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details GridGraph additions to namespace <tt>boost</tt> VIGRA


template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::adjacency_iterator, typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::adjacency_iterator > 
adjacent_vertices (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the neighbor vertices of vertex v in graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
typename vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::back_neighbor_vertex_iterator > 
back_adjacent_vertices (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for only thise neighbor vertices of vertex v that have smaller ID than v (API: VIGRA).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
degree (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Return total number of edges (incoming and outgoing) of vertex v (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >::edge_descriptor,
bool > 
edge (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &u, typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Return the pair (edge_descriptor, true) when an edge between vertices u and v exists, or (lemon::INVALID, false) otherwise (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >::edge_iterator,
typename vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >::edge_iterator > 
edges (vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the edges of graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
in_degree (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Return number of incoming edges of vertex v (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::in_edge_iterator, typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::in_edge_iterator > 
in_edges (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the incoming edges of vertex v in graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >::edges_size_type 
num_edges (vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Return the number of edges in graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
num_vertices (vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Return the number of vertices in graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
typename vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::out_back_edge_iterator > 
out_back_edges (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for only those outgoing edges of vertex v whose ID is smaller than that of v (API: VIGRA).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
out_degree (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Return number of outgoing edges of vertex v (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::out_edge_iterator, typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
::out_edge_iterator > 
out_edges (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::vertex_descriptor const &v, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the outgoing edges of vertex v in graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class T , class Stride , class U >
void put (vigra::MultiArrayView< N, T, Stride > &pmap, typename vigra::MultiArrayView< N, T, Stride >::difference_type const &k, U const &val)
 Put value val at key k in the property map pmap (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
source (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edge_descriptor const &e, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a vertex descriptor for the start vertex of edge e in graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >
target (typename vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag >::edge_descriptor const &e, vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a vertex descriptor for the end vertex of edge e in graph g (API: boost).
template<unsigned int N, class DirectedTag >
std::pair< typename
vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >::vertex_iterator,
typename vigra::GridGraph< N,
DirectedTag >::vertex_iterator > 
vertices (vigra::GridGraph< N, DirectedTag > const &g)
 Get a (begin, end) iterator pair for the vertices of graph g (API: boost).

Detailed Description

provides the required functionality to make vigra::GridGraph compatible to the boost::graph library.

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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