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details ImagePyramid< ImageType, Alloc > Class Template Reference VIGRA

Class template for logarithmically tapering image pyramids. More...

#include <vigra/imagecontainer.hxx>

Public Types

typedef ImageType value_type

Public Member Functions

reference back ()
const_reference back () const
iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
void clear ()
bool empty ()
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
reference front ()
const_reference front () const
int highestLevel () const
 ImagePyramid (int lowestLevel, int highestLevel, const Diff2D &imageSize, int sizeAppliesToLevel=0, Alloc const &alloc=Alloc())
 ImagePyramid (int lowestLevel, int highestLevel, const ImageType &image, int copyImageToLevel=0, Alloc const &alloc=Alloc())
template<class SrcIterator , class SrcAccessor >
 ImagePyramid (int lowestLevel, int highestLevel, SrcIterator ul, SrcIterator lr, SrcAccessor src, int copyImageToLevel=0, Alloc const &alloc=Alloc())
 ImagePyramid (Alloc const &alloc=Alloc())
int lowestLevel () const
bool operator== (const ImagePyramid< ImageType, Alloc > &other) const
reference operator[] (size_type index)
const_reference operator[] (size_type index) const
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
reverse_iterator rend ()
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
void resize (int lowestLevel, int highestLevel, const Diff2D &imageSize, int sizeAppliesToLevel=0)
size_type size () const
void swap (ImagePyramid< ImageType, Alloc > &other)

Detailed Description

template<class ImageType, class Alloc = typename ImageType::allocator_type::template rebind<ImageType>::other>
class vigra::ImagePyramid< ImageType, Alloc >

Class template for logarithmically tapering image pyramids.

An ImagePyramid manages an array of images of the type given as template parameter, where each level has half the width and height of its predecessor. It actually represents a sequence of pyramid levels whose start and end index are configurable.

To initialize all pyramid levels in the sense of a Gaussian pyramid, use pyramidReduceBurtFilter() and pyramidExpandBurtFilter(). To create and reconstruct a Laplcaian pyramid, use pyramidReduceBurtLaplacian() and pyramidExpandBurtLaplacian().

A customized allocator can be passed as a template argument and via the constructor. By default, the allocator of the ImageType is reused.

#include <vigra/imagecontainer.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef ImageType value_type

the type of the contained values/images

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ImagePyramid ( int  lowestLevel,
int  highestLevel,
const Diff2D imageSize,
int  sizeAppliesToLevel = 0,
Alloc const &  alloc = Alloc() 

Init a pyramid between the given levels (inclusive).

Allocate the given imageSize at the pyramid level given in sizeAppliesToLevel (default: level 0 / bottom) and size the other levels using recursive reduction/expansion by factors of 2. Use the specified allocator for image creation. The image type must be default constructible and resizable. sizeAppliesToLevel must be the in range lowestLevel..highestLevel (inclusive).

ImagePyramid ( int  lowestLevel,
int  highestLevel,
const ImageType &  image,
int  copyImageToLevel = 0,
Alloc const &  alloc = Alloc() 

Init a pyramid between the given levels (inclusive).

Copy the given image into the pyramid level given in copyImageToLevel (default: level 0 / bottom) and size the other levels using recursive reduction/expansion by factors of 2 (their image data is not initialized). Use the specified allocator for image creation. The image type must be default constructible and resizable. sizeAppliesToLevel must be the in range lowestLevel..highestLevel (inclusive).

ImagePyramid ( int  lowestLevel,
int  highestLevel,
SrcIterator  ul,
SrcIterator  lr,
SrcAccessor  src,
int  copyImageToLevel = 0,
Alloc const &  alloc = Alloc() 

Init a pyramid between the given levels (inclusive).

Copy the image given by the range ul to lr into the pyramid level given in copyImageToLevel (default: level 0 / bottom) and size the other levels using recursive reduction/expansion by factors of 2 (their image data is not initialized). Use the specified allocator for image creation. The image type must be default constructible and resizable. sizeAppliesToLevel must be the in range lowestLevel..highestLevel (inclusive).

ImagePyramid ( Alloc const &  alloc = Alloc())

Init an empty pyramid. Use the specified allocator.

Member Function Documentation

int lowestLevel ( ) const

Get the index of the lowest allocated level of the pyramid.

int highestLevel ( ) const

Get the index of the highest allocated level of the pyramid.

reference operator[] ( size_type  index)

Operator for a vector-like access to the contained images (STL-Vector interface)

const_reference operator[] ( size_type  index) const

Operator for a vector-like access to the contained images (STL-Vector interface)

iterator begin ( )

Returns an iterator pointing to the first image (STL-Container interface)

const_iterator begin ( ) const

Returns an iterator pointing to the first image (STL-Container interface)

iterator end ( )

Returns an iterator pointing behind the last image (STL-Container interface)

const_iterator end ( ) const

Returns an iterator pointing behind the last image (STL-Container interface)

reverse_iterator rbegin ( )

Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the first image of the reversed view of this array (STL-Reversable Container interface)

const_reverse_iterator rbegin ( ) const

Returns a reverse_iterator pointing to the first image of the reversed view of this array (STL-Reversable Container interface)

reverse_iterator rend ( )

Returns a reverse_iterator pointing behind the last image of the reversed view of this array (STL-Reversable Container interface)

const_reverse_iterator rend ( ) const

Returns a reverse_iterator pointing behind the last image of the reversed view of this array (STL-Reversable Container interface)

size_type size ( ) const

Query size of this ImageArray, that is: the number of images. (STL-Container interface)

bool empty ( )

Returns true if and only if there are no contained images. (STL-Container interface)

bool operator== ( const ImagePyramid< ImageType, Alloc > &  other) const

Returns true if and only if both ImageArrays have exactly the same contents and all images did compare equal with the corresponding image in the other ImageArray. (STL-Forward Container interface)

void clear ( )

Empty this array. (STL-Sequence interface)

void resize ( int  lowestLevel,
int  highestLevel,
const Diff2D imageSize,
int  sizeAppliesToLevel = 0 

Resize this ImageArray, throwing the last images away if you make the array smaller or appending new images of the right size at the end of the array if you make it larger. (STL-Sequence interface)

reference front ( )

return the first image (lowestLevel()). (STL-Sequence interface)

const_reference front ( ) const

return the first image (lowestLevel()). (STL-Sequence interface)

reference back ( )

return the last image (highestLevel()). (STL-Vector interface)

const_reference back ( ) const

return the last image (highestLevel()). (STL-Vector interface)

void swap ( ImagePyramid< ImageType, Alloc > &  other)

swap contents of this array with the contents of other (STL-Container interface)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)