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details BasicImageView< PIXELTYPE > Class Template Reference VIGRA

BasicImage using foreign memory. More...

#include <vigra/basicimageview.hxx>

Public Types

typedef IteratorTraits
< traverser >::DefaultAccessor 
typedef traverser::column_iterator column_iterator
typedef PIXELTYPE const * const_iterator
typedef PIXELTYPE const * const_pointer
typedef PIXELTYPE const & const_reference
typedef ConstImageIterator
< value_type
typedef IteratorTraits
< const_traverser >
typedef ConstImageIterator
< value_type
typedef PIXELTYPE const * ConstScanOrderIterator
typedef Diff2D difference_type
typedef PIXELTYPE * iterator
typedef ImageIterator< value_typeIterator
typedef PIXELTYPE PixelType
typedef PIXELTYPE * pointer
typedef PIXELTYPE & reference
typedef traverser::row_iterator row_iterator
typedef PIXELTYPE * ScanOrderIterator
typedef Size2D size_type
typedef ImageIterator< value_typetraverser
typedef PIXELTYPE value_type

Public Member Functions

Accessor accessor ()
ConstAccessor accessor () const
 BasicImageView ()
 BasicImageView (const_pointer data, std::ptrdiff_t w, std::ptrdiff_t h, std::ptrdiff_t stride=0)
 BasicImageView (const_pointer data, difference_type const &size, std::ptrdiff_t stride=0)
iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
column_iterator columnBegin (std::ptrdiff_t x)
const_column_iterator columnBegin (std::ptrdiff_t x) const
column_iterator columnEnd (std::ptrdiff_t x)
const_column_iterator columnEnd (std::ptrdiff_t x) const
const_pointer data () const
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
std::ptrdiff_t height () const
BasicImageViewinit (value_type const &pixel)
bool isInside (difference_type const &d) const
traverser lowerRight ()
const_traverser lowerRight () const
reference operator() (std::ptrdiff_t dx, std::ptrdiff_t dy)
const_reference operator() (std::ptrdiff_t dx, std::ptrdiff_t dy) const
reference operator[] (difference_type const &d)
const_reference operator[] (difference_type const &d) const
pointer operator[] (std::ptrdiff_t dy)
const_pointer operator[] (std::ptrdiff_t dy) const
row_iterator rowBegin (std::ptrdiff_t y)
const_row_iterator rowBegin (std::ptrdiff_t y) const
row_iterator rowEnd (std::ptrdiff_t y)
const_row_iterator rowEnd (std::ptrdiff_t y) const
size_type size () const
std::ptrdiff_t stride () const
traverser upperLeft ()
const_traverser upperLeft () const
std::ptrdiff_t width () const

Detailed Description

template<class PIXELTYPE>
class vigra::BasicImageView< PIXELTYPE >

BasicImage using foreign memory.

deprecated, use vigra::MultiArrayView instead

This class provides the same interface as vigra::BasicImage (with the exception of resize()) but the image's memory is provided from the outside instead of allocated internally.

A BasicImageView can also be created from a vigra::MultiArrayView with the appropriate shape – see Create BasicImageView from MultiArrayViews.

#include <vigra/basicimageview.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef PIXELTYPE value_type

the BasicImageView's pixel type

typedef PIXELTYPE PixelType

the BasicImageView's pixel type

typedef PIXELTYPE& reference

the BasicImageView's reference type (i.e. the return type of image[diff] and image(dx,dy))

typedef PIXELTYPE const& const_reference

the BasicImageView's const reference type (i.e. the return type of image[diff] and image(dx,dy) when image is const)

typedef PIXELTYPE* pointer

the BasicImageView's pointer type

typedef PIXELTYPE const* const_pointer

the BasicImageView's const pointer type

typedef PIXELTYPE* iterator

the BasicImageView's 1D random access iterator (note: lower case 'iterator' is a STL compatible 1D random access iterator, don't confuse with capitalized Iterator)

typedef PIXELTYPE* ScanOrderIterator

deprecated, use iterator instead

typedef PIXELTYPE const* const_iterator

the BasicImageView's 1D random access const iterator (note: lower case 'const_iterator' is a STL compatible 1D random access const iterator)

typedef PIXELTYPE const* ConstScanOrderIterator

deprecated, use const_iterator instead

the BasicImageView's 2D random access iterator ('traverser')

deprecated, use traverser instead

the BasicImageView's 2D random access const iterator ('const traverser')

deprecated, use const_traverser instead

the row iterator associated with the traverser

the const row iterator associated with the const_traverser

the column iterator associated with the traverser

the const column iterator associated with the const_traverser

the BasicImageView's difference type (argument type of image[diff])

typedef Size2D size_type

the BasicImageView's size type (result type of image.size())

typedef IteratorTraits<traverser>::DefaultAccessor Accessor

the BasicImageView's default accessor

typedef IteratorTraits<const_traverser>::DefaultAccessor ConstAccessor

the BasicImageView's default const accessor

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

construct image of size 0x0

BasicImageView ( const_pointer  data,
std::ptrdiff_t  w,
std::ptrdiff_t  h,
std::ptrdiff_t  stride = 0 

construct view of size w x h

BasicImageView ( const_pointer  data,
difference_type const &  size,
std::ptrdiff_t  stride = 0 

construct view of size size.x x size.y

Member Function Documentation

BasicImageView& init ( value_type const &  pixel)

set Image with const value

std::ptrdiff_t width ( ) const

width of Image

std::ptrdiff_t height ( ) const

height of Image

std::ptrdiff_t stride ( ) const

stride of Image. Memory offset between the start of two successive rows.

size_type size ( ) const

size of Image

bool isInside ( difference_type const &  d) const

test whether a given coordinate is inside the image

reference operator[] ( difference_type const &  d)

access pixel at given location.
usage: value_type value = image[Diff2D(1,2)]

const_reference operator[] ( difference_type const &  d) const

read pixel at given location.
usage: value_type value = image[Diff2D(1,2)]

reference operator() ( std::ptrdiff_t  dx,
std::ptrdiff_t  dy 

access pixel at given location.
usage: value_type value = image(1,2)

const_reference operator() ( std::ptrdiff_t  dx,
std::ptrdiff_t  dy 
) const

read pixel at given location.
usage: value_type value = image(1,2)

pointer operator[] ( std::ptrdiff_t  dy)

access pixel at given location. Note that the 'x' index is the trailing index.
usage: value_type value = image[2][1]

const_pointer operator[] ( std::ptrdiff_t  dy) const

read pixel at given location. Note that the 'x' index is the trailing index.
usage: value_type value = image[2][1]

traverser upperLeft ( )

init 2D random access iterator pointing to upper left pixel

traverser lowerRight ( )

init 2D random access iterator pointing to pixel(width, height), i.e. one pixel right and below lower right corner of the image as is common in C/C++.

const_traverser upperLeft ( ) const

init 2D random access const iterator pointing to upper left pixel

const_traverser lowerRight ( ) const

init 2D random access const iterator pointing to pixel(width, height), i.e. one pixel right and below lower right corner of the image as is common in C/C++.

iterator begin ( )

init 1D random access iterator pointing to first pixel. Note: Only works if stride equals width.

iterator end ( )

init 1D random access iterator pointing past the end. Note: Only works if stride equals width.

const_iterator begin ( ) const

init 1D random access const iterator pointing to first pixel. Note: Only works if stride equals width.

const_iterator end ( ) const

init 1D random access const iterator pointing past the end. Note: Only works if stride equals width.

row_iterator rowBegin ( std::ptrdiff_t  y)

init 1D random access iterator pointing to first pixel of row y

row_iterator rowEnd ( std::ptrdiff_t  y)

init 1D random access iterator pointing past the end of row y

const_row_iterator rowBegin ( std::ptrdiff_t  y) const

init 1D random access const iterator pointing to first pixel of row y

const_row_iterator rowEnd ( std::ptrdiff_t  y) const

init 1D random access const iterator pointing past the end of row y

column_iterator columnBegin ( std::ptrdiff_t  x)

init 1D random access iterator pointing to first pixel of column x

column_iterator columnEnd ( std::ptrdiff_t  x)

init 1D random access iterator pointing past the end of column x

const_column_iterator columnBegin ( std::ptrdiff_t  x) const

init 1D random access const iterator pointing to first pixel of column x

const_column_iterator columnEnd ( std::ptrdiff_t  x) const

init 1D random access const iterator pointing past the end of column x

const_pointer data ( ) const

get a pointer to the internal data

Accessor accessor ( )

return default accessor

ConstAccessor accessor ( ) const

return default const accessor

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)