169  {
2170  max_edge_id_ = max_arc_id_;
2171  }
2172  else
2173  {
2174  Arc a(lastNode, backIndices_[get_border_type(lastNode)].back(), false);
2175  max_edge_id_ = detail::CoordinateToScanOrder<N+1>::exec(edge_propmap_shape(), a);
2176  }
2177  }
2178  }
2180  /** \brief Get the ID (i.e. scan-order index an an arc property map) for
2181  the given ar \a a (API: LEMON).
2182  */
2183  index_type id(Arc const & a) const
2184  {
2185  return detail::CoordinateToScanOrder<N+1>::exec(arc_propmap_shape(), directedArc(a));
2186  }
2188  index_type id(ArcIt const & a) const
2189  {
2190  return id(*a);
2191  }
2193  index_type id(OutArcIt const & a) const
2194  {
2195  return id(*a);
2196  }
2198  index_type id(OutBackArcIt const & a) const
2199  {
2200  return id(*a);
2201  }
2203  /** \brief Get an arc descriptor for the given arc ID \a i (API: LEMON).
2205  Return <tt>Arc(lemon::INVALID)</tt> when the ID does not exist
2206  in this graph.
2207  */
2208  Arc arcFromId(index_type i) const
2209  {
2210  if(i < 0 || i > maxArcId())
2211  return Arc(lemon::INVALID);
2213  Arc res;
2214  detail::ScanOrderToCoordinate<N+1>::exec(i, arc_propmap_shape(), res);
2215  unsigned int b = detail::BorderTypeImpl<N>::exec(res.template subarray<0, N>(), shape());
2216  if(neighborExists_[b][res[N]])
2217  return undirectedArc(res);
2218  else
2219  return Arc(lemon::INVALID);
2220  }
2222  /** \brief Get the maximal ID af any arc in this graph (API: LEMON).
2223  */
2224  index_type maxArcId() const
2225  {
2226  if(max_arc_id_ == -2) // -2 means uninitialized
2227  const_cast<GridGraph *>(this)->computeMaxEdgeAndArcId();
2228  return max_arc_id_;
2229  }
2231  /** \brief Return <tt>true</tt> when the arc is looking on the underlying
2232  edge in its natural (i.e. forward) direction, <tt>false</tt> otherwise (API: LEMON).
2233  */
2234  bool direction(Arc const & a) const
2235  {
2236  return !a.isReversed();
2237  }
2239  /** \brief Create an arc for the given edge \a e, oriented along the
2240  edge's natural (<tt>forward = true</tt>) or reversed
2241  (<tt>forward = false</tt>) direction (API: LEMON).
2242  */
2243  Arc direct(Edge const & e, bool forward) const
2244  {
2245  if(!is_directed || forward)
2246  return Arc(e, !forward);
2247  else
2248  return Arc(v(e), oppositeIndex(e[N]), true);
2249  }
2251  /** \brief Create an arc for the given edge \a e oriented
2252  so that node \a n is the starting node of the arc (API: LEMON), or
2253  return <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> if the edge is not incident to this node.
2254  */
2255  Arc direct(Edge const & e, Node const & n) const
2256  {
2257  if(u(e) == n)
2258  return direct(e, true);
2259  if(v(e) == n)
2260  return direct(e, false);
2261  return Arc(lemon::INVALID);
2262  }
2264  /** \brief Return the opposite node of the given node \a n
2265  along edge \a e (API: LEMON), or return <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt>
2266  if the edge is not incident to this node.
2267  */
2268  Node oppositeNode(Node const & n, Edge const & e) const
2269  {
2270  Node start(u(e)), end(v(e));
2271  if(n == start)
2272  return end;
2273  if(n == end)
2274  return start;
2275  return Node(lemon::INVALID);
2276  }
2278  /** \brief Create an arc referring to the same edge as the given
2279  arc \a a, but with reversed direction (API: LEMON).
2280  */
2281  Arc oppositeArc(Arc const & a) const
2282  {
2283  return is_directed
2284  ? Arc(neighbor(a.vertexDescriptor(), a.edgeIndex()), oppositeIndex(a.edgeIndex()), false)
2285  : Arc(a, !a.isReversed());
2286  }
2288  // internal function
2289  // transforms the arc into its directed form (i.e. a.isReversed() is
2290  // guaranteed to be false in the returned arc).
2291  Arc directedArc(Arc const & a) const
2292  {
2293  return a.isReversed()
2294  ? Arc(neighbor(a.vertexDescriptor(), a.edgeIndex()), oppositeIndex(a.edgeIndex()), false)
2295  : a;
2296  }
2298  // internal function
2299  // transforms the arc into its undirected form (i.e. a.isReversed() will
2300  // be true in the returned arc if this graph is undirected and the arc
2301  // traverses the edge backwards).
2302  Arc undirectedArc(Arc const & a) const
2303  {
2304  return a.edgeIndex() < maxUniqueDegree()
2305  ? a
2306  : Arc(neighbor(a.vertexDescriptor(), a.edgeIndex()), oppositeIndex(a.edgeIndex()), true);
2307  }
2309  /** \brief Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
2310  */
2311  Node baseNode(IncEdgeIt const & e) const
2312  {
2313  return source(e.arcDescriptor());
2314  }
2316  /** \brief Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
2317  */
2318  Node baseNode(IncBackEdgeIt const & e) const
2319  {
2320  return source(e.arcDescriptor());
2321  }
2323  /** \brief Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
2324  */
2325  Node baseNode(OutArcIt const & a) const
2326  {
2327  return source(*a);
2328  }
2330  /** \brief Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
2331  */
2332  Node baseNode(OutBackArcIt const & a) const
2333  {
2334  return source(*a);
2335  }
2337  /** \brief Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
2338  */
2339  Node runningNode(IncEdgeIt const & e) const
2340  {
2341  return target(e.arcDescriptor());
2342  }
2344  /** \brief Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
2345  */
2346  Node runningNode(IncBackEdgeIt const & e) const
2347  {
2348  return target(e.arcDescriptor());
2349  }
2351  /** \brief Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
2352  */
2353  Node runningNode(OutArcIt const & a) const
2354  {
2355  return target(*a);
2356  }
2358  /** \brief Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
2359  */
2360  Node runningNode(OutBackArcIt const & a) const
2361  {
2362  return target(*a);
2363  }
2365  /** \brief Get the start node of the given arc \a a (API: LEMON).
2366  */
2367  Node source(Arc const & a) const
2368  {
2369  return source_or_target(a, true);
2370  }
2372  /** \brief Get the end node of the given arc \a a (API: LEMON).
2373  */
2374  Node target(Arc const & a) const
2375  {
2376  return source_or_target(a, false);
2377  }
2379  /** \brief Get the start node of the given edge \a e (API: LEMON,<br/>
2380  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::source(e, graph)</tt>).
2381  */
2382  Node u(Edge const & e) const
2383  {
2384  return Node(e.template subarray<0,N>());
2385  }
2387  /** \brief Get the end node of the given edge \a e (API: LEMON,<br/>
2388  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::target(e, graph)</tt>).
2389  */
2390  Node v(Edge const & e) const
2391  {
2392  return Node(e.template subarray<0,N>()) + neighborOffsets_[e[N]];
2393  }
2395  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing to the first outgoing edge of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2396  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::out_edges(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2397  LEMON uses <tt>Graph::OutArcIt(g, v)</tt>).
2398  */
2399  out_edge_iterator get_out_edge_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2400  {
2401  return out_edge_iterator(*this, v);
2402  }
2404  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of outgoing edges of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2405  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::out_edges(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2406  LEMON uses the special value <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> instead).
2407  */
2408  out_edge_iterator get_out_edge_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2409  {
2410  return get_out_edge_iterator(v).getEndIterator();
2411  }
2413  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing to the first outgoing backward edge of the given vertex (API: VIGRA,<br/>
2414  in analogy to the boost::graph API, we also provide a free function <tt>boost::out_back_edges(v, g)</tt>,<br/>
2415  and the LEMON analogue is <tt>Graph::IncBackEdgeIt(graph, v)</tt>).
2416  */
2417  out_back_edge_iterator get_out_back_edge_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2418  {
2419  return out_back_edge_iterator(*this, v);
2420  }
2422  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of outgoing backward edges of the given vertex (API: VIGRA,<br/>
2423  in analogy to the boost::graph API, we also provide a free function <tt>boost::out_back_edges(v, g)</tt>,<br/>
2424  and LEMON uses the special value <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> instead).
2425  */
2426  out_back_edge_iterator get_out_back_edge_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2427  {
2428  return get_out_back_edge_iterator(v).getEndIterator();
2429  }
2431  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing to the first incoming edge of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2432  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::in_edges(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2433  LEMON uses <tt>Graph::InArcIt(g, v)</tt>).
2434  */
2435  in_edge_iterator get_in_edge_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2436  {
2437  return in_edge_iterator(*this, v);
2438  }
2440  /** \brief Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of incoming edges of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2441  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::in_edges(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2442  LEMON uses the special value <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> instead).
2443  */
2444  in_edge_iterator get_in_edge_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2445  {
2446  return get_in_edge_iterator(v).getEndIterator();
2447  }
2449  /** \brief Get the number of outgoing edges of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2450  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::out_degree(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2451  LEMON uses a special property map <tt>lemon::OutDegMap<Graph></tt>).
2452  */
2453  degree_size_type out_degree(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2454  {
2455  return (degree_size_type)neighborIndices_[get_border_type(v)].size();
2456  }
2458  /** \brief Get the number of outgoing backward edges of the given vertex (API: VIGRA).
2459  */
2460  degree_size_type back_degree(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2461  {
2462  return (degree_size_type)backIndices_[get_border_type(v)].size();
2463  }
2465  /** \brief Get the number of outgoing forward edges of the given vertex (API: VIGRA).
2466  */
2467  degree_size_type forward_degree(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2468  {
2469  unsigned int bt = get_border_type(v);
2470  return (degree_size_type)(neighborIndices_[bt].size() - backIndices_[bt].size());
2471  }
2473  /** \brief Get the number of incoming edges of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2474  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::in_degree(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2475  LEMON uses a special property map <tt>lemon::InDegMap<Graph></tt>).
2476  */
2477  degree_size_type in_degree(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2478  {
2479  return out_degree(v);
2480  }
2482  /** \brief Get the total number of edges (incoming plus outgoing) of the given vertex (convenience function,<br/>
2483  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::degree(v, graph)</tt>,<br/>
2484  LEMON has no analogue).
2485  */
2486  degree_size_type degree(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2487  {
2488  return is_directed
2489  ? 2*out_degree(v)
2490  : out_degree(v);
2491  }
2493  // --------------------------------------------------
2494  // support for EdgeListGraph:
2496  /** \brief Get the number of edges in this graph (convenience function,
2497  boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::num_edges(graph)</tt>).
2498  */
2500  {
2501  return num_edges_;
2502  }
2504  /** \brief Get the number of edges in this graph (API: LEMON).
2505  */
2507  {
2508  return num_edges();
2509  }
2511  /** \brief Get the number of arc in this graph (API: LEMON).
2512  */
2514  {
2515  return is_directed
2516  ? num_edges()
2517  : 2*num_edges();
2518  }
2520  /** \brief Get edge iterator pointing to the first edge of the graph (convenience function,<br/>
2521  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::edges(graph)</tt>,<br/>
2522  LEMON uses <tt>Graph::EdgeIt(graph)</tt>).
2523  */
2525  {
2526  return edge_iterator(*this);
2527  }
2529  /** \brief Get edge iterator pointing beyond the valid range of edges of this graph (convenience function,<br/>
2530  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::vertices(graph)</tt>,<br/>
2531  LEMON uses the special value <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> instead).
2532  */
2534  {
2535  return get_edge_iterator().getEndIterator();
2536  }
2538  // --------------------------------------------------
2539  // support for AdjacencyMatrix concept:
2541  /** \brief Get a descriptor for the edge connecting vertices \a u and \a v,<br/>
2542  or <tt>(lemon::INVALID, false)</tt> if no such edge exists (convenience function,<br/>
2543  the boost::graph API provides the free function <tt>boost::edge(u, v, graph)</tt>).
2544  */
2545  std::pair<edge_descriptor, bool>
2546  edge(vertex_descriptor const & u, vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2547  {
2548  std::pair<edge_descriptor, bool> res(lemon::INVALID, false);
2551  end = i.getEndIterator();
2552  for (; i != end; ++i)
2553  {
2554  if (*i == v)
2555  {
2556  res.first = make_edge_descriptor(u, i.neighborIndex());
2557  res.second = true;
2558  break;
2559  }
2560  }
2561  return res;
2562  }
2564  /** \brief Get a descriptor for the edge connecting vertices \a u and \a v,<br/>or <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> if no such edge exists (API: LEMON).
2565  */
2566  Edge findEdge(Node const & u, Node const & v, Edge const & = lemon::INVALID) const
2567  {
2568  return this->edge(u, v).first;
2569  }
2571  /** \brief Get a descriptor for the arc connecting vertices \a u and \a v,<br/>or <tt>lemon::INVALID</tt> if no such edge exists (API: LEMON).
2572  */
2573  Arc findArc(Node const & u, Node const & v, Arc const & = lemon::INVALID) const
2574  {
2575  return this->edge(u, v).first;
2576  // std::pair<edge_descriptor, bool> res(edge(u, v));
2577  // return res.second
2578  // ? res.first
2579  // : Arc(lemon::INVALID);
2580  }
2582  /** \brief Create a property map that returns the coordinate of each node (API: LEMON GridGraph).
2583  */
2584  IndexMap indexMap() const
2585  {
2586  return IndexMap();
2587  }
2589  // --------------------------------------------------
2590  // other helper functions:
2592  bool isDirected() const
2593  {
2594  return is_directed;
2595  }
2597  degree_size_type maxDegree() const
2598  {
2599  return (degree_size_type)neighborOffsets_.size();
2600  }
2602  degree_size_type maxUniqueDegree() const
2603  {
2604  return is_directed
2605  ? maxDegree()
2606  : maxDegree() / 2;
2607  }
2609  shape_type const & shape() const
2610  {
2611  return shape_;
2612  }
2614  edge_propmap_shape_type edge_propmap_shape() const
2615  {
2616  edge_propmap_shape_type res(SkipInitialization);
2617  res.template subarray<0, N>() = shape_;
2618  res[N] = maxUniqueDegree();
2619  return res;
2620  }
2622  edge_propmap_shape_type arc_propmap_shape() const
2623  {
2624  edge_propmap_shape_type res(SkipInitialization);
2625  res.template subarray<0, N>() = shape_;
2626  res[N] = maxDegree();
2627  return res;
2628  }
2630  unsigned int get_border_type(vertex_descriptor const & v) const
2631  {
2632  return detail::BorderTypeImpl<N>::exec(v, shape_);
2633  }
2635  unsigned int get_border_type(vertex_iterator const & v) const
2636  {
2637  return v.borderType();
2638  }
2640  index_type oppositeIndex(index_type neighborIndex) const
2641  {
2642  return maxDegree() - neighborIndex - 1;
2643  }
2645  /* the given neighborIndex must be valid for the given vertex,
2646  otherwise this function will crash
2647  */
2648  edge_descriptor make_edge_descriptor(vertex_descriptor const & v,
2649  index_type neighborIndex) const
2650  {
2651  if(neighborIndex < maxUniqueDegree())
2652  return edge_descriptor(v, neighborIndex, false);
2653  else
2654  return edge_descriptor(neighbor(v, neighborIndex), oppositeIndex(neighborIndex), true);
2655  }
2657  shape_type const & neighborOffset(index_type neighborIndex) const
2658  {
2659  return neighborOffsets_[neighborIndex];
2660  }
2662  vertex_descriptor neighbor(vertex_descriptor const & v, index_type neighborIndex) const
2663  {
2664  return v + neighborOffsets_[neighborIndex];
2665  }
2667  vertex_descriptor
2668  source_or_target(edge_descriptor const & e, bool return_source) const
2669  {
2670  // source is always the attached node (first coords) unless the
2671  // edge has been reversed.
2672  if ((return_source && e.isReversed()) ||
2673  (!return_source && !e.isReversed()))
2674  {
2675  return neighbor(e.vertexDescriptor(), e.edgeIndex());
2676  }
2677  else
2678  {
2679  return e.vertexDescriptor();
2680  }
2681  }
2683  NeighborOffsetArray const * neighborOffsetArray() const
2684  {
2685  return &neighborOffsets_;
2686  }
2688  RelativeNeighborOffsetsArray const * neighborIncrementArray() const
2689  {
2690  return &incrementalOffsets_;
2691  }
2693  RelativeEdgeOffsetsArray const * edgeIncrementArray() const
2694  {
2695  return &edgeDescriptorOffsets_;
2696  }
2698  IndexArray const * neighborIndexArray(bool backEdgesOnly) const
2699  {
2700  return backEdgesOnly
2701  ? &backIndices_
2702  : &neighborIndices_;
2703  }
2705  NeighborExistsArray const * neighborExistsArray() const
2706  {
2707  return &neighborExists_;
2708  }
2710  protected:
2711  NeighborOffsetArray neighborOffsets_;
2712  NeighborExistsArray neighborExists_;
2713  IndexArray neighborIndices_, backIndices_;
2714  RelativeNeighborOffsetsArray incrementalOffsets_;
2715  RelativeEdgeOffsetsArray edgeDescriptorOffsets_;
2716  shape_type shape_;
2717  MultiArrayIndex num_vertices_, num_edges_, max_node_id_, max_arc_id_, max_edge_id_;
2718  NeighborhoodType neighborhoodType_;
2719 };
2721 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2722 inline
2723 bool
2724 isInside(GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> const & g,
2725  typename GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::vertex_descriptor const & v)
2726 {
2727  return allLess(v, g.shape()) && allGreaterEqual(v, typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type());
2728 }
2730 //@}
2732 #ifdef WITH_BOOST_GRAPH
2734 } // namespace vigra
2736 namespace boost {
2738 #else
2740 namespace boost_graph {
2742 #endif
2746 template <unsigned int N, class T, class Acc>
2747 struct property_traits<vigra::MultiArray<N, T, Acc> >
2748 {
2749  typedef vigra::MultiArray<N, T, Acc> type;
2750  typedef typename type::key_type key_type;
2751  typedef typename type::value_type value_type;
2752  typedef typename type::reference reference;
2753  typedef read_write_property_map_tag category;
2754 };
2756 template <unsigned int N, class T, class Acc>
2757 struct property_traits<vigra::MultiArray<N, T, Acc> const>
2758 {
2759  typedef vigra::MultiArray<N, T, Acc> const type;
2760  typedef typename type::key_type key_type;
2761  typedef typename type::value_type value_type;
2762  typedef typename type::const_reference reference;
2763  typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
2764 };
2766 template <unsigned int N, class T, class Stride>
2767 struct property_traits<vigra::MultiArrayView<N, T, Stride> >
2768 {
2770  typedef typename type::key_type key_type;
2771  typedef typename type::value_type value_type;
2772  typedef typename type::reference reference;
2773  typedef read_write_property_map_tag category;
2774 };
2776 template <unsigned int N, class T, class Stride>
2777 struct property_traits<vigra::MultiArrayView<N, T, Stride> const>
2778 {
2779  typedef vigra::MultiArrayView<N, T, Stride> const type;
2780  typedef typename type::key_type key_type;
2781  typedef typename type::value_type value_type;
2782  typedef typename type::const_reference reference;
2783  typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
2784 };
2786 #ifdef WITH_BOOST_GRAPH
2788 } // namespace boost
2790 namespace vigra {
2791 namespace boost_graph {
2793 #endif
2795 /** \addtogroup BoostGraphExtensions GridGraph additions to namespace <tt>boost</tt>
2797  provides the required functionality to make \ref vigra::GridGraph compatible to the boost::graph library.
2798 */
2799 //@{
2801  /** \brief Return number of outgoing edges of vertex \a v (API: boost).
2802  */
2803 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2804 inline
2808 {
2809  return g.out_degree(v);
2810 }
2812  /** \brief Return number of incoming edges of vertex \a v (API: boost).
2813  */
2814 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2815 inline
2819 {
2820  return g.in_degree(v);
2821 }
2823  /** \brief Return total number of edges (incoming and outgoing) of vertex \a v (API: boost).
2824  */
2825 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2826 inline
2830 {
2831  return g.degree(v);
2832 }
2834  /** \brief Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the vertices of graph \a g (API: boost).
2835  */
2836 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2837 inline
2838 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::vertex_iterator,
2841 {
2842  return std::make_pair(g.get_vertex_iterator(),
2844 }
2846  /** \brief Return the number of vertices in graph \a g (API: boost).
2847  */
2848 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2849 inline
2852 {
2853  return g.num_vertices();
2854 }
2856  /** \brief Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the neighbor vertices of
2857  vertex \a v in graph \a g (API: boost).
2858  */
2859 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2860 inline
2861 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::adjacency_iterator,
2865 {
2866  return std::make_pair(g.get_neighbor_vertex_iterator(v),
2868 }
2870  /** \brief Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for only thise neighbor vertices of
2871  vertex \a v that have smaller ID than \a v (API: VIGRA).
2872  */
2873 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2874 inline
2875 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::back_neighbor_vertex_iterator,
2879 {
2880  return std::make_pair(g.get_back_neighbor_vertex_iterator(v),
2882 }
2884 // adjacent_vertices variant in vigra namespace: allows to call adjacent_vertices with vertex_iterator argument
2885 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2886 inline
2887 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::adjacency_iterator,
2889 adjacent_vertices_at_iterator(typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::vertex_iterator const & v,
2891 {
2892  return std::make_pair(g.get_neighbor_vertex_iterator(v),
2894 }
2896  /** \brief Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the outgoing edges of
2897  vertex \a v in graph \a g (API: boost).
2898  */
2899 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2900 inline
2901 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::out_edge_iterator,
2905 {
2906  return std::make_pair(g.get_out_edge_iterator(v),
2908 }
2910  /** \brief Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for only those outgoing edges of
2911  vertex \a v whose ID is smaller than that of \a v (API: VIGRA).
2912  */
2913 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2914 inline
2915 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::out_back_edge_iterator,
2919 {
2920  return std::make_pair(g.get_out_back_edge_iterator(v),
2922 }
2924  /** \brief Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the incoming edges of
2925  vertex \a v in graph \a g (API: boost).
2926  */
2927 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2928 inline
2929 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::in_edge_iterator,
2933 {
2934  return std::make_pair(g.get_in_edge_iterator(v),
2935  g.get_in_edge_end_iterator(v));
2936 }
2938  /** \brief Get a vertex descriptor for the start vertex of edge \a e in graph \a g (API: boost).
2939  */
2940 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2941 inline
2945 {
2946  return g.source(e);
2947 }
2949  /** \brief Get a vertex descriptor for the end vertex of edge \a e in graph \a g (API: boost).
2950  */
2951 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2952 inline
2956 {
2957  return g.target(e);
2958 }
2960  /** \brief Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the edges of graph \a g (API: boost).
2961  */
2962 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2963 inline
2964 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::edge_iterator,
2967 {
2968  return std::make_pair(g.get_edge_iterator(), g.get_edge_end_iterator());
2969 }
2971  /** \brief Return the number of edges in graph \a g (API: boost).
2972  */
2973 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2974 inline
2977 {
2978  return g.num_edges();
2979 }
2981 // --------------------------------------------------
2982 // support for AdjacencyMatrix concept:
2984 // FIXME: test this
2985  /** \brief Return the pair (edge_descriptor, true) when an edge between vertices
2986  \a u and \a v exists, or (lemon::INVALID, false) otherwise (API: boost).
2987  */
2988 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
2989 std::pair<typename vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::edge_descriptor, bool>
2993 {
2994  return g.edge(u,v);
2995 }
2997 // provide get / put for MultiArrayViews, indexed by the
2998 // above-defined vertex_descriptor and edge_descriptor (in our case, a coordinate tuple):
2999 // FIXME: place this into multi_array.hxx ?
3000  /** \brief Put value \a val at key \a k in the property map \a pmap (API: boost).
3001  */
3002 template<unsigned int N, class T, class Stride, class U>
3003 inline
3006  U const & val)
3007 {
3008  pmap[k] = val;
3009 }
3011  /** \brief Read the value at key \a k in property map \a pmap (API: boost).
3012  */
3013 //template<unsigned int N, class T, class Stride>
3014 //inline
3015 //typename vigra::MultiArrayView<N, T, Stride>::const_reference
3016 //get(vigra::MultiArrayView<N, T, Stride> const & pmap,
3017 // typename vigra::MultiArrayView<N, T, Stride>::difference_type const & k)
3018 //{
3019 // return pmap[k];
3020 //}
3023 //@}
3025 }} // namespace vigra::boost_graph
3027 namespace lemon {
3029 template <typename GR>
3030 class InDegMap;
3032  // LEMON-compatible property map for the in-degree of the nodes
3033 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
3034 class InDegMap<vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> >
3035 : public vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::InDegMap
3036 {
3037  public:
3038  typedef vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> Graph;
3040  explicit InDegMap(const Graph& graph)
3041  : Graph::InDegMap(graph)
3042  {}
3043 };
3045 template <typename GR>
3046 class OutDegMap;
3048  // LEMON-compatible property map for the out-degree of the nodes
3049 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
3050 class OutDegMap<vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> >
3051 : public vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag>::OutDegMap
3052 {
3053  public:
3054  typedef vigra::GridGraph<N, DirectedTag> Graph;
3056  explicit OutDegMap(const Graph& graph)
3057  : Graph::OutDegMap(graph)
3058  {}
3059 };
3062 } // namespace lemon
3064 namespace std {
3066 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
3067 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,
3069 {
3070  out << "v" << arg.scanOrderIndex();
3071  return out;
3072 }
3074 template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag>
3075 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out,
3077 {
3078  out << "nb" << arg.index();
3079  return out;
3080 }
3082 } // namespace std
3084 #ifdef WITH_BOOST_GRAPH
3085 namespace boost {
3098 }
3099 #endif /* WITH_BOOST_GRAPH */
index_type maxEdgeId() const
Get the maximum ID of any edge in this graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2144
NodeMap(GridGraph const &g, T const &t)
Construct property map for the given graph g (preallocates an entry with initial value t for each nod...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1651
out_back_edge_iterator get_out_back_edge_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of outgoing backward edges of the given vertex (API: VIGRA...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2426
Node baseNode(IncBackEdgeIt const &e) const
Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2318
vertex_descriptor Node
The Node descriptor (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1563
EdgeMap(difference_type const &shape, T const &t)
Construct property map for the given shape (preallocates an entry with initial value t for each edge ...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1755
ArcMap(GridGraph const &g)
Construct property map for the given graph g (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each arc of t...
const value_type & const_reference
Definition: multi_array.hxx:727
MultiArrayShape< N >::type shape_type
Shape type of the graph and a node property map.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1444
vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::degree_size_type degree(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Return total number of edges (incoming and outgoing) of vertex v (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2828
Node target(Arc const &a) const
Get the end node of the given arc a (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2374
Arc arcFromId(index_type i) const
Get an arc descriptor for the given arc ID i (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2208
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::adjacency_iterator, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::adjacency_iterator > adjacent_vertices(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the neighbor vertices of vertex v in graph g (API: boost)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2863
MultiArrayShape< N+1 >::type edge_propmap_shape_type
Shape type of an edge property map (must have one additional dimension).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1448
vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edges_size_type num_edges(vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Return the number of edges in graph g (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2976
Define a grid graph in arbitrary dimensions.
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:217
Value & operator[](Key const &key)
Read/write access to the value associated with edge descriptor key.
GridGraph Graph
The graph type of InDegMap (works for directed and undirected graphs)
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1871
adjacency_iterator neighbor_vertex_iterator
Same as adjacency_iterator (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1481
out_edge_iterator get_out_edge_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing to the first outgoing edge of the given vertex (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2399
Value operator[](const Key &key) const
Get the out-degree of the node descriptor key.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1922
GridGraphOutEdgeIterator< N, true > IncBackEdgeIt
Iterator over only those incident edges of a node that end in a node with smaller ID (API: VIGRA)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1601
MultiArrayShape< actual_dimension >::type difference_type
Definition: multi_array.hxx:739
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::out_back_edge_iterator, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::out_back_edge_iterator > out_back_edges(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for only those outgoing edges of vertex v whose ID is smaller than t...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2917
Node runningNode(IncBackEdgeIt const &e) const
Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2346
Node baseNode(IncEdgeIt const &e) const
Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2311
back_neighbor_vertex_iterator get_back_neighbor_vertex_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of backward neighbors of the given vertex (API: VIGRA...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2073
vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor target(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edge_descriptor const &e, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a vertex descriptor for the end vertex of edge e in graph g (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2954
R arg(const FFTWComplex< R > &a)
Definition: fftw3.hxx:1009
GridGraphOutArcIterator< N > out_edge_iterator
Iterator over the outgoing edges of a given vertex (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Gr...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1496
vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::degree_size_type out_degree(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Return number of outgoing edges of vertex v (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2806
in_edge_iterator get_in_edge_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of incoming edges of the given vertex (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2444
degree_size_type back_degree(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get the number of outgoing backward edges of the given vertex (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2460
MultiCoordinateIterator< N > vertex_iterator
Iterator over the vertices of the graph (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::verte...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1472
GridGraphOutArcIterator< N > OutArcIt
Iterator over the outgoing edges of a node (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1575
Node runningNode(IncEdgeIt const &e) const
Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2339
Value & operator[](Key const &key)
Read/write access to the value associated with arc descriptor key.
vertex_iterator NodeIt
Iterator over all nodes of the graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1567
static const bool is_directed
'true' if the graph is directed (API: boost::graph)
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1433
GridGraphNeighborIterator< N, true > back_neighbor_vertex_iterator
Iterator over only those neighbor vertices of a given vertex that have smaller ID (API: VIGRA)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1486
Node nodeFromId(index_type i) const
Get node descriptor for given node ID i (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1993
void set(Key const &k, Value const &v)
Set the property of edge desctiptor key to value v.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1784
Node baseNode(OutArcIt const &a) const
Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2325
index_type maxNodeId() const
Get the maximum ID of any node in this graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2005
IndexMap(const GridGraph &)
Construct property map for the given graph.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1853
GridGraphArcDescriptor< N > edge_descriptor
The edge descriptor (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1516
Edge findEdge(Node const &u, Node const &v, Edge const &=lemon::INVALID) const
Get a descriptor for the edge connecting vertices u and v, or lemon::INVALID if no such edge exists (...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2566
index_type id(Arc const &a) const
Get the ID (i.e. scan-order index an an arc property map) for the given ar a (API: LEMON)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2183
Define several graph tags related to graph traversal (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1539
neighbor_vertex_iterator get_neighbor_vertex_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing to the first neighbor of the given vertex (convenience function, the boost::graph API provides the free function boost::adjacent_vertices(v, graph), LEMON uses Graph::ArcIt(g, v)).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2046
boost_graph::disallow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category
The graph does not allow multiple edges between the same vertices (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_parallel_category).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1527
Main MultiArray class containing the memory management.
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2474
Arc direct(Edge const &e, bool forward) const
Create an arc for the given edge e, oriented along the edge's natural (forward = true) or reversed (f...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2243
Node runningNode(OutArcIt const &a) const
Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2353
Value operator[](const Key &key) const
Get the in-degree of the node descriptor key.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1888
GridGraphInArcIterator< N > InArcIt
Iterator over the incoming arcs of a node (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1588
vertices_size_type num_vertices() const
Get the number of vertices in this graph (convenience function, the boost::graph API provides the fre...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2084
vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::degree_size_type in_degree(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Return number of incoming edges of vertex v (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2817
MultiArrayIndex vertices_size_type
Type to specify number of vertices (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertices_s...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1457
Type of a property map that returns the coordinate of a given node (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1838
DirectedTag directed_category
Is the graph directed or undirected ? (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::directe...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1521
void set(Key const &k, Value const &v)
Set the property of node desctiptor key to value v.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1696
Type of an edge property map that maps edge descriptor objects onto property values of type T (API: L...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1707
OutDegMap(const GridGraph &graph)
Construct property map for the given graph.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1916
std::ptrdiff_t MultiArrayIndex
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:60
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::out_edge_iterator, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::out_edge_iterator > out_edges(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the outgoing edges of vertex v in graph g (API: boost)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2903
Value const & operator[](Key const &key) const
Get the grid coordinate of the node descriptor key.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1858
bool allLess(TinyVectorBase< V1, SIZE, D1, D2 > const &l, TinyVectorBase< V2, SIZE, D3, D4 > const &r)
pointwise less-than
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:1375
index_type id(Edge const &e) const
Get the ID (i.e. scan-order index in an edge property map) for the given edges descriptor e (API: LEM...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2102
Node v(Edge const &e) const
Get the end node of the given edge e (API: LEMON, the boost::graph API provides the free function bo...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2390
edges_size_type arcNum() const
Get the number of arc in this graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2513
NodeMap(difference_type const &shape)
Construct property map for the given shape. (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each node of a...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1659
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::back_neighbor_vertex_iterator, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::back_neighbor_vertex_iterator > back_adjacent_vertices(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for only thise neighbor vertices of vertex v that have smaller ID th...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2877
view_type::difference_type difference_type
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2522
degree_size_type degree(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get the total number of edges (incoming plus outgoing) of the given vertex (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2486
Value & operator[](Key const &key)
Read/write access to the value associated with node descriptor key.
MultiArrayIndex degree_size_type
Type to specify number of neighbors (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::degree_si...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1467
NodeMap(difference_type const &shape, T const &t)
Construct property map for the given shape. (preallocates an entry with initial value t for each node...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1667
void put(vigra::MultiArrayView< N, T, Stride > &pmap, typename vigra::MultiArrayView< N, T, Stride >::difference_type const &k, U const &val)
Put value val at key k in the property map pmap (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:3004
MultiArray & operator=(const MultiArray &rhs)
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2669
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::in_edge_iterator, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::in_edge_iterator > in_edges(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the incoming edges of vertex v in graph g (API: boost)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2931
edge_iterator get_edge_iterator() const
Get edge iterator pointing to the first edge of the graph (convenience function, the boost::graph AP...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2524
Arc direct(Edge const &e, Node const &n) const
Create an arc for the given edge e oriented so that node n is the starting node of the arc (API: LEMO...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2255
out_back_edge_iterator get_out_back_edge_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing to the first outgoing backward edge of the given vertex (API: VIGRA...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2417
view_type::reference reference
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2510
Node baseNode(OutBackArcIt const &a) const
Return the start node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2332
GridGraphArcIterator< N, false > ArcIt
Iterator over the acrs (directed edges) of a node (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1584
back_neighbor_vertex_iterator get_back_neighbor_vertex_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing to the first backward neighbor of the given vertex (API: VIGRA...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2064
Arc oppositeArc(Arc const &a) const
Create an arc referring to the same edge as the given arc a, but with reversed direction (API: LEMON)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2281
NumericTraits< V >::Promote prod(TinyVectorBase< V, SIZE, D1, D2 > const &l)
product of the vector's elements
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:2097
vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertices_size_type num_vertices(vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Return the number of vertices in graph g (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2851
index_type maxArcId() const
Get the maximal ID af any arc in this graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2224
edges_size_type num_edges() const
Get the number of edges in this graph (convenience function, boost::graph API provides the free funct...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2499
vertices_size_type nodeNum() const
Get the number of nodes in this graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2091
degree_size_type out_degree(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get the number of outgoing edges of the given vertex (convenience function, the boost::graph API pro...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2453
Type of a property map that returns the number of incoming edges of a given node (API: LEMON...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1866
bool operator!=(FFTWComplex< R > const &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
not equal
Definition: fftw3.hxx:841
EdgeMap(GridGraph const &g)
Construct property map for the given graph g (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each edge of ...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1732
NodeMap(GridGraph const &g)
Construct property map for the given graph g (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each node of ...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1644
MultiArrayIndex edges_size_type
Type to specify number of edges (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edges_size_ty...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1462
GridGraph(shape_type const &shape, NeighborhoodType ntype=DirectNeighborhood)
Construct a grid graph with given shape and neighborhood type ntype.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1948
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_iterator, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_iterator > vertices(vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the vertices of graph g (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2840
bool operator==(FFTWComplex< R > const &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
Definition: fftw3.hxx:825
neighbor_vertex_iterator get_neighbor_vertex_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of neighbors of the given vertex (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2055
GridGraphInArcIterator< N > in_edge_iterator
Iterator over the incoming edges of a given vertex (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Gr...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1491
vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor source(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edge_descriptor const &e, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a vertex descriptor for the start vertex of edge e in graph g (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2943
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edge_iterator, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edge_iterator > edges(vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the edges of graph g (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2966
GridGraphOutArcIterator< N, true > out_back_edge_iterator
Iterator over only those outgoing edges of a given vertex that go to vertices with smaller IDs (API: ...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1501
Node u(Edge const &e) const
Get the start node of the given edge e (API: LEMON, the boost::graph API provides the free function ...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2382
Arc findArc(Node const &u, Node const &v, Arc const &=lemon::INVALID) const
Get a descriptor for the arc connecting vertices u and v, or lemon::INVALID if no such edge exists (A...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2573
view_type::value_type value_type
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2498
shape_type vertex_descriptor
The vertex descriptor (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1511
bool allGreaterEqual(TinyVectorBase< V1, SIZE, D1, D2 > const &l, TinyVectorBase< V2, SIZE, D3, D4 > const &r)
pointwise greater-equal
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:1411
Class for fixed size vectors.This class contains an array of size SIZE of the specified VALUETYPE...
Definition: accessor.hxx:940
boost_graph::no_property vertex_property_type
The graph does not define internal property maps (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Grap...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1532
InDegMap(const GridGraph &graph)
Construct property map for the given graph.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1882
std::pair< typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edge_descriptor, bool > edge(typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &u, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
Return the pair (edge_descriptor, true) when an edge between vertices u and v exists, or (lemon::INVALID, false) otherwise (API: boost).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2990
degree_size_type in_degree(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get the number of incoming edges of the given vertex (convenience function, the boost::graph API pro...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2477
index_type id(Node const &v) const
Get the ID (i.e. scan-order index) for node desciptor v (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1969
vertex_iterator get_vertex_end_iterator() const
Get vertex iterator pointing beyond the valid range of vertices of this graph (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2037
GridGraphOutArcIterator< N, true > OutBackArcIt
Iterator over only those outgoing edges of a node that end in a node with smaller ID (API: VIGRA)...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1580
MultiArrayIndex index_type
Type of node and edge IDs.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1452
vertex_iterator get_vertex_iterator() const
Get vertex iterator pointing to the first vertex of this graph (convenience function, the boost::graph API provides the free function boost::vertices(graph), LEMON uses Graph::NodeIt(graph)).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2021
Edge edgeFromId(index_type i) const
Get the edge descriptor for the given edge ID i (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2127
GridGraphArcDescriptor< N > Arc
The arc (directed edge) descriptor (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1571
bool direction(Arc const &a) const
Return true when the arc is looking on the underlying edge in its natural (i.e. forward) direction...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2234
edge_iterator get_edge_end_iterator() const
Get edge iterator pointing beyond the valid range of edges of this graph (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2533
MultiArrayShape< N+1 >::type Edge
The edge descriptor (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1592
degree_size_type forward_degree(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get the number of outgoing forward edges of the given vertex (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2467
Base class for, and view to, vigra::MultiArray.
Definition: multi_array.hxx:704
in_edge_iterator get_in_edge_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing to the first incoming edge of the given vertex (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2435
vertex_iterator get_vertex_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get vertex iterator pointing to the given vertex (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2028
IndexMap indexMap() const
Create a property map that returns the coordinate of each node (API: LEMON GridGraph).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2584
GridGraph Graph
The graph type of OutDegMap (works for directed and undirected graphs)
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1905
void set(Key const &k, Value const &v)
Set the property of arc desctiptor key to value v.
size_type size() const
Definition: array_vector.hxx:358
out_edge_iterator get_out_edge_end_iterator(vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get an iterator pointing beyond the range of outgoing edges of the given vertex (convenience function...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2408
Node oppositeNode(Node const &n, Edge const &e) const
Return the opposite node of the given node n along edge e (API: LEMON), or return lemon::INVALID if t...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2268
Type of a property map that returns the number of outgoing edges of a given node (API: LEMON...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1900
use only direct neighbors
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:187
EdgeMap(difference_type const &shape)
Construct property map for the given shape (preallocates a zero-initialized entry for each edge of a ...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1747
GridGraphArcIterator< N,!is_directed > edge_iterator
Iterator over the edges of a graph (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_itera...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1506
Choose the neighborhood system in a dimension-independent way.
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:186
EdgeMap(GridGraph const &g, T const &t)
Construct property map for the given graph g (preallocates an entry with initial value t for each edg...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1739
edges_size_type edgeNum() const
Get the number of edges in this graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2506
Type of a node property map that maps node descriptor objects onto property values of type T (API: LE...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1619
Node source(Arc const &a) const
Get the start node of the given arc a (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2367
GridGraphEdgeIterator< N,!is_directed > EdgeIt
Iterator over the edges of the graph (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1605
Iterate over a virtual array where each element contains its coordinate.
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:157
GridGraphOutEdgeIterator< N > IncEdgeIt
Iterator over the incident edges of a node (API: LEMON).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1596
std::pair< edge_descriptor, bool > edge(vertex_descriptor const &u, vertex_descriptor const &v) const
Get a descriptor for the edge connecting vertices u and v, or (lemon::INVALID, false) if no such edg...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2546
view_type::const_reference const_reference
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2514
GridGraphNeighborIterator< N > adjacency_iterator
Iterator over the neighbor vertices of a given vertex (API: boost::graph, use via boost::graph_traits...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1477
Node const & pos(Node const &v) const
Get the grid cordinate of the given node v (convenience function).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2012
Type of an arc property map that maps arc descriptor objects onto property values of type T (API: LEM...
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1795
Node runningNode(OutBackArcIt const &a) const
Return the end node of the edge the given iterator is referring to (API: VIGRA).
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:2360
static const unsigned int dimension
Dimension of the grid.
Definition: multi_gridgraph.hxx:1440

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)