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details vigra::acc Namespace Reference VIGRA

Efficient computation of object statistics. More...


class  AbsPowerSum
 Basic statistic. AbsPowerSum<N> = $ \sum_i |x_i|^N $. More...
class  AccumulatorChain
 Create an accumulator chain containing the selected statistics and their dependencies. More...
class  AccumulatorChainArray
 Create an array of accumulator chains containing the selected per-region and global statistics and their dependencies. More...
class  ArgMaxWeight
 Basic statistic. Data where weight assumes its maximal value. More...
class  ArgMinWeight
 Basic statistic. Data value where weight assumes its minimal value. More...
class  AutoRangeHistogram
 Histogram where range mapping bounds are defined by minimum and maximum of data. More...
class  Central
 Modifier. Substract mean before computing statistic. More...
class  Central< PowerSum< 2 > >
 Spezialization: works in pass 1, operator+=() supported (merging supported). More...
class  Central< PowerSum< 3 > >
 Specialization: works in pass 2, operator+=() supported (merging supported). More...
class  Central< PowerSum< 4 > >
 Specialization: works in pass 2, operator+=() supported (merging supported). More...
class  CentralMoment
 Alias. CentralMoment<N>. More...
class  ConvexHull
 Compute the convex hull of a region. More...
class  ConvexHullFeatures
 Compute object features related to the convex hull. More...
class  Coord
 Modifier. Compute statistic from pixel coordinates rather than from pixel values. More...
class  CoordinateSystem
 Basic statistic. Identity matrix of appropriate size. More...
class  DataArg
 Specifies index of data in CoupledHandle. More...
class  DivideByCount
 Modifier. Divide statistic by Count: DivideByCount<TAG> = TAG / Count . More...
class  DivideUnbiased
 Modifier. Divide statistics by Count-1: DivideUnbiased<TAG> = TAG / (Count-1) More...
class  DynamicAccumulatorChain
 Create a dynamic accumulator chain containing the selected statistics and their dependencies. More...
class  DynamicAccumulatorChainArray
 Create an array of dynamic accumulator chains containing the selected per-region and global statistics and their dependencies. More...
class  FirstSeen
 Basic statistic. First data value seen of the object. More...
class  FlatScatterMatrix
 Basic statistic. Flattened uppter-triangular part of scatter matrix. More...
class  Global
 Modifier. Compute statistic globally rather than per region. More...
class  GlobalRangeHistogram
 Like AutoRangeHistogram, but use global min/max rather than region min/max. More...
class  IntegerHistogram
 Histogram where data values are equal to bin indices. More...
class  Kurtosis
 Basic statistic. Kurtosis. More...
class  LabelArg
 Specifies index of labels in CoupledHandle. More...
class  Maximum
 Basic statistic. Maximum value. More...
class  Minimum
 Basic statistic. Minimum value. More...
class  Moment
 Alias. Moment<N>. More...
class  PowerSum
 Basic statistic. PowerSum<N> = $ \sum_i x_i^N $. More...
class  Principal
 Modifier. Project onto PCA eigenvectors. More...
class  Principal< CoordinateSystem >
 Specialization (covariance eigenvectors): works in pass 1, operator+=() supported (merging). More...
class  Principal< PowerSum< 2 > >
 Specialization (covariance eigenvalues): works in pass 1, operator+=() supported (merging). More...
class  Range
 Return both the minimum and maximum in std::pair. More...
class  RegionCircularity
 Compute the circularity of a 2D region. More...
class  RegionContour
 Compute the contour of a 2D region. More...
class  RegionEccentricity
 Compute the eccentricity of a 2D region in terms of its prinipal radii. More...
class  RegionPerimeter
 Compute the perimeter of a 2D region. More...
class  RootDivideByCount
 Modifier. RootDivideByCount<TAG> = sqrt( TAG/Count ) More...
class  RootDivideUnbiased
 Modifier. RootDivideUnbiased<TAG> = sqrt( TAG / (Count-1) ) More...
class  ScatterMatrixEigensystem
struct  Select
 Wrapper for MakeTypeList that additionally performs tag standardization. More...
class  Skewness
 Basic statistic. Skewness. More...
class  StandAloneAccumulatorChain
 Create an accumulator chain that works independently of a MultiArray. More...
class  StandAloneDataFreeAccumulatorChain
 Create an accumulator chain that works independently of a MultiArray. More...
class  StandardQuantiles
 Compute (0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100%) quantiles from given histogram. More...
class  UnbiasedKurtosis
 Basic statistic. Unbiased Kurtosis. More...
class  UnbiasedSkewness
 Basic statistic. Unbiased Skewness. More...
class  UserRangeHistogram
 Histogram where user provides bounds for linear range mapping from values to indices. More...
class  WeightArg
 Specifies index of data in CoupledHandle. More...
class  Weighted
 Compute weighted version of the statistic. More...


typedef AbsPowerSum< 1 > AbsSum
 Alias. Absolute sum.
typedef Weighted< RegionAxesAxesOfInertia
 Alias. Axes of inertia.
typedef Coord< RangeBoundingBox
 Alias. Rectangle enclosing the region, as a std::pair of coordinates.
typedef Weighted< RegionCenterCenterOfMass
 Alias. Center of mass.
typedef PowerSum< 0 > Count
 Alias. Count.
typedef DivideByCount
< FlatScatterMatrix
 Alias. Covariance.
typedef DivideByCount
< ScatterMatrixEigensystem
 Alias. Covariance eigensystem.
typedef DivideByCount< SumMean
 Alias. Mean.
typedef DivideByCount
< SumOfAbsDifferences
 Alias. Mean absolute deviation.
typedef Weighted< Coord
< Principal< Variance > > > 
 Alias. Moments of inertia.
typedef Coord< FirstSeenRegionAnchor
 Alias. Anchor point (first point of the region seen by scan-order traversal.
typedef Coord< Principal
< CoordinateSystem > > 
 Alias. Region axes.
typedef Coord< MeanRegionCenter
 Alias. Region center.
typedef Coord< Principal
< StdDev > > 
 Alias. Region radii.
typedef RootDivideByCount
< SumOfSquares
 Alias. Root mean square.
typedef SumOfSquaredDifferences SSD
 Alias. Sum of squared differences.
typedef RootDivideByCount
< Central< PowerSum< 2 > > > 
 Alias. Standard deviation.
typedef PowerSum< 1 > Sum
 Alias. Sum.
typedef Central< AbsSumSumOfAbsDifferences
 Alias. Sum of absolute differences.
typedef Central< PowerSum< 2 > > SumOfSquaredDifferences
 Alias. Sum of squared differences.
typedef PowerSum< 2 > SumOfSquares
 Alias. Sum of squares.
typedef DivideUnbiased
< FlatScatterMatrix
 Alias. Unbiased covariance.
typedef RootDivideUnbiased
< Central< PowerSum< 2 > > > 
 Alias. Unbiased standard deviation.
typedef DivideUnbiased
< Central< PowerSum< 2 > > > 
 Alias. Unbiased variance.
typedef DivideByCount< Central
< PowerSum< 2 > > > 
 Alias. Variance.
typedef Weighted< RegionCenterWeightedRegionCenter
 Alias. Region center weighted by the region intensity (center of mass).
typedef Weighted< RegionRadiiWeightedRegionRadii
 Alias. Region radius weighted by region intensity (square root of the moments of inertia).


template<class Tag , class A >
void activate (A &a)
template<... >
void extractFeatures (...)
template<class TAG , class A >
LookupTag< TAG, A >::result_type get (A const &a)
template<class TAG , class A >
LookupTag< TAG, A >::result_type get (A const &a, MultiArrayIndex label)
template<class TAG , class A >
LookupTag< TAG, A >::reference getAccumulator (A &a)
template<class TAG , class A >
LookupTag< TAG, A >::reference getAccumulator (A &a, MultiArrayIndex label)
template<class Tag , class A >
bool isActive (A const &a)

Detailed Description

Efficient computation of object statistics.

This namespace contains the accumulator classes, fundamental statistics and modifiers. See Feature Accumulators for examples of usage.

Function Documentation

LookupTag< TAG, A >::reference getAccumulator ( A &  a)

Get a reference to the accumulator 'TAG' in the accumulator chain 'a'. This can be useful for example to update a certain accumulator with data, set individual options or get information about a certain accumulator.
Example of use (set options):

typedef UserRangeHistogram<40> SomeHistogram; //binCount set at compile time
typedef UserRangeHistogram<0> SomeHistogram2; // binCount must be set at run-time
AccumulatorChain<DataType, Select<SomeHistogram, SomeHistogram2> > a;
getAccumulator<SomeHistogram>(a).setMinMax(0.1, 0.9);
getAccumulator<SomeHistogram2>(a).setMinMax(0.0, 1.0);
extractFeatures(data.begin(), data.end(), a);

Example of use (get information):

AccumulatorChain<double, Select<Mean, Skewness> > a;
std::cout << "passes required for all statistics: " << a.passesRequired() << std::endl; //skewness needs two passes
std::cout << "passes required by Mean: " << getAccumulator<Mean>(a).passesRequired() << std::endl;

See Feature Accumulators for more information about feature computation via accumulators.

LookupTag<TAG, A>::reference vigra::acc::getAccumulator ( A &  a,
MultiArrayIndex  label 

Get a reference to the accumulator 'TAG' for region 'label' in the accumulator chain 'a'.

LookupTag<TAG, A>::result_type vigra::acc::get ( A const &  a)

Get the result of the accumulator 'TAG' in the accumulator chain 'a'.
Example of use:

AccumulatorChain<DataType, Select<Variance, Mean, StdDev> > a;
extractFeatures(data.begin(), data.end(), a);
double mean = get<Mean>(a);

See Feature Accumulators for more information about feature computation via accumulators.

LookupTag<TAG, A>::result_type vigra::acc::get ( A const &  a,
MultiArrayIndex  label 

Get the result of the accumulator 'TAG' for region 'label' in the accumulator chain 'a'.
Example of use:

typedef Iterator::value_type Handle;
Select<DataArg<1>, LabelArg<2>, Mean, Variance> > a;
Iterator start = createCoupledIterator(data, labels);
Iterator end = start.getEndIterator();
double mean_of_region_1 = get<Mean>(a,1);
double mean_of_background = get<Mean>(a,0);

See Feature Accumulators for more information about feature computation via accumulators.

void vigra::acc::activate ( A &  a)

Activate the dynamic accumulator 'Tag' in the dynamic accumulator chain 'a'. Same as a.activate<Tag>() (see DynamicAccumulatorChain::activate<Tag>() or DynamicAccumulatorChainArray::activate<Tag>()). For run-time activation use DynamicAccumulatorChain::activate(std::string tag) or DynamicAccumulatorChainArray::activate(std::string tag) instead.
See Feature Accumulators for more information about feature computation via accumulators.

bool vigra::acc::isActive ( A const &  a)

Check if the dynamic accumulator 'Tag' in the accumulator chain 'a' is active. Same as a.isActive<Tag>() (see DynamicAccumulatorChain::isActive<Tag>() or DynamicAccumulatorChainArray::isActive<Tag>()). At run-time, use DynamicAccumulatorChain::isActive(std::string tag) const or DynamicAccumulatorChainArray::isActive(std::string tag) const instead.
See Feature Accumulators for more information about feature computation via accumulators.

void vigra::acc::extractFeatures (   ...)

Generic loop to collect statistics from one or several arrays.

This function automatically performs as many passes over the data as necessary for the selected statistics. The basic version of extractFeatures() takes an iterator pair and a reference to an accumulator chain:

namespace vigra { namespace acc {
template <class ITERATOR, class ACCUMULATOR>
void extractFeatures(ITERATOR start, ITERATOR end, ACCUMULATOR & a);

The ITERATOR can be any STL-conforming forward iterator (including raw pointers and vigra::CoupledScanOrderIterator). The ACCUMULATOR must be instantiated with the ITERATOR's value_type as its first template argument. For example, to use a raw pointer you write:

AccumulatorChain<double, Select<Mean, Variance> > a;
double * start = ...,
end = ...;
extractFeatures(start, end, a);

Similarly, you can use MultiArray's scan-order iterator:

AccumulatorChain<TinyVector<float, 2>, Select<Mean, Variance> > a;
MultiArray<3, TinyVector<float, 2> > data(...);
extractFeatures(data.begin(), data.end(), a);

An alternative syntax is used when you want to compute weighted or region statistics (or both). Then it is necessary to iterate over several arrays simultaneously. This fact is best conveyed to the accumulator via the helper class vigra::CoupledArrays that is used as the accumulator's first template argument and holds the dimension and value types of the arrays involved. To actually compute the features, you then pass appropriate arrays to the extractfeatures() function directly. For example, region statistics can be obtained like this:

MultiArray<3, double> data(...);
MultiArray<3, int> labels(...);
AccumulatorChainArray<CoupledArrays<3, double, int>,
Select<DataArg<1>, LabelArg<2>, // where to look for data and region labels
Mean, Variance> > // what statistics to compute
extractFeatures(data, labels, a);

This form of extractFeatures() is supported for up to five arrays (although at most three are currently making sense in practice):

namespace vigra { namespace acc {
template <unsigned int N, class T1, class S1,
void extractFeatures(MultiArrayView<N, T1, S1> const & a1,
template <unsigned int N, class T1, class S1,
class T2, class S2,
class T3, class S3,
class T4, class S4,
class T5, class S5,
void extractFeatures(MultiArrayView<N, T1, S1> const & a1,
MultiArrayView<N, T2, S2> const & a2,
MultiArrayView<N, T3, S3> const & a3,
MultiArrayView<N, T4, S4> const & a4,
MultiArrayView<N, T5, S5> const & a5,

Of course, the number and types of the arrays specified in CoupledArrays must conform to the number and types of the arrays passed to extractFeatures().

See Feature Accumulators for more information about feature computation via accumulators.


© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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