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details YPrimeUV2RGBPrimeFunctor< T > Class Template Reference VIGRA

Convert Y'UV color components into non-linear (gamma corrected) R'G'B'. More...

#include <vigra/colorconversions.hxx>

Public Types

typedef TinyVector< T, 3 > argument_type
typedef TinyVector< T, 3 > result_type
typedef TinyVector< T, 3 > value_type

Public Member Functions

template<class V >
result_type operator() (V const &yuv) const
 YPrimeUV2RGBPrimeFunctor ()
 YPrimeUV2RGBPrimeFunctor (component_type max)

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class vigra::YPrimeUV2RGBPrimeFunctor< T >

Convert Y'UV color components into non-linear (gamma corrected) R'G'B'.

#include <vigra/colorconversions.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

The functor realizes the inverse of the transformation described in vigra::RGBPrime2YPrimeUVFunctor

Traits defined:

FunctorTraits::isUnaryFunctor is true (VigraTrueType)


Member Typedef Documentation

typedef TinyVector<T, 3> argument_type

the functor's argument type. (Actually, the argument type can be any vector type with the same interface. But this cannot be expressed in a typedef.)

typedef TinyVector<T, 3> result_type

the functor's result type

typedef TinyVector<T, 3> value_type
use argument_type and result_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

default constructor. The maximum value for each RGB component defaults to 255.

YPrimeUV2RGBPrimeFunctor ( component_type  max)


  • max - the maximum value for each RGB component

Member Function Documentation

result_type operator() ( V const &  yuv) const

apply the transformation

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)