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details Functors To Inspect Images VIGRA


class  ArrayOfRegionStatistics< RegionStatistics, LabelType >
 Calculate statistics for all regions of a labeled image. More...
class  FindAverage< VALUETYPE >
 Find the average pixel value in an image or ROI. More...
class  FindAverageAndVariance< VALUETYPE >
 Find the average pixel value and its variance in an image or ROI. More...
class  FindBoundingRectangle
 Calculate the bounding rectangle of an ROI in an image. More...
class  FindMinMax< VALUETYPE >
 Find the minimum and maximum pixel value in an image or ROI. More...
class  FindROISize< VALUETYPE >
 Calculate the size of an ROI in an image. More...
class  FindSum< VALUETYPE >
 Find the sum of the pixel values in an image or ROI. More...
class  LastValueFunctor< VALUETYPE >
 Stores and returns the last value it has seen. More...
class  ReduceFunctor< FUNCTOR, VALUETYPE >
 Apply a functor to reduce the dimensionality of an array. More...

Detailed Description

Functors which report image statistics

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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