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details Symmetry Detection VIGRA


template<... >
void radialSymmetryTransform (...)
 Find centers of radial symmetry in an image. More...

Detailed Description

Measure the local symmetry at each pixel.

Function Documentation

void vigra::radialSymmetryTransform (   ...)

Find centers of radial symmetry in an image.

This algorithm implements the Fast Radial Symmetry Transform according to [G. Loy, A. Zelinsky: "A Fast Radial Symmetry Transform for Detecting Points of Interest", in: A. Heyden et al. (Eds.): Proc. of 7th European Conf. on Computer Vision, Part 1, pp. 358-368, Springer LNCS 2350, 2002]. Minima of the algorithm response mark dark blobs, maxima correspond to light blobs. The "radial strictness parameter" is fixed at alpha = 2.0, the spatial spreading of the raw response is done by a Gaussian convolution at 0.25*scale (these values are recommendations from the paper). Loy and Zelinsky additionally propose to add the operator response from several scales (see usage example below).


pass 2D array views:

namespace vigra {
template <class T1, class S1,
class T2, class S2>
radialSymmetryTransform(MultiArrayView<2, T1, S1> const & src,
MultiArrayView<2, T2, S2> dest,
double scale);

show deprecated declarations


#include <vigra/symmetry.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

MultiArray<2, unsigned char> src(w,h), centers(w,h);
MultiArray<2, float> symmetry(w,h);
// use edge detection filters at various scales
for(double scale = 2.0; scale <= 8.0; scale *= 2.0)
MultiArray<2, float> tmp(w,h);
// find centers of symmetry
radialSymmetryTransform(src, tmp, scale);
symmetry += tmp;
// mark centers of symmetry
localMinima(symmetry, centers, 0);
localMaxima(symmetry, centers, 255);

show deprecated examples

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)