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details ThreadPool Class Reference VIGRA

Thread pool class to manage a set of parallel workers. More...

#include <vigra/threadpool.hxx>

Public Member Functions

template<class F >
threading::future< void > enqueue (F &&f)
template<class F >
auto enqueueReturning (F &&f) -> threading::future< decltype(f(0))>
size_t nThreads () const
 ThreadPool (const ParallelOptions &options)
 ThreadPool (const int n)
void waitFinished ()
 ~ThreadPool ()

Detailed Description

Thread pool class to manage a set of parallel workers.

#include <vigra/threadpool.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ThreadPool ( const ParallelOptions options)

Create a thread pool from ParallelOptions. The constructor just launches the desired number of workers. If the number of threads is zero, no workers are started, and all tasks will be executed in synchronously in the present thread.

ThreadPool ( const int  n)

Create a thread pool with n threads. The constructor just launches the desired number of workers. If

  • n is ParallelOptions::Auto, the number of threads is determined by threading::thread::hardware_concurrency(). ParallelOptions::Nice will create half as many threads. If n = 0, no workers are started, and all tasks will be executed synchronously in the present thread. If the preprocessor flag VIGRA_SINGLE_THREADED is defined, the number of threads is always set to zero (i.e. synchronous execution), regardless of the value of
  • n. This is useful for debugging.

Member Function Documentation

void waitFinished ( )

Block until all tasks are finished.

size_t nThreads ( ) const

Return the number of worker threads.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)