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details Functions for RGBValue VIGRA

Implement basic arithmetic and equality for RGBValue. More...


template<class T , unsigned int RIDX, unsigned int GIDX, unsigned int BIDX>
RGBValue< T, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > abs (RGBValue< T, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > const &v)
 component-wise absolute value
template<class V , unsigned int RIDX, unsigned int GIDX, unsigned int BIDX>
RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > ceil (RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > const &r)
template<class V1 , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B, class V2 >
PromoteTraits< RGBValue< V1, R,
G, B >, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B >
cross (RGBValue< V1, R, G, B > const &r1, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B > const &r2)
 cross product
template<class V1 , unsigned int RIDX1, unsigned int GIDX1, unsigned int BIDX1, class V2 , unsigned int RIDX2, unsigned int GIDX2, unsigned int BIDX2>
PromoteTraits< V1, V2 >::Promote dot (RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1, BIDX1 > const &r1, RGBValue< V2, RIDX2, GIDX2, BIDX2 > const &r2)
 dot product
template<class V , unsigned int RIDX, unsigned int GIDX, unsigned int BIDX>
RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > floor (RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > const &r)
template<class V1 , unsigned int RIDX1, unsigned int GIDX1, unsigned int BIDX1, class V2 , unsigned int RIDX2, unsigned int GIDX2, unsigned int BIDX2>
bool operator!= (RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1, BIDX1 > const &l, RGBValue< V2, RIDX2, GIDX2, BIDX2 > const &r)
 component-wise not equal
template<class V1 , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B, class V2 >
PromoteTraits< RGBValue< V1, R,
G, B >, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B >
operator* (RGBValue< V1, R, G, B > const &r1, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B > const &r2)
 component-wise multiplication
template<class V , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B>
NumericTraits< RGBValue< V, R,
G, B > >::RealPromote 
operator* (double v, RGBValue< V, R, G, B > const &r)
 component-wise left scalar multiplication
template<class V , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B>
NumericTraits< RGBValue< V, R,
G, B > >::RealPromote 
operator* (RGBValue< V, R, G, B > const &r, double v)
 component-wise right scalar multiplication
template<class V1 , unsigned int RIDX1, unsigned int GIDX1, unsigned int BIDX1, class V2 , unsigned int RIDX2, unsigned int GIDX2, unsigned int BIDX2>
RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1,
BIDX1 > & 
operator*= (RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1, BIDX1 > &l, RGBValue< V2, RIDX2, GIDX2, BIDX2 > const &r)
 componentwise multiply-assignment
template<class V , unsigned int RIDX, unsigned int GIDX, unsigned int BIDX>
RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > & operator*= (RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > &l, double r)
 componentwise scalar multiply-assignment
template<class V1 , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B, class V2 >
PromoteTraits< RGBValue< V1, R,
G, B >, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B >
operator+ (RGBValue< V1, R, G, B > const &r1, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B > const &r2)
 component-wise addition
template<class V1 , unsigned int RIDX1, unsigned int GIDX1, unsigned int BIDX1, class V2 , unsigned int RIDX2, unsigned int GIDX2, unsigned int BIDX2>
RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1,
BIDX1 > & 
operator+= (RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1, BIDX1 > &l, RGBValue< V2, RIDX2, GIDX2, BIDX2 > const &r)
 componentwise add-assignment
template<class V1 , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B, class V2 >
PromoteTraits< RGBValue< V1, R,
G, B >, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B >
operator- (RGBValue< V1, R, G, B > const &r1, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B > const &r2)
 component-wise subtraction
template<class V1 , unsigned int RIDX1, unsigned int GIDX1, unsigned int BIDX1, class V2 , unsigned int RIDX2, unsigned int GIDX2, unsigned int BIDX2>
RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1,
BIDX1 > & 
operator-= (RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1, BIDX1 > &l, RGBValue< V2, RIDX2, GIDX2, BIDX2 > const &r)
 componentwise subtract-assignment
template<class V1 , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B, class V2 >
PromoteTraits< RGBValue< V1, R,
G, B >, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B >
operator/ (RGBValue< V1, R, G, B > const &r1, RGBValue< V2, R, G, B > const &r2)
 component-wise division
template<class V , unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B>
NumericTraits< RGBValue< V, R,
G, B > >::RealPromote 
operator/ (RGBValue< V, R, G, B > const &r, double v)
 component-wise scalar division
template<class V1 , unsigned int RIDX1, unsigned int GIDX1, unsigned int BIDX1, class V2 , unsigned int RIDX2, unsigned int GIDX2, unsigned int BIDX2>
RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1,
BIDX1 > & 
operator/= (RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1, BIDX1 > &l, RGBValue< V2, RIDX2, GIDX2, BIDX2 > const &r)
 componentwise divide-assignment
template<class V , unsigned int RIDX, unsigned int GIDX, unsigned int BIDX>
RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > & operator/= (RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > &l, double r)
 componentwise scalar divide-assignment
template<class V1 , unsigned int RIDX1, unsigned int GIDX1, unsigned int BIDX1, class V2 , unsigned int RIDX2, unsigned int GIDX2, unsigned int BIDX2>
bool operator== (RGBValue< V1, RIDX1, GIDX1, BIDX1 > const &l, RGBValue< V2, RIDX2, GIDX2, BIDX2 > const &r)
 component-wise equal

Detailed Description

Implement basic arithmetic and equality for RGBValue.

These functions fulfill the requirements of a Linear Algebra. Return types are determined according to Numeric and Promote Traits of RGBValue.

#include <vigra/rgbvalue.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

Function Documentation

RGBValue<V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX> vigra::ceil ( RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > const &  r)

Apply ceil() function to each RGB component.

RGBValue<V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX> vigra::floor ( RGBValue< V, RIDX, GIDX, BIDX > const &  r)

Apply floor() function to each RGB component.

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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