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multi_array_chunked.hxx VIGRA

1 /************************************************************************/
2 /* */
3 /* Copyright 2012-2014 by Ullrich Koethe and Thorben Kroeger */
4 /* */
5 /* This file is part of the VIGRA computer vision library. */
6 /* The VIGRA Website is */
7 /* http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/ */
8 /* Please direct questions, bug reports, and contributions to */
9 /* ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de or */
10 /* vigra@informatik.uni-hamburg.de */
11 /* */
12 /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person */
13 /* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation */
14 /* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without */
15 /* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, */
16 /* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or */
17 /* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the */
18 /* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following */
19 /* conditions: */
20 /* */
21 /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
22 /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the */
23 /* Software. */
24 /* */
33 /* */
34 /************************************************************************/
36 /* benchmark results for a simple loop 'if(iter.get<1>() != count++)'
38  ********************
39  image size: 200^3, chunk size: 64^3, i.e. chunk count: 4^3
40  times in msec, excluding time to store file on disk
42  win64/vs2012 (koethe-laptop): uint8 float double
43  plain array 18 18 18
44  chunked array (all in cache) 25 26 26
45  thread-safe chunked (all in cache) 27 28 29
46  thread-safe chunked (1 slice in cache) 29 33 39
47  thread-safe chunked (1 row in cache) 45 48 52
48  chunked (initial creation, all in cache) 33 43 57
50  linux/gcc 4.7.3 (birdofprey): uint8 float double
51  plain array 16 20 21
52  chunked array (all in cache) 17 23 24
53  thread-safe chunked (all in cache) 19 24 25
54  thread-safe chunked (1 slice in cache) 20 29 34
55  thread-safe chunked (1 row in cache) 24 33 39
56  chunked (initial creation, all in cache) 22 34 48
58  OS X 10.7: uint8 float double
59  plain array 11 22 24
60  chunked array (all in cache) -- -- --
61  thread-safe chunked (all in cache) 20 25 26
62  thread-safe chunked (1 slice in cache) 23 37 46
63  thread-safe chunked (1 row in cache) 32 50 56
64  chunked (initial creation, all in cache) 34 56 77
65  (These numbers refer to nested loop iteration. Scan-order iteration
66  is unfortunately 3.5 times slower on the Mac. On the other hand,
67  two-level indexing as faster on a Mac than on Linux and Windows --
68  the speed penalty is only a factor of 2 rather than 3.)
70  **********************
71  image size: 400^3, chunk size: 127^3, i.e. chunk count: 4^3
72  times in msec, excluding time to store file on disk
74  win64/vs2012 (koethe-laptop): uint8 float double
75  plain array 130 130 130
76  chunked array (all in cache) 190 190 200
77  thread-safe chunked (all in cache) 190 200 210
78  thread-safe chunked (1 slice in cache) 210 235 280
79  thread-safe chunked (1 row in cache) 240 270 300
80  chunked (initial creation, all in cache) 230 300 400
82  linux/gcc 4.7.3 (birdofprey): uint8 float double
83  plain array 130 162 165
84  chunked array (all in cache) 131 180 184
85  thread-safe chunked (all in cache) 135 183 188
86  thread-safe chunked (1 slice in cache) 146 218 258
87  thread-safe chunked (1 row in cache) 154 229 270
88  chunked (initial creation, all in cache) 173 269 372
90  ***********************
91  Compression:
92  * I tried ZLIB, LZO, SNAPPY, LZ4, LZFX and FASTLZ (with compression levels 1 -- faster
93  and level 2 -- higher compression). There are also QuickLZ and LZMAT which claim
94  to be fast, but they are under a GPL license.
95  * ZLIB compresses best, but is quite slow even at compression level 1
96  (times are in ms and include compression and decompression).
97  byte float double
98  ZLIB 121 3100 5800
99  ZLIB1 79 1110 1190
100  LZO 43 104 280
101  SNAPPY 46 71 305
102  LZ4 42 70 283
103  LZFX 76 278 330
104  FASTLZ1 52 280 309
105  FASTLZ1 53 286 339
106  * The fast compression algorithms are unable to compress the float array
107  and achieve ~50% for the double array, whereas ZLIB achieves 32% and 16%
108  respectively (at the fastest compression level 1, it is still 33% and 17%
109  respectively). LZFX cannot even compress the byte data (probably a bug?).
110  Average compression ratios for the byte array are
111  ZLIB: 2.3%
112  ZLIB1: 4.6%
113  LZO: 5.6%
114  SNAPPY: 9.8%
115  LZ4: 9.7%
116  FASTLZ1: 7.6%
117  FASTLZ2: 7.9%
118  * LZO is under GPL (but there is a Java implementation under Apache license at
119  http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/tags/release-0.19.2/src/core/org/apache/hadoop/io/compress/lzo/)
120  The others are BSD and MIT (FASTLZ).
121  * Snappy doesn't support Windows natively, but porting is simple (see my github repo)
122  * The source code for LZO, LZ4, LZFX, and FASTLZ can simply be copied to VIGRA,
123  but LZO's GPL license is unsuitable.
124  * HDF5 compression is already sufficient at level 1 (4-15%,
125  higher levels don't lead to big gains) and only a factor 3-10 slower
126  than without compression.
127 */
132 #include <queue>
133 #include <string>
135 #include "multi_fwd.hxx"
136 #include "multi_handle.hxx"
137 #include "multi_array.hxx"
138 #include "memory.hxx"
139 #include "metaprogramming.hxx"
140 #include "threading.hxx"
141 #include "compression.hxx"
143 #ifdef _WIN32
144 # include "windows.h"
145 #else
146 # include <fcntl.h>
147 # include <stdlib.h>
148 # include <unistd.h>
149 # include <sys/stat.h>
150 # include <sys/mman.h>
151 # include <cstdio>
152 #endif
154 // Bounds checking Macro used if VIGRA_CHECK_BOUNDS is defined.
156 #define VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(diff) \
157  vigra_precondition(this->isInside(diff), "Index out of bounds")
158 #else
159 #define VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(diff)
160 #endif
162 namespace vigra {
164 #ifdef __APPLE__
166 #endif
168 #ifdef _WIN32
170 inline
171 void winErrorToException(std::string message = "")
172 {
173  LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
174  DWORD dw = GetLastError();
176  FormatMessage(
180  NULL,
181  dw,
183  (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
184  0, NULL );
186  message += (char*)lpMsgBuf;
187  LocalFree(lpMsgBuf);
189  throw std::runtime_error(message);
190 }
192 inline
193 std::string winTempFileName(std::string path = "")
194 {
195  if(path == "")
196  {
197  TCHAR default_path[MAX_PATH];
198  if(!GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, default_path))
199  winErrorToException("winTempFileName(): ");
200  path = default_path;
201  }
203  TCHAR name[MAX_PATH];
204  if(!GetTempFileName(path.c_str(), TEXT("vigra"), 0, name))
205  winErrorToException("winTempFileName(): ");
207  return std::string(name);
208 }
210 inline
211 std::size_t winClusterSize()
212 {
213  SYSTEM_INFO info;
214  ::GetSystemInfo(&info);
215  return info.dwAllocationGranularity;
216 }
218 #endif
220 namespace {
222 #ifdef _WIN32
223 std::size_t mmap_alignment = winClusterSize();
224 #else
225 std::size_t mmap_alignment = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
226 #endif
228 } // anonymous namespace
230 template <unsigned int N, class T>
231 class IteratorChunkHandle;
233 namespace detail {
235 template <unsigned int N>
236 struct ChunkIndexing
237 {
238  template <class T, int M>
239  static void chunkIndex(TinyVector<T, M> const & p,
240  TinyVector<T, M> const & bits,
241  TinyVector<T, M> & index)
242  {
243  typedef std::size_t UI;
244  ChunkIndexing<N-1>::chunkIndex(p, bits, index);
245  index[N-1] = (UI)p[N-1] >> bits[N-1];
246  }
248  template <class T, int M>
249  static std::size_t chunkOffset(TinyVector<T, M> const & p,
250  TinyVector<T, M> const & bits,
251  TinyVector<T, M> const & strides)
252  {
253  typedef std::size_t UI;
254  return ChunkIndexing<N-1>::chunkOffset(p, bits, strides) +
255  ((UI)p[N-1] >> bits[N-1]) * strides[N-1];
256  }
258  template <class T, int M>
259  static std::size_t offsetInChunk(TinyVector<T, M> const & p,
260  TinyVector<T, M> const & mask,
261  TinyVector<T, M> const & strides)
262  {
263  typedef std::size_t UI;
264  return ChunkIndexing<N-1>::offsetInChunk(p, mask, strides) +
265  ((UI)p[N-1] & (UI)mask[N-1]) * strides[N-1];
266  }
267 };
269 template <>
270 struct ChunkIndexing<1>
271 {
272  template <class T, int M>
273  static void chunkIndex(TinyVector<T, M> const & p,
274  TinyVector<T, M> const & bits,
275  TinyVector<T, M> & index)
276  {
277  typedef std::size_t UI;
278  index[0] = (UI)p[0] >> bits[0];
279  }
281  template <class T, int M>
282  static std::size_t chunkOffset(TinyVector<T, M> const & p,
283  TinyVector<T, M> const & bits,
284  TinyVector<T, M> const & strides)
285  {
286  typedef std::size_t UI;
287  return ((UI)p[0] >> bits[0]) * strides[0];
288  }
290  template <class T, int M>
291  static std::size_t offsetInChunk(TinyVector<T, M> const & p,
292  TinyVector<T, M> const & mask,
293  TinyVector<T, M> const & strides)
294  {
295  typedef std::size_t UI;
296  return ((UI)p[0] & (UI)mask[0]) * strides[0];
297  }
298 };
300 template <class T, int M>
301 inline TinyVector<T, M>
302 computeChunkArrayShape(TinyVector<T, M> shape,
303  TinyVector<T, M> const & bits,
304  TinyVector<T, M> const & mask)
305 {
306  for(int k=0; k<M; ++k)
307  shape[k] = (shape[k] + mask[k]) >> bits[k];
308  return shape;
309 }
311 template <class T, int M>
312 inline T
313 defaultCacheSize(TinyVector<T, M> const & shape)
314 {
315  T res = max(shape);
316  for(int k=0; k<M-1; ++k)
317  for(int j=k+1; j<M; ++j)
318  res = std::max(res, shape[k]*shape[j]);
319  return res + 1;
320 }
322 } // namespace detail
324 template <unsigned int N, class T>
325 class ChunkBase
326 {
327  public:
328  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
329  typedef T value_type;
330  typedef T* pointer;
332  ChunkBase()
333  : strides_()
334  , pointer_()
335  {}
337  ChunkBase(shape_type const & strides, pointer p = 0)
338  : strides_(strides)
339  , pointer_(p)
340  {}
342  typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type strides_;
343  T * pointer_;
344 };
346 template <unsigned int N, class T>
347 class SharedChunkHandle
348 {
349  public:
350  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
352  static const long chunk_asleep = -2;
353  static const long chunk_uninitialized = -3;
354  static const long chunk_locked = -4;
355  static const long chunk_failed = -5;
357  SharedChunkHandle()
358  : pointer_(0)
359  , chunk_state_()
360  {
361  chunk_state_ = chunk_uninitialized;
362  }
364  SharedChunkHandle(SharedChunkHandle const & rhs)
365  : pointer_(rhs.pointer_)
366  , chunk_state_()
367  {
368  chunk_state_ = chunk_uninitialized;
369  }
371  shape_type const & strides() const
372  {
373  return pointer_->strides_;
374  }
376  ChunkBase<N, T> * pointer_;
377  mutable threading::atomic_long chunk_state_;
379  private:
380  SharedChunkHandle & operator=(SharedChunkHandle const & rhs);
381 };
383 template <unsigned int N, class T>
384 class ChunkedArrayBase
385 {
386  public:
387  enum ActualDimension{ actual_dimension = (N == 0) ? 1 : N };
388  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
389  typedef T value_type;
390  typedef value_type * pointer;
391  typedef value_type & reference;
392  typedef ChunkBase<N, T> Chunk;
394  ChunkedArrayBase()
395  : shape_()
396  , chunk_shape_()
397  {}
399  ChunkedArrayBase(shape_type const & shape, shape_type const & chunk_shape)
400  : shape_(shape)
401  , chunk_shape_(prod(chunk_shape) > 0 ? chunk_shape : detail::ChunkShape<N, T>::defaultShape())
402  {}
404  virtual ~ChunkedArrayBase()
405  {}
407  virtual void unrefChunk(IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h) const = 0;
409  virtual pointer chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
410  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
411  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h) = 0;
413  virtual pointer chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
414  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
415  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h) const = 0;
417  virtual std::string backend() const = 0;
419  virtual shape_type chunkArrayShape() const = 0;
421  virtual bool isReadOnly() const
422  {
423  return false;
424  }
426  MultiArrayIndex size() const
427  {
428  return prod(shape_);
429  }
431  shape_type const & shape() const
432  {
433  return shape_;
434  }
436  MultiArrayIndex shape(MultiArrayIndex d) const
437  {
438  return shape_[d];
439  }
441  shape_type const & chunkShape() const
442  {
443  return chunk_shape_;
444  }
446  MultiArrayIndex chunkShape(MultiArrayIndex d) const
447  {
448  return chunk_shape_[d];
449  }
451  bool isInside(shape_type const & p) const
452  {
453  for(unsigned d=0; d<N; ++d)
454  if(p[d] < 0 || p[d] >= shape_[d])
455  return false;
456  return true;
457  }
459  shape_type shape_, chunk_shape_;
460 };
462 template <unsigned int N, class T>
465 struct ChunkUnrefProxyBase
466 {
467  virtual ~ChunkUnrefProxyBase() {}
468 };
470 template <unsigned int N, class T_MaybeConst>
471 class MultiArrayView<N, T_MaybeConst, ChunkedArrayTag>
472 : public ChunkedArrayBase<N, typename UnqualifiedType<T_MaybeConst>::type>
473 {
474  public:
475  enum ActualDimension { actual_dimension = (N==0) ? 1 : N };
476  typedef typename UnqualifiedType<T_MaybeConst>::type T;
477  typedef T value_type; // FIXME: allow Multiband<T> ???
478  typedef T_MaybeConst & reference;
479  typedef const value_type &const_reference;
480  typedef T_MaybeConst * pointer;
481  typedef const value_type *const_pointer;
482  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<actual_dimension>::type difference_type;
483  typedef difference_type key_type;
484  typedef difference_type size_type;
485  typedef difference_type shape_type;
486  typedef MultiArrayIndex difference_type_1;
487  typedef ChunkIterator<actual_dimension, T_MaybeConst> chunk_iterator;
488  typedef ChunkIterator<actual_dimension, T const> chunk_const_iterator;
489  typedef StridedScanOrderIterator<actual_dimension, ChunkedMemory<T_MaybeConst>, T_MaybeConst&, T_MaybeConst*> iterator;
490  typedef StridedScanOrderIterator<actual_dimension, ChunkedMemory<T const>, T const &, T const *> const_iterator;
491  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T_MaybeConst, ChunkedArrayTag> view_type;
492  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T const, ChunkedArrayTag> const_view_type;
493  typedef ChunkedArrayTag StrideTag;
494  typedef ChunkBase<N, T> Chunk;
496  typedef MultiArray<N, Chunk> ChunkHolder;
498  struct UnrefProxy
499  : public ChunkUnrefProxyBase
500  {
501  UnrefProxy(int size, ChunkedArray<N, T> * array)
502  : chunks_(size)
503  , array_(array)
504  {}
506  ~UnrefProxy()
507  {
508  if(array_)
509  array_->unrefChunks(chunks_);
510  }
512  ArrayVector<SharedChunkHandle<N, T> *> chunks_;
513  ChunkedArray<N, T> * array_;
514  };
516  virtual shape_type chunkArrayShape() const
517  {
518  return chunks_.shape();
519  }
521  shape_type chunkStart(shape_type const & global_start) const
522  {
523  shape_type chunk_start(SkipInitialization);
524  detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::chunkIndex(global_start, bits_, chunk_start);
525  return chunk_start;
526  }
528  shape_type chunkStop(shape_type global_stop) const
529  {
530  global_stop -= shape_type(1);
531  shape_type chunk_stop(SkipInitialization);
532  detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::chunkIndex(global_stop, bits_, chunk_stop);
533  chunk_stop += shape_type(1);
534  return chunk_stop;
535  }
537  virtual void unrefChunk(IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> *) const {}
539  virtual T* chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
540  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
541  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h)
542  {
543  return const_cast<MultiArrayView const *>(this)->chunkForIterator(point, strides, upper_bound, h);
544  }
546  virtual T* chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
547  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
548  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h) const
549  {
550  shape_type global_point = point + h->offset_;
552  if(!this->isInside(global_point))
553  {
554  upper_bound = point + this->chunk_shape_;
555  return 0;
556  }
558  global_point += offset_;
559  shape_type coffset = offset_ + h->offset_;
561  shape_type chunkIndex = chunkStart(global_point);
562  Chunk const * chunk = &chunks_[chunkIndex];
563  strides = chunk->strides_;
564  upper_bound = (chunkIndex + shape_type(1)) * this->chunk_shape_ - coffset;
565  std::size_t offset = detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::offsetInChunk(global_point, mask_, strides);
566  return const_cast<T*>(chunk->pointer_ + offset);
567  }
569  virtual std::string backend() const
570  {
571  return "MultiArrayView<ChunkedArrayTag>";
572  }
574  MultiArrayView()
575  : ChunkedArrayBase<N, T>()
576  {}
578  MultiArrayView(shape_type const & shape, shape_type const & chunk_shape)
579  : ChunkedArrayBase<N, T>(shape, chunk_shape)
580  {}
582  MultiArrayView & operator=(MultiArrayView const & rhs)
583  {
584  if(this != &rhs)
585  {
586  if(!hasData())
587  {
588  ChunkedArrayBase<N, T>::operator=(rhs);
589  chunks_ = rhs.chunks_;
590  offset_ = rhs.offset_;
591  bits_ = rhs.bits_;
592  mask_ = rhs.mask_;
593  unref_ = rhs.unref_;
594  }
595  else
596  {
597  vigra_precondition(this->shape() == rhs.shape(),
598  "MultiArrayView::operator=(): shape mismatch.");
599  iterator i = begin(), ie = end();
600  const_iterator j = rhs.begin();
601  for(; i != ie; ++i, ++j)
602  *i = *j;
603  }
604  }
605  return *this;
606  }
609  template<class U, class C1> \
610  MultiArrayView & operator op(MultiArrayView<N, U, C1> const & rhs) \
611  { \
612  vigra_precondition(this->shape() == rhs.shape(), \
613  "MultiArrayView::operator" #op "(): shape mismatch."); \
614  iterator i = begin(), ie = end(); \
615  typename MultiArrayView<N, U, C1>::const_iterator j = rhs.begin(); \
616  for(; i != ie; ++i, ++j) \
617  *i op detail::RequiresExplicitCast<value_type>::cast(*j); \
618  return *this; \
619  } \
620  \
621  MultiArrayView & operator op(value_type const & v) \
622  { \
623  if(hasData()) \
624  { \
625  iterator i = begin(), ie = end(); \
626  for(; i != ie; ++i) \
627  *i op v; \
628  } \
629  return *this; \
630  }
640  // template<class Expression>
641  // MultiArrayView & operator=(multi_math::MultiMathOperand<Expression> const & rhs)
642  // {
643  // multi_math::math_detail::assign(*this, rhs);
644  // return *this;
645  // }
647  // /** Add-assignment of an array expression. Fails with
648  // <tt>PreconditionViolation</tt> exception when the shapes do not match.
649  // */
650  // template<class Expression>
651  // MultiArrayView & operator+=(multi_math::MultiMathOperand<Expression> const & rhs)
652  // {
653  // multi_math::math_detail::plusAssign(*this, rhs);
654  // return *this;
655  // }
657  // /** Subtract-assignment of an array expression. Fails with
658  // <tt>PreconditionViolation</tt> exception when the shapes do not match.
659  // */
660  // template<class Expression>
661  // MultiArrayView & operator-=(multi_math::MultiMathOperand<Expression> const & rhs)
662  // {
663  // multi_math::math_detail::minusAssign(*this, rhs);
664  // return *this;
665  // }
667  // /** Multiply-assignment of an array expression. Fails with
668  // <tt>PreconditionViolation</tt> exception when the shapes do not match.
669  // */
670  // template<class Expression>
671  // MultiArrayView & operator*=(multi_math::MultiMathOperand<Expression> const & rhs)
672  // {
673  // multi_math::math_detail::multiplyAssign(*this, rhs);
674  // return *this;
675  // }
677  // /** Divide-assignment of an array expression. Fails with
678  // <tt>PreconditionViolation</tt> exception when the shapes do not match.
679  // */
680  // template<class Expression>
681  // MultiArrayView & operator/=(multi_math::MultiMathOperand<Expression> const & rhs)
682  // {
683  // multi_math::math_detail::divideAssign(*this, rhs);
684  // return *this;
685  // }
687  reference operator[](shape_type point)
688  {
690  point += offset_;
691  Chunk * chunk = chunks_.data() +
692  detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::chunkOffset(point, bits_, chunks_.stride());
693  return *(chunk->pointer_ +
694  detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::offsetInChunk(point, mask_, chunk->strides_));
695  }
697  const_reference operator[](shape_type const & point) const
698  {
699  return const_cast<MultiArrayView *>(this)->operator[](point);
700  }
702  template <int M>
703  MultiArrayView <N-M, T, ChunkedArrayTag>
704  operator[](const TinyVector<MultiArrayIndex, M> &d) const
705  {
706  return bindInner(d);
707  }
709  reference operator[](difference_type_1 d)
710  {
711  return operator[](scanOrderIndexToCoordinate(d));
712  }
714  const_reference operator[](difference_type_1 d) const
715  {
716  return operator[](scanOrderIndexToCoordinate(d));
717  }
719  difference_type scanOrderIndexToCoordinate(difference_type_1 d) const
720  {
721  difference_type coord(SkipInitialization);
722  detail::ScanOrderToCoordinate<actual_dimension>::exec(d, this->shape_, coord);
723  return coord;
724  }
726  /** convert coordinate to scan-order index.
727  */
728  difference_type_1 coordinateToScanOrderIndex(const difference_type &d) const
729  {
730  return detail::CoordinateToScanOrder<actual_dimension>::exec(this->shape_, d);
731  }
733  // /** 1D array access. Use only if N == 1.
734  // */
735  // reference operator() (difference_type_1 x)
736  // {
737  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x));
738  // return m_ptr [detail::CoordinatesToOffest<StrideTag>::exec(m_stride, x)];
739  // }
741  // /** 2D array access. Use only if N == 2.
742  // */
743  // reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y)
744  // {
745  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x, y));
746  // return m_ptr [detail::CoordinatesToOffest<StrideTag>::exec(m_stride, x, y)];
747  // }
749  // /** 3D array access. Use only if N == 3.
750  // */
751  // reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y, difference_type_1 z)
752  // {
753  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x, y, z));
754  // return m_ptr [m_stride[0]*x + m_stride[1]*y + m_stride[2]*z];
755  // }
757  // /** 4D array access. Use only if N == 4.
758  // */
759  // reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y,
760  // difference_type_1 z, difference_type_1 u)
761  // {
762  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x, y, z, u));
763  // return m_ptr [m_stride[0]*x + m_stride[1]*y + m_stride[2]*z + m_stride[3]*u];
764  // }
766  // /** 5D array access. Use only if N == 5.
767  // */
768  // reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y, difference_type_1 z,
769  // difference_type_1 u, difference_type_1 v)
770  // {
771  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x, y,z, u,v));
772  // return m_ptr [m_stride[0]*x + m_stride[1]*y + m_stride[2]*z + m_stride[3]*u + m_stride[4]*v];
773  // }
775  // /** 1D const array access. Use only if N == 1.
776  // */
777  // const_reference operator() (difference_type_1 x) const
778  // {
779  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x));
780  // return m_ptr [detail::CoordinatesToOffest<StrideTag>::exec(m_stride, x)];
781  // }
783  // /** 2D const array access. Use only if N == 2.
784  // */
785  // const_reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y) const
786  // {
787  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x, y));
788  // return m_ptr [detail::CoordinatesToOffest<StrideTag>::exec(m_stride, x, y)];
789  // }
791  // /** 3D const array access. Use only if N == 3.
792  // */
793  // const_reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y, difference_type_1 z) const
794  // {
795  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x,y,z));
796  // return m_ptr [m_stride[0]*x + m_stride[1]*y + m_stride[2]*z];
797  // }
799  // /** 4D const array access. Use only if N == 4.
800  // */
801  // const_reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y,
802  // difference_type_1 z, difference_type_1 u) const
803  // {
804  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x,y,z,u));
805  // return m_ptr [m_stride[0]*x + m_stride[1]*y + m_stride[2]*z + m_stride[3]*u];
806  // }
808  // /** 5D const array access. Use only if N == 5.
809  // */
810  // const_reference operator() (difference_type_1 x, difference_type_1 y, difference_type_1 z,
811  // difference_type_1 u, difference_type_1 v) const
812  // {
813  // VIGRA_ASSERT_INSIDE(difference_type(x,y,z,u,v));
814  // return m_ptr [m_stride[0]*x + m_stride[1]*y + m_stride[2]*z + m_stride[3]*u + m_stride[4]*v];
815  // }
817  template <class U>
818  MultiArrayView & init(const U & init)
819  {
820  return operator=(init);
821  }
823  template <class U, class CN>
824  void copy(const MultiArrayView <N, U, CN>& rhs)
825  {
826  operator=(rhs);
827  }
829  template <class T2, class C2>
830  void swapData(MultiArrayView <N, T2, C2> rhs)
831  {
832  if(this == &rhs)
833  return;
834  vigra_precondition(this->shape() == rhs.shape(),
835  "MultiArrayView::swapData(): shape mismatch.");
836  iterator i = begin(), ie = end();
837  typename MultiArrayView<N, T2, C2>::iterator j = rhs.begin();
838  for(; i != ie; ++i, ++j)
839  std::swap(*i, *j);
840  }
842  bool isUnstrided(unsigned int dimension = N-1) const
843  {
844  if(chunks_.size() > 1)
845  return false;
846  difference_type s = vigra::detail::defaultStride<actual_dimension>(this->shape());
847  for(unsigned int k = 0; k <= dimension; ++k)
848  if(chunks_.data()->strides_[k] != s[k])
849  return false;
850  return true;
851  }
853  MultiArrayView<N-1, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
854  bindAt(MultiArrayIndex m, MultiArrayIndex d) const
855  {
856  MultiArrayView<N-1, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag> res(this->shape_.dropIndex(m), this->chunk_shape_.dropIndex(m));
857  res.offset_ = offset_.dropIndex(m);
858  res.bits_ = bits_.dropIndex(m);
859  res.mask_ = mask_.dropIndex(m);
860  res.chunks_.reshape(chunks_.shape().dropIndex(m));
861  res.unref_ = unref_;
863  typedef std::size_t UI;
864  UI start = offset_[m] + d;
865  UI chunk_start = start >> bits_[m];
866  UI startInChunk = start - chunk_start * this->chunk_shape_[m];
868  MultiArrayView<N-1, Chunk> view(chunks_.bindAt(m, chunk_start));
869  MultiCoordinateIterator<N-1> i(view.shape()),
870  end(i.getEndIterator());
871  for(; i != end; ++i)
872  {
873  res.chunks_[*i].pointer_ = view[*i].pointer_ + startInChunk*view[*i].strides_[m];
874  res.chunks_[*i].strides_ = view[*i].strides_.dropIndex(m);
875  }
877  return res;
878  }
880  template <unsigned int M>
881  MultiArrayView <N-1, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
882  bind (difference_type_1 d) const
883  {
884  return bindAt(M, d);
885  }
887  MultiArrayView <N-1, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
888  bindOuter (difference_type_1 d) const
889  {
890  return bindAt(N-1, d);
891  }
893  template <int M, class Index>
894  MultiArrayView <N-M, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
895  bindOuter(const TinyVector <Index, M> &d) const
896  {
897  return bindAt(N-1, d[M-1]).bindOuter(d.dropIndex(M-1));
898  }
900  template <class Index>
901  MultiArrayView <N-1, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
902  bindOuter(const TinyVector <Index, 1> &d) const
903  {
904  return bindAt(N-1, d[0]);
905  }
907  MultiArrayView <N-1, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
908  bindInner (difference_type_1 d) const
909  {
910  return bindAt(0, d);
911  }
913  template <int M, class Index>
914  MultiArrayView <N-M, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
915  bindInner(const TinyVector <Index, M> &d) const
916  {
917  return bindAt(0, d[0]).bindInner(d.dropIndex(0));
918  }
920  template <class Index>
921  MultiArrayView <N-1, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
922  bindInner(const TinyVector <Index, 1> &d) const
923  {
924  return bindAt(0, d[0]);
925  }
927  // MultiArrayView <N, typename ExpandElementResult<T>::type, StridedArrayTag>
928  // bindElementChannel(difference_type_1 i) const
929  // {
930  // vigra_precondition(0 <= i && i < ExpandElementResult<T>::size,
931  // "MultiArrayView::bindElementChannel(i): 'i' out of range.");
932  // return expandElements(0).bindInner(i);
933  // }
935  // MultiArrayView <N+1, typename ExpandElementResult<T>::type, StridedArrayTag>
936  // expandElements(difference_type_1 d) const;
938  // MultiArrayView <N+1, T, StrideTag>
939  // insertSingletonDimension (difference_type_1 i) const;
941  // MultiArrayView<N, Multiband<value_type>, StrideTag> multiband() const
942  // {
943  // return MultiArrayView<N, Multiband<value_type>, StrideTag>(*this);
944  // }
946  // MultiArrayView<1, T, StridedArrayTag> diagonal() const
947  // {
948  // return MultiArrayView<1, T, StridedArrayTag>(Shape1(vigra::min(m_shape)),
949  // Shape1(vigra::sum(m_stride)), m_ptr);
950  // }
952  inline void
953  checkSubarrayBounds(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop,
954  std::string message) const
955  {
956  message += ": subarray out of bounds.";
957  vigra_precondition(allLessEqual(shape_type(), start) &&
958  allLess(start, stop) &&
959  allLessEqual(stop, this->shape_),
960  message);
961  }
963  MultiArrayView<N, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
964  subarray(shape_type start, shape_type stop)
965  {
966  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "MultiArrayView<N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::subarray()");
967  start += offset_;
968  stop += offset_;
969  shape_type chunk_start(chunkStart(start));
971  MultiArrayView<N, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag> view(stop-start, this->chunk_shape_);
972  view.chunks_ = chunks_.subarray(chunk_start, chunkStop(stop));
973  view.offset_ = start - chunk_start * this->chunk_shape_;
974  view.bits_ = bits_;
975  view.mask_ = mask_;
976  view.unref_ = unref_;
977  return view;
978  }
980  // /** apply an additional striding to the image, thereby reducing
981  // the shape of the array.
982  // for example, multiplying the stride of dimension one by three
983  // turns an appropriately laid out (interleaved) rgb image into
984  // a single band image.
985  // */
986  // MultiArrayView <N, T, StridedArrayTag>
987  // stridearray (const difference_type &s) const
988  // {
989  // difference_type shape = m_shape;
990  // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < actual_dimension; ++i)
991  // shape [i] /= s [i];
992  // return MultiArrayView <N, T, StridedArrayTag>(shape, m_stride * s, m_ptr);
993  // }
995  MultiArrayView <N, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
996  transpose () const
997  {
999  }
1001  MultiArrayView <N, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
1002  transpose(const difference_type &permutation) const
1003  {
1004  MultiArrayView<N, value_type, ChunkedArrayTag>
1005  view(vigra::transpose(this->shape_, permutation), vigra::transpose(this->chunk_shape_, permutation));
1006  view.chunks_ = chunks_.transpose(permutation); // also checks if permutation is valid
1007  view.offset_ = vigra::transpose(offset_, permutation);
1008  view.bits_ = vigra::transpose(bits_, permutation);
1009  view.mask_ = vigra::transpose(mask_, permutation);
1010  view.unref_ = unref_;
1011  typename MultiArray<N, Chunk>::iterator i = view.chunks_.begin(),
1012  iend = view.chunks_.end();
1013  for(; i != iend; ++i)
1014  i->strides_ = vigra::transpose(i->strides_, permutation);
1015  return view;
1016  }
1018  // MultiArrayView <N, T, StridedArrayTag>
1019  // permuteDimensions (const difference_type &s) const;
1021  // /** Permute the dimensions of the array so that the strides are in ascending order.
1022  // Determines the appropriate permutation and then calls permuteDimensions().
1023  // */
1024  // MultiArrayView <N, T, StridedArrayTag>
1025  // permuteStridesAscending() const;
1027  // /** Permute the dimensions of the array so that the strides are in descending order.
1028  // Determines the appropriate permutation and then calls permuteDimensions().
1029  // */
1030  // MultiArrayView <N, T, StridedArrayTag>
1031  // permuteStridesDescending() const;
1033  // /** Compute the ordering of the strides in this array.
1034  // The result is describes the current permutation of the axes relative
1035  // to the standard ascending stride order.
1036  // */
1037  // difference_type strideOrdering() const
1038  // {
1039  // return strideOrdering(m_stride);
1040  // }
1042  // /** Compute the ordering of the given strides.
1043  // The result is describes the current permutation of the axes relative
1044  // to the standard ascending stride order.
1045  // */
1046  // static difference_type strideOrdering(difference_type strides);
1048  template <class U, class C1>
1049  bool operator==(MultiArrayView<N, U, C1> const & rhs) const
1050  {
1051  if(this->shape() != rhs.shape())
1052  return false;
1053  const_iterator i = begin(), ie = end();
1054  typename MultiArrayView<N, U, C1>::const_iterator j = rhs.begin();
1055  for(; i != ie; ++i, ++j)
1056  if(*i != *j)
1057  return false;
1058  return true;
1059  }
1061  template <class U, class C1>
1062  bool operator!=(MultiArrayView<N, U, C1> const & rhs) const
1063  {
1064  return !operator==(rhs);
1065  }
1067  // bool all() const
1068  // {
1069  // bool res = true;
1070  // detail::reduceOverMultiArray(traverser_begin(), shape(),
1071  // res,
1072  // detail::AllTrueReduceFunctor(),
1073  // MetaInt<actual_dimension-1>());
1074  // return res;
1075  // }
1077  // bool any() const
1078  // {
1079  // bool res = false;
1080  // detail::reduceOverMultiArray(traverser_begin(), shape(),
1081  // res,
1082  // detail::AnyTrueReduceFunctor(),
1083  // MetaInt<actual_dimension-1>());
1084  // return res;
1085  // }
1087  // void minmax(T * minimum, T * maximum) const
1088  // {
1089  // std::pair<T, T> res(NumericTraits<T>::max(), NumericTraits<T>::min());
1090  // detail::reduceOverMultiArray(traverser_begin(), shape(),
1091  // res,
1092  // detail::MinmaxReduceFunctor(),
1093  // MetaInt<actual_dimension-1>());
1094  // *minimum = res.first;
1095  // *maximum = res.second;
1096  // }
1098  // template <class U>
1099  // void meanVariance(U * mean, U * variance) const
1100  // {
1101  // typedef typename NumericTraits<U>::RealPromote R;
1102  // R zero = R();
1103  // triple<double, R, R> res(0.0, zero, zero);
1104  // detail::reduceOverMultiArray(traverser_begin(), shape(),
1105  // res,
1106  // detail::MeanVarianceReduceFunctor(),
1107  // MetaInt<actual_dimension-1>());
1108  // *mean = res.second;
1109  // *variance = res.third / res.first;
1110  // }
1112  // template <class U>
1113  // U sum() const
1114  // {
1115  // U res = NumericTraits<U>::zero();
1116  // detail::reduceOverMultiArray(traverser_begin(), shape(),
1117  // res,
1118  // detail::SumReduceFunctor(),
1119  // MetaInt<actual_dimension-1>());
1120  // return res;
1121  // }
1123  // template <class U, class S>
1124  // void sum(MultiArrayView<N, U, S> sums) const
1125  // {
1126  // transformMultiArray(srcMultiArrayRange(*this),
1127  // destMultiArrayRange(sums),
1128  // FindSum<U>());
1129  // }
1131  // template <class U>
1132  // U product() const
1133  // {
1134  // U res = NumericTraits<U>::one();
1135  // detail::reduceOverMultiArray(traverser_begin(), shape(),
1136  // res,
1137  // detail::ProdReduceFunctor(),
1138  // MetaInt<actual_dimension-1>());
1139  // return res;
1140  // }
1142  // typename NormTraits<MultiArrayView>::SquaredNormType
1143  // squaredNorm() const
1144  // {
1145  // typedef typename NormTraits<MultiArrayView>::SquaredNormType SquaredNormType;
1146  // SquaredNormType res = NumericTraits<SquaredNormType>::zero();
1147  // detail::reduceOverMultiArray(traverser_begin(), shape(),
1148  // res,
1149  // detail::SquaredL2NormReduceFunctor(),
1150  // MetaInt<actual_dimension-1>());
1151  // return res;
1152  // }
1154  // typename NormTraits<MultiArrayView>::NormType
1155  // norm(int type = 2, bool useSquaredNorm = true) const;
1157  bool hasData () const
1158  {
1159  return chunks_.hasData();
1160  }
1162  iterator begin()
1163  {
1164  return createCoupledIterator(*this);
1165  }
1167  iterator end()
1168  {
1169  return begin().getEndIterator();
1170  }
1172  const_iterator cbegin() const
1173  {
1174  return createCoupledIterator(const_cast<MultiArrayView const &>(*this));
1175  }
1177  const_iterator cend() const
1178  {
1179  return cbegin().getEndIterator();
1180  }
1182  const_iterator begin() const
1183  {
1184  return createCoupledIterator(*this);
1185  }
1187  const_iterator end() const
1188  {
1189  return begin().getEndIterator();
1190  }
1192  chunk_iterator chunk_begin(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop)
1193  {
1194  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "MultiArrayView<N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::chunk_begin()");
1195  return chunk_iterator(this, start, stop, chunkStart(start), chunkStop(stop), this->chunk_shape_);
1196  }
1198  chunk_iterator chunk_end(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop)
1199  {
1200  return chunk_begin(start, stop).getEndIterator();
1201  }
1203  chunk_const_iterator chunk_begin(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
1204  {
1205  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "MultiArrayView<N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::chunk_begin()");
1206  return chunk_const_iterator(this, start, stop, chunkStart(start), chunkStop(stop), this->chunk_shape_);
1207  }
1209  chunk_const_iterator chunk_end(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
1210  {
1211  return chunk_begin(start, stop).getEndIterator();
1212  }
1214  chunk_const_iterator chunk_cbegin(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
1215  {
1216  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "MultiArrayView<N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::chunk_cbegin()");
1217  return chunk_const_iterator(this, start, stop, chunkStart(start), chunkStop(stop), this->chunk_shape_);
1218  }
1220  chunk_const_iterator chunk_cend(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
1221  {
1222  return chunk_cbegin(start, stop).getEndIterator();
1223  }
1225  view_type view ()
1226  {
1227  return *this;
1228  }
1230  MultiArray<N, Chunk> chunks_;
1231  shape_type offset_, bits_, mask_;
1232  VIGRA_SHARED_PTR<ChunkUnrefProxyBase> unref_;
1233 };
1235 template <unsigned int N, class T>
1236 typename MultiArrayView<N, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::iterator
1237 createCoupledIterator(MultiArrayView<N, T, ChunkedArrayTag> & m)
1238 {
1239  typedef typename MultiArrayView<N, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::iterator IteratorType;
1240  typedef typename IteratorType::handle_type P1;
1241  typedef typename P1::base_type P0;
1243  return IteratorType(P1(m,
1244  P0(m.shape())));
1245 }
1247 template <unsigned int N, class T>
1248 typename MultiArrayView<N, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::const_iterator
1249 createCoupledIterator(MultiArrayView<N, T, ChunkedArrayTag> const & m)
1250 {
1251  typedef typename MultiArrayView<N, T, ChunkedArrayTag>::const_iterator IteratorType;
1252  typedef typename IteratorType::handle_type P1;
1253  typedef typename P1::base_type P0;
1255  return IteratorType(P1(m,
1256  P0(m.shape())));
1257 }
1259 /** \addtogroup ChunkedArrayClasses Chunked arrays
1261  Store big data (potentially larger than RAM) as a collection of rectangular blocks.
1262 */
1263 //@{
1265 /** \brief Option object for \ref ChunkedArray construction.
1266 */
1268 {
1269  public:
1270  /** \brief Initialize options with defaults.
1271  */
1273  : fill_value(0.0)
1274  , cache_max(-1)
1275  , compression_method(DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
1276  {}
1278  /** \brief Element value for read-only access of uninitialized chunks.
1280  Default: 0
1281  */
1283  {
1284  fill_value = v;
1285  return *this;
1286  }
1288  ChunkedArrayOptions fillValue(double v) const
1289  {
1290  return ChunkedArrayOptions(*this).fillValue(v);
1291  }
1293  /** \brief Maximum number of chunks in the cache.
1295  Default: -1 ( = use a heuristic depending on array shape)
1296  */
1298  {
1299  cache_max = v;
1300  return *this;
1301  }
1303  ChunkedArrayOptions cacheMax(int v) const
1304  {
1305  return ChunkedArrayOptions(*this).cacheMax(v);
1306  }
1308  /** \brief Compress inactive chunks with the given method.
1310  Default: DEFAULT_COMPRESSION (depends on backend)
1311  */
1312  ChunkedArrayOptions & compression(CompressionMethod v)
1313  {
1314  compression_method = v;
1315  return *this;
1316  }
1318  ChunkedArrayOptions compression(CompressionMethod v) const
1319  {
1320  return ChunkedArrayOptions(*this).compression(v);
1321  }
1323  double fill_value;
1324  int cache_max;
1325  CompressionMethod compression_method;
1326 };
1328 /** \weakgroup ParallelProcessing
1329  \sa ChunkedArray
1330  */
1332 /** \brief Interface and base class for chunked arrays.
1334 Very big data arrays (possibly bigger than the available RAM) can
1335 only be processed in smaller pieces. To support quick access to
1336 these pieces, it is advantegeous to store big arrays in chunks,
1337 i.e. as a collection of small rectagular subarrays. The class
1338 ChunkedArray encapsulates storage and handling of these chunks and
1339 provides various APIs to easily access the data.
1341 <b>\#include</b> <vigra/multi_array_chunked.hxx> <br/>
1342 Namespace: vigra
1344 @tparam N the array dimension
1345 @tparam T the type of the array elements
1347 (these are the same as in \ref MultiArrayView). The actual way of chunk storage is determined by the derived class the program uses:
1349 <ul>
1350  <li>ChunkedArrayFull: Provides the chunked array API for a standard
1351  \ref MultiArray (i.e. there is only one chunk for the entire array).
1353  <li>ChunkedArrayLazy: All chunks reside in memory, but are only
1354  allocated upon first access.
1356  <li>ChunkedArrayCompressed: Like ChunkedArrayLazy, but temporarily
1357  unused chunks are compressed in memory to save space.
1359  <li>ChunkedArrayTmpFile: Chunks are stored in a memory-mapped file.
1360  Temporarily unused chunks are written to the hard-drive and deleted from
1361  memory.
1363  <li>ChunkedArrayHDF5: Chunks are stored in a HDF5 dataset by means of
1364  HDF5's native chunked storage capabilities. Temporarily unused chunks are
1365  written to the hard-drive in compressed form and deleted from memory.
1366 </ul>
1367 You must use these derived classes to construct a chunked array because
1368 ChunkedArray itself is an abstract class.
1370 Chunks can be in one of the following states:
1371 <ul>
1372  <li>uninitialized: Chunks are only initialized (i.e. allocated) upon the first
1373  write access. If an uninitialized chunk is accessed in a read-only manner, the
1374  system returns a pseudo-chunk whose elements have a user-provided fill value.
1376  <li>asleep: The chunk is currently unused and has been compressed and/or
1377  swapped out to the hard drive.
1379  <li>inactive: The chunk is currently unused, but still resides in memory.
1381  <li>active: The chunk resides in memory and is currently in use.
1383  <li>locked: Chunks are briefly in this state during transitions
1384  between the other states (e.g. while loading and/or decompression is
1385  in progress).
1387  <li>failed: An unexpected error occured, e.g. the system is out of memory
1388  or a write to the hard drive failed.
1389 </ul>
1390 In-memory chunks (active and inactive) are placed in a cache. If a chunk
1391 transitions from the 'asleep' to the 'active' state, it is added to the cache,
1392 and an 'inactive' chunk is removed and sent 'asleep'. If there is no 'inactive'
1393 chunk in the cache, the cache size is temporarily increased. All state
1394 transitions are thread-safe.
1396 In order to optimize performance, the user should adjust the cache size (via
1397 \ref setCacheMaxSize() or \ref ChunkedArrayOptions) so that it can hold all
1398 chunks that are frequently needed (e.g. all chunks forming a row of the full
1399 array).
1401 Another performance critical parameter is the chunk shape. While the system
1402 uses sensible defaults (512<sup>2</sup> for 2D arrays, 64<sup>3</sup> for 3D,
1403 64x64x16x4 for 4D, and 64x64x16x4x4 for 5D), the shape may need to be adjusted
1404 via the array's constructor to match the access patterns of the algorithms to
1405 be used. For speed reasons, chunk shapes must be powers of 2.
1407 The data in the array can be accessed in several ways. The simplest is
1408 via calls to <tt>checkoutSubarray()</tt> and <tt>commitSubarray()</tt>: These
1409 functions copy an arbitrary subregion of a chunked array (possibly straddling
1410 many chunks) into a standard \ref MultiArrayView for processing, and write
1411 results back into the chunked array:
1412 \code
1413  ChunkedArray<3, float> & chunked_array = ...;
1415  Shape3 roi_start(1000, 500, 500);
1416  MultiArray<3, float> work_array(Shape3(100, 100, 100));
1418  // copy data from region (1000,500,500)...(1100,600,600)
1419  chunked_array.checkoutSubarray(roi_start, work_array);
1421  ... // work phase: process data in work_array as usual
1423  // write results back into chunked_array
1424  chunked_array.commitSubarray(roi_start, work_array);
1425 \endcode
1426 The required chunks in <tt>chunked_array</tt> will only be active while the
1427 checkout and commit calls are executing. During the work phase, other threads
1428 can use the chunked array's cache to checkout or commit different subregions.
1430 Alternatively, one can work directly on the chunk storage. This is most easily
1431 achieved by means of chunk iterators:
1432 \code
1433  ChunkedArray<3, float> & chunked_array = ...;
1435  // define the ROI to be processed
1436  Shape3 roi_start(100, 200, 300), roi_end(1000, 2000, 600);
1438  // get a pair of chunk iterators ( = iterators over chunks)
1439  auto chunk = chunked_array.chunk_begin(roi_start, roi_end),
1440  end = chunked_array.chunk_end(roi_start, roi_end);
1442  // iterate over the chunks in the ROI
1443  for(; chunk != end; ++chunk)
1444  {
1445  // get a view to the current chunk's data
1446  // Note: The view actually refers to the intersection of the
1447  // current chunk with the ROI. Thus, chunks which are
1448  // partially outside the ROI are appropriately trimmed.
1449  MultiArrayView<3, float> chunk_view = *chunk;
1451  ... // work phase: process data in chunk_view as usual
1452  }
1453 \endcode
1454 No memory is duplicated in this approach, and only the current chunk needs
1455 to be active, so that a small chunk cache is sufficient. The iteration
1456 over chunks can be distributed over several threads that process the array
1457 data in parallel. The programmer must make sure that write operations to
1458 individual elements are synchronized between threads. This is usually
1459 achieved by ensuring that the threads are responsible for non-overlapping
1460 regions of the output array.
1462 An even simpler method is direct element access via indexing. However, the
1463 chunked array has no control over the access order in this case, so it must
1464 potentially activate the present chunk upon each access. This is rather
1465 expensive and should only be used for debugging:
1466 \code
1467  ChunkedArray<3, float> & chunked_array = ...;
1469  Shape3 index(100, 200, 300);
1470  // access data at coordinate 'index'
1471  chunked_array.setItem(index, chunked_array.getItem(index) + 2.0);
1472 \endcode
1474 Two additional APIs provide access in a way compatible with an ordinary
1475 \ref MultiArrayView. These APIs should be used in functions that are
1476 supposed to work unchanged on both ordinary and chunked arrays. The first
1477 possibility is the chunked scan-order iterator:
1478 \code
1479  ChunkedArray<3, float> & chunked_array = ...;
1481  // get a pair of scan-order iterators ( = iterators over elements)
1482  auto iter = chunked_array.begin(),
1483  end = chunked_array.end();
1485  // iterate over all array elements
1486  for(; iter != end; ++iter)
1487  {
1488  // access current element
1489  *iter = *iter + 2.0;
1490  }
1491 \endcode
1492 A new chunk must potentially be activated whenever the iterator crosses
1493 a chunk boundary. Since the overhead of the activation operation can be
1494 amortized over many within-chunk steps, the iteration (excluding the
1495 workload within the loop) takes only twice as long as the iteration over an
1496 unstrided array using an ordinary \ref StridedScanOrderIterator.
1498 The final possibility is the creation of a MultiArrayView that accesses
1499 an arbitrary ROI directly:
1500 \code
1501  ChunkedArray<3, float> & chunked_array = ...;
1503  // define the ROI to be processed
1504  Shape3 roi_start(100, 200, 300), roi_end(1000, 2000, 600);
1506  // create view for ROI
1507  MultiArrayView<3, float, ChunkedArrayTag> view =
1508  chunked_array.subarray(roi_start, roi_stop);
1510  ... // work phase: process view like any ordinary MultiArrayView
1511 \endcode
1512 Similarly, a lower-dimensional view can be created with one of the
1513 <tt>bind</tt> functions. This approach has the advantage that 'view'
1514 can be passed to any function which is implemented in terms of
1515 MultiArrayViews. However, there are two disadvantages: First, data access
1516 in the view requires two steps (first find the chunk, then find the
1517 appropriate element in the chunk), which causes the chunked view to
1518 be slower than an ordinary MultiArrayView. Second, all chunks intersected
1519 by the view must remain active throughout the view's lifetime, which
1520 may require a big chunk cache and thus keeps many chunks in memory.
1521 */
1522 template <unsigned int N, class T>
1523 class ChunkedArray
1524 : public ChunkedArrayBase<N, T>
1525 {
1526  /*
1527  FIXME:
1528  * backends:
1529  * allocators are not used
1530  * HDF5 only works for scalar types so far
1531  * HDF5 must support read-only and read/write mode
1532  * temp file arrays in swap (just an API addition to the constructor)
1533  * support TIFF chunked reading
1534  * the array implementations should go into cxx files in src/impex
1535  * this requires implementation of the low-level functions independently of dtype
1536  (use 'char *' and multiply shape and stride with sizeof(T))
1537  * don't forget to increment the soversion after the change
1538  * alternative: provide 'config_local.hxx' with flags for available packages
1539  * decide on chunk locking policies for array views (in particular, for index access)
1540  * array view has functions fetch()/release() (better names?) to lock/unlock
1541  _all_ chunks in the view
1542  * release() is automatically called in the destructor
1543  * it should be possible to call fetch in the constructor via a flag,
1544  but should the constructor fetch by default?
1545  * how should fetch() handle the case when the cache is too small
1546  * throw an exception?
1547  * silently enlarge the cache?
1548  * temporarily enlarge the cache?
1549  * provide an option to control the behavior?
1550  * also provide copySubarray() with ReadOnly and ReadWrite flags, where
1551  ReadWrite copies the subarray back in the destructor or on demand
1552  * locking is only required while each slice is copied
1553  * the copy functions can use normal array views and iterators
1554  * the ReadWrite version can store a checksum for each chunk (or part
1555  of a chunk) to detect collisions on write
1556  * use shared pointers to support memory management of the subarrays?
1557  * find efficient ways to support slicing and transposition in the indexing
1558  functions of a view.
1559  1. possibility: each view contains
1560  * an index object 'bound_index_' with original dimension whose values denote
1561  coordinates of bound axes and offsets for unbound coordinates
1562  * a permutation object 'permutation_' with dimension of the view that maps
1563  view coordinates to original coordinates
1564  * that is:
1565  operator[](index)
1566  {
1567  shape_type full_index(bound_index_);
1568  for(int k=0; k<N_view; ++k)
1569  full_index[permutation_[k]] += index[k];
1570  split full_index into chunk part and local part
1571  look up chunk
1572  return pixel
1573  }
1574  * maybe this is faster if it is combined with the stride computation?
1575  * an optimization for unsliced arrays is desirable
1576  2. possibility:
1577  * add the point offset to the low-dimensional index
1578  * split low-dimensional index into chunk part and local part
1579  * look up chunk
1580  * determine scalar pointer offset from local part and strides plus a
1581  chunk-specific correction that can be stored in a 3^N array
1582  - but can we efficiently determine where to look in that offset array?
1583  3. possibility:
1584  * don't care about speed - require copySubarray() if indexing should
1585  be fast
1586  * provide a ChunkIterator that iterates over all chunks in a given ROI and returns a
1587  MultiArrayView for the present chunk (which remains locked in cache until the
1588  iterator is advanced).
1589  * implement proper copy constructors and assignment for all backends
1590  * test HDF5 constructor from existing dataset
1591  * put HDF5 into header of its own
1592  * is the full chunkForIterator() function slow? Check this with a simplified one
1593  in a ChunkedArrayLazy where all chunlks are already implemented, so that
1594  we can simply can skip the check
1595  * add support for Multiband and TinyVector pixels
1597  */
1599  public:
1600  typedef ChunkedArrayBase<N, T> base_type;
1601  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
1602  typedef typename shape_type::value_type difference_type_1;
1603  typedef T value_type;
1604  typedef value_type * pointer;
1605  typedef value_type const * const_pointer;
1606  typedef value_type & reference;
1607  typedef value_type const & const_reference;
1608  typedef ChunkIterator<N, T> chunk_iterator;
1609  typedef ChunkIterator<N, T const> chunk_const_iterator;
1610  typedef StridedScanOrderIterator<N, ChunkedMemory<T>, reference, pointer> iterator;
1611  typedef StridedScanOrderIterator<N, ChunkedMemory<T const>, const_reference, const_pointer> const_iterator;
1612  typedef SharedChunkHandle<N, T> Handle;
1613  typedef ChunkBase<N, T> Chunk;
1614  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T, ChunkedArrayTag> view_type;
1615  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T const, ChunkedArrayTag> const_view_type;
1616  typedef std::queue<Handle*> CacheType;
1618  static const long chunk_asleep = Handle::chunk_asleep;
1619  static const long chunk_uninitialized = Handle::chunk_uninitialized;
1620  static const long chunk_locked = Handle::chunk_locked;
1621  static const long chunk_failed = Handle::chunk_failed;
1623  // constructor only called by derived classes (ChunkedArray is abstract)
1624  explicit ChunkedArray(shape_type const & shape,
1625  shape_type const & chunk_shape = shape_type(),
1626  ChunkedArrayOptions const & options = ChunkedArrayOptions())
1627  : ChunkedArrayBase<N, T>(shape, chunk_shape)
1628  , bits_(initBitMask(this->chunk_shape_))
1629  , mask_(this->chunk_shape_ -shape_type(1))
1630  , cache_max_size_(options.cache_max)
1631  , chunk_lock_(new threading::mutex())
1632  , fill_value_(T(options.fill_value))
1633  , fill_scalar_(options.fill_value)
1634  , handle_array_(detail::computeChunkArrayShape(shape, bits_, mask_))
1635  , data_bytes_()
1636  , overhead_bytes_(handle_array_.size()*sizeof(Handle))
1637  {
1638  fill_value_chunk_.pointer_ = &fill_value_;
1639  fill_value_handle_.pointer_ = &fill_value_chunk_;
1640  fill_value_handle_.chunk_state_.store(1);
1641  }
1643  // compute masks needed for fast index access
1644  static shape_type initBitMask(shape_type const & chunk_shape)
1645  {
1646  shape_type res;
1647  for(unsigned int k=0; k<N; ++k)
1648  {
1649  UInt32 bits = log2i(chunk_shape[k]);
1650  vigra_precondition(chunk_shape[k] == MultiArrayIndex(1 << bits),
1651  "ChunkedArray: chunk_shape elements must be powers of 2.");
1652  res[k] = bits;
1653  }
1654  return res;
1655  }
1657  virtual ~ChunkedArray()
1658  {
1659  // std::cerr << " final cache size: " << cacheSize() << " (max: " << cacheMaxSize() << ")\n";
1660  }
1662  /** \brief Number of chunks currently fitting into the cache.
1663  */
1664  int cacheSize() const
1665  {
1666  return cache_.size();
1667  }
1669  /** \brief Bytes of main memory occupied by the array's data.
1671  Compressed chunks are only counted with their compressed size.
1672  Chunks swapped out to the hard drive are not counted.
1673  */
1674  std::size_t dataBytes() const
1675  {
1676  return data_bytes_;
1677  }
1679  /** \brief Bytes of main memory needed to manage the chunked storage.
1680  */
1681  std::size_t overheadBytes() const
1682  {
1683  return overhead_bytes_;
1684  }
1686  /** \brief Number of chunks along each coordinate direction.
1687  */
1688  virtual shape_type chunkArrayShape() const
1689  {
1690  return handle_array_.shape();
1691  }
1693  virtual std::size_t dataBytes(Chunk * c) const = 0;
1695  /** \brief Number of data bytes in an uncompressed chunk.
1696  */
1697  std::size_t dataBytesPerChunk() const
1698  {
1699  return prod(this->chunk_shape_)*sizeof(T);
1700  }
1702  /** \brief Bytes of main memory needed to manage a single chunk.
1703  */
1704  virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const = 0;
1706  /** \brief Find the chunk that contains array element 'global_start'.
1707  */
1708  shape_type chunkStart(shape_type const & global_start) const
1709  {
1710  shape_type chunk_start(SkipInitialization);
1711  detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::chunkIndex(global_start, bits_, chunk_start);
1712  return chunk_start;
1713  }
1715  /** \brief Find the chunk that is beyond array element 'global_stop'.
1717  Specifically, this computes
1718  \code
1719  chunkStart(global_stop - shape_type(1)) + shape_type(1)
1720  \endcode
1721  */
1722  shape_type chunkStop(shape_type global_stop) const
1723  {
1724  global_stop -= shape_type(1);
1725  shape_type chunk_stop(SkipInitialization);
1726  detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::chunkIndex(global_stop, bits_, chunk_stop);
1727  chunk_stop += shape_type(1);
1728  return chunk_stop;
1729  }
1731  /** \brief Find the shape of the chunk indexed by 'chunk_index'.
1733  This may differ from the global chunk shape because chunks at the
1734  right/lower border of the array may be smaller than usual.
1735  */
1736  shape_type chunkShape(shape_type const & chunk_index) const
1737  {
1738  return min(this->chunk_shape_,
1739  this->shape_ - chunk_index*this->chunk_shape_);
1740  }
1742  using base_type::chunkShape;
1744 #ifdef DOXYGEN
1745  /** \brief Return the global chunk shape.
1747  This is the shape of all chunks that are completely contained
1748  in the array's domain.
1749  */
1750  shape_type const & chunkShape() const;
1752  /** \brief Return the shape in this array.
1753  */
1754  shape_type const & shape() const;
1756  /** \brief Return the number of elements in this array.
1757  */
1758  MultiArrayIndex size() const;
1760  /** \brief Check if the given point is in the array domain.
1761  */
1762  bool isInside(shape_type const & p) const;
1764  /** \brief Return the class that implements this ChunkedArray.
1765  */
1766  std::string backend() const;
1768 #endif
1770  inline void
1771  checkSubarrayBounds(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop,
1772  std::string message) const
1773  {
1774  message += ": subarray out of bounds.";
1775  vigra_precondition(allLessEqual(shape_type(), start) &&
1776  allLess(start, stop) &&
1777  allLessEqual(stop, this->shape_),
1778  message);
1779  }
1781  /** \brief Check if two arrays are elementwise equal.
1782  */
1783  template <class U, class C1>
1784  bool operator==(MultiArrayView<N, U, C1> const & rhs) const
1785  {
1786  if(this->shape() != rhs.shape())
1787  return false;
1788  const_iterator i = begin(), ie = end();
1789  typename MultiArrayView<N, U, C1>::const_iterator j = rhs.begin();
1790  for(; i != ie; ++i, ++j)
1791  if(*i != *j)
1792  return false;
1793  return true;
1794  }
1796  /** \brief Check if two arrays differ in at least one element.
1797  */
1798  template <class U, class C1>
1799  bool operator!=(MultiArrayView<N, U, C1> const & rhs) const
1800  {
1801  return !operator==(rhs);
1802  }
1804  // internal function to activate a chunk
1805  virtual pointer loadChunk(Chunk ** chunk, shape_type const & chunk_index) = 0;
1807  // internal function to send a chunk asleep or delete it
1808  // entirely (when destroy = true).
1809  // returns true if the chunk was deleted, false otherwise
1810  virtual bool unloadHandle(Handle * handle, bool destroy = false)
1811  {
1812  if(handle == &fill_value_handle_)
1813  return false;
1814  return unloadChunk(handle->pointer_, destroy);
1815  }
1817  virtual bool unloadChunk(Chunk * chunk, bool destroy = false) = 0;
1819  Handle * lookupHandle(shape_type const & index)
1820  {
1821  return &handle_array_[index];
1822  }
1824  // Decrease the reference counter of the given chunk.
1825  // Will inactivate the chunk when reference counter reaches zero.
1826  virtual void unrefChunk(IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h) const
1827  {
1828  unrefChunk(h->chunk_);
1829  h->chunk_ = 0;
1830  }
1832  // Likewise
1833  void unrefChunk(Handle * chunk) const
1834  {
1835  if(chunk)
1836  {
1837  long rc = chunk->chunk_state_.fetch_sub(1);
1838  ignore_argument(rc);
1840  vigra_invariant(rc >= 0,
1841  "ChunkedArray::unrefChunk(): chunk refcount got negative!");
1842  #endif
1843  }
1844  }
1846  // Decrease the reference counter of several chunks simultaneously.
1847  void unrefChunks(ArrayVector<Handle*> const & chunks)
1848  {
1849  for(unsigned int k=0; k<chunks.size(); ++k)
1850  unrefChunk(chunks[k]);
1852  if(cacheMaxSize() > 0)
1853  {
1854  threading::lock_guard<threading::mutex> guard(*chunk_lock_);
1855  cleanCache(cache_.size());
1856  }
1857  }
1859  // Increase the reference counter of the given chunk.
1860  // If the chunk was asleep, the function first awakens it.
1861  long acquireRef(Handle * handle) const
1862  {
1863  // Obtain a reference to the current chunk handle.
1864  // We use a simple spin-lock here because it is very fast in case of success,
1865  // and failures (i.e. collisions with another thread) are presumably
1866  // very rare.
1867  //
1868  // the function returns the old value of chunk_state_
1869  long rc = handle->chunk_state_.load(threading::memory_order_acquire);
1870  while(true)
1871  {
1872  if(rc >= 0)
1873  {
1874  if(handle->chunk_state_.compare_exchange_weak(rc, rc+1, threading::memory_order_seq_cst))
1875  {
1876  return rc;
1877  }
1878  }
1879  else
1880  {
1881  if(rc == chunk_failed)
1882  {
1883  vigra_precondition(false,
1884  "ChunkedArray::acquireRef() attempt to access failed chunk.");
1885  }
1886  else if(rc == chunk_locked)
1887  {
1888  // cache management in progress => try again later
1889  threading::this_thread::yield();
1890  rc = handle->chunk_state_.load(threading::memory_order_acquire);
1891  }
1892  else if(handle->chunk_state_.compare_exchange_weak(rc, chunk_locked, threading::memory_order_seq_cst))
1893  {
1894  return rc;
1895  }
1896  }
1897  }
1898  }
1900  pointer
1901  getChunk(Handle * handle, bool isConst, bool insertInCache, shape_type const & chunk_index) const
1902  {
1903  ChunkedArray * self = const_cast<ChunkedArray *>(this);
1905  long rc = acquireRef(handle);
1906  if(rc >= 0)
1907  return handle->pointer_->pointer_;
1909  threading::lock_guard<threading::mutex> guard(*chunk_lock_);
1910  try
1911  {
1912  T * p = self->loadChunk(&handle->pointer_, chunk_index);
1913  Chunk * chunk = handle->pointer_;
1914  if(!isConst && rc == chunk_uninitialized)
1915  std::fill(p, p + prod(chunkShape(chunk_index)), this->fill_value_);
1917  self->data_bytes_ += dataBytes(chunk);
1919  if(cacheMaxSize() > 0 && insertInCache)
1920  {
1921  // insert in queue of mapped chunks
1922  self->cache_.push(handle);
1924  // do cache management if cache is full
1925  // (note that we still hold the chunk_lock_)
1926  self->cleanCache(2);
1927  }
1928  handle->chunk_state_.store(1, threading::memory_order_release);
1929  return p;
1930  }
1931  catch(...)
1932  {
1933  handle->chunk_state_.store(chunk_failed);
1934  throw;
1935  }
1936  }
1938  // helper function for chunkForIterator()
1939  inline pointer
1940  chunkForIteratorImpl(shape_type const & point,
1941  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
1942  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h,
1943  bool isConst) const
1944  {
1945  ChunkedArray * self = const_cast<ChunkedArray *>(this);
1947  unrefChunk(h->chunk_);
1948  h->chunk_ = 0;
1950  shape_type global_point = point + h->offset_;
1952  if(!this->isInside(global_point))
1953  {
1954  upper_bound = point + this->chunk_shape_;
1955  return 0;
1956  }
1958  shape_type chunkIndex(chunkStart(global_point));
1960  bool insertInCache = true;
1961  Handle * handle = self->lookupHandle(chunkIndex);
1962  if(isConst && handle->chunk_state_.load() == chunk_uninitialized)
1963  {
1964  handle = &self->fill_value_handle_;
1965  insertInCache = false;
1966  }
1968  pointer p = getChunk(handle, isConst, insertInCache, chunkIndex);
1969  strides = handle->strides();
1970  upper_bound = (chunkIndex + shape_type(1)) * this->chunk_shape_ - h->offset_;
1971  std::size_t offset = detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::offsetInChunk(global_point, mask_, strides);
1972  h->chunk_ = handle;
1973  return p + offset;
1974  }
1976  // called by chunked scan-order iterator to obtain the new data pointer
1977  // when the iterator enters a new chunk
1978  virtual pointer chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
1979  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
1980  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h)
1981  {
1982  return chunkForIteratorImpl(point, strides, upper_bound, h, false);
1983  }
1985  virtual pointer chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
1986  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
1987  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h) const
1988  {
1989  return chunkForIteratorImpl(point, strides, upper_bound, h, true);
1990  }
1992  // NOTE: This function must only be called while we hold the chunk_lock_.
1993  // This implies refcount != chunk_locked, so that race conditions are avoided.
1994  long releaseChunk(Handle * handle, bool destroy = false)
1995  {
1996  long rc = 0;
1997  bool mayUnload = handle->chunk_state_.compare_exchange_strong(rc, chunk_locked);
1998  if(!mayUnload && destroy)
1999  {
2000  rc = chunk_asleep;
2001  mayUnload = handle->chunk_state_.compare_exchange_strong(rc, chunk_locked);
2002  }
2003  if(mayUnload)
2004  {
2005  // refcount was zero or chunk_asleep => can unload
2006  try
2007  {
2008  vigra_invariant(handle != &fill_value_handle_,
2009  "ChunkedArray::releaseChunk(): attempt to release fill_value_handle_.");
2010  Chunk * chunk = handle->pointer_;
2011  this->data_bytes_ -= dataBytes(chunk);
2012  int didDestroy = unloadChunk(chunk, destroy);
2013  this->data_bytes_ += dataBytes(chunk);
2014  if(didDestroy)
2015  handle->chunk_state_.store(chunk_uninitialized);
2016  else
2017  handle->chunk_state_.store(chunk_asleep);
2018  }
2019  catch(...)
2020  {
2021  handle->chunk_state_.store(chunk_failed);
2022  throw;
2023  }
2024  }
2025  return rc;
2026  }
2028  // NOTE: this function must only be called while we hold the chunk_lock_
2029  void cleanCache(int how_many = -1)
2030  {
2031  if(how_many == -1)
2032  how_many = cache_.size();
2033  for(; cache_.size() > cacheMaxSize() && how_many > 0; --how_many)
2034  {
2035  Handle * handle = cache_.front();
2036  cache_.pop();
2037  long rc = releaseChunk(handle);
2038  if(rc > 0) // refcount was positive => chunk is still needed
2039  cache_.push(handle);
2040  }
2041  }
2043  /** Sends all chunks asleep which are completely inside the given ROI.
2044  If destroy == true and the backend supports destruction (currently:
2045  ChunkedArrayLazy and ChunkedArrayCompressed), chunks will be deleted
2046  entirely. The chunk's contents after releaseChunks() are undefined.
2047  Currently, chunks retain their values when sent asleep, and assume the
2048  array's fill_value when deleted, but applications should not rely on this
2049  behavior.
2050  */
2051  void releaseChunks(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop, bool destroy = false)
2052  {
2053  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "ChunkedArray::releaseChunks()");
2055  MultiCoordinateIterator<N> i(chunkStart(start), chunkStop(stop)),
2056  end(i.getEndIterator());
2057  for(; i != end; ++i)
2058  {
2059  shape_type chunkOffset = *i * this->chunk_shape_;
2060  if(!allLessEqual(start, chunkOffset) ||
2061  !allLessEqual(min(chunkOffset+this->chunk_shape_, this->shape()), stop))
2062  {
2063  // chunk is only partially covered by the ROI
2064  continue;
2065  }
2067  Handle * handle = this->lookupHandle(*i);
2068  threading::lock_guard<threading::mutex> guard(*chunk_lock_);
2069  releaseChunk(handle, destroy);
2070  }
2072  // remove all chunks from the cache that are asleep or unitialized
2073  threading::lock_guard<threading::mutex> guard(*chunk_lock_);
2074  int cache_size = cache_.size();
2075  for(int k=0; k < cache_size; ++k)
2076  {
2077  Handle * handle = cache_.front();
2078  cache_.pop();
2079  if(handle->chunk_state_.load() >= 0)
2080  cache_.push(handle);
2081  }
2082  }
2084  /** \brief Copy an ROI of the chunked array into an ordinary MultiArrayView.
2086  The ROI's lower bound is given by 'start', its upper bound (in 'beyond' sense)
2087  is 'start + subarray.shape()'. Chunks in the ROI are only activated while
2088  the read is in progress.
2089  */
2090  template <class U, class Stride>
2091  void
2092  checkoutSubarray(shape_type const & start,
2093  MultiArrayView<N, U, Stride> & subarray) const
2094  {
2095  shape_type stop = start + subarray.shape();
2097  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "ChunkedArray::checkoutSubarray()");
2099  chunk_const_iterator i = chunk_cbegin(start, stop);
2100  for(; i.isValid(); ++i)
2101  {
2102  subarray.subarray(i.chunkStart()-start, i.chunkStop()-start) = *i;
2103  }
2104  }
2106  /** \brief Copy an ordinary MultiArrayView into an ROI of the chunked array.
2108  The ROI's lower bound is given by 'start', its upper bound (in 'beyond' sense)
2109  is 'start + subarray.shape()'. Chunks in the ROI are only activated while
2110  the write is in progress.
2111  */
2112  template <class U, class Stride>
2113  void
2114  commitSubarray(shape_type const & start,
2115  MultiArrayView<N, U, Stride> const & subarray)
2116  {
2117  shape_type stop = start + subarray.shape();
2119  vigra_precondition(!this->isReadOnly(),
2120  "ChunkedArray::commitSubarray(): array is read-only.");
2121  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "ChunkedArray::commitSubarray()");
2123  chunk_iterator i = chunk_begin(start, stop);
2124  for(; i.isValid(); ++i)
2125  {
2126  *i = subarray.subarray(i.chunkStart()-start, i.chunkStop()-start);
2127  }
2128  }
2130  // helper function for subarray()
2131  template <class View>
2132  void subarrayImpl(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop,
2133  View & view,
2134  bool isConst) const
2135  {
2136  vigra_precondition(isConst || !this->isReadOnly(),
2137  "ChunkedArray::subarray(): array is read-only.");
2138  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "ChunkedArray::subarray()");
2139  shape_type chunk_start(chunkStart(start)), chunk_stop(chunkStop(stop));
2141  view.shape_ = stop-start;
2142  view.chunk_shape_ = this->chunk_shape_;
2143  view.chunks_.reshape(chunk_stop-chunk_start);
2144  view.offset_ = start - chunk_start * this->chunk_shape_;
2145  view.bits_ = bits_;
2146  view.mask_ = mask_;
2148  typedef typename View::UnrefProxy Unref;
2149  ChunkedArray* self = const_cast<ChunkedArray*>(this);
2150  Unref * unref = new Unref(view.chunks_.size(), self);
2151  view.unref_ = VIGRA_SHARED_PTR<Unref>(unref);
2153  MultiCoordinateIterator<N> i(chunk_start, chunk_stop),
2154  end(i.getEndIterator());
2155  for(; i != end; ++i)
2156  {
2157  Handle * handle = self->lookupHandle(*i);
2159  if(isConst && handle->chunk_state_.load() == chunk_uninitialized)
2160  handle = &self->fill_value_handle_;
2162  // This potentially acquires the chunk_lock_ in each iteration.
2163  // Would it be better to acquire it once before the loop?
2164  pointer p = getChunk(handle, isConst, true, *i);
2166  ChunkBase<N, T> * mini_chunk = &view.chunks_[*i - chunk_start];
2167  mini_chunk->pointer_ = p;
2168  mini_chunk->strides_ = handle->strides();
2169  unref->chunks_[i.scanOrderIndex()] = handle;
2170  }
2171  }
2173  /** \brief Create a view to the specified ROI.
2175  The view can be used like an ordinary \ref MultiArrayView, but is
2176  a but slower. All chunks intersecting the view remain active
2177  throughout the view's lifetime.
2178  */
2179  view_type
2180  subarray(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop)
2181  {
2182  view_type view;
2183  subarrayImpl(start, stop, view, false);
2184  return view;
2185  }
2187  /** \brief Create a read-only view to the specified ROI.
2189  The view can be used like an ordinary \ref MultiArrayView, but is
2190  a but slower. All chunks intersecting the view remain active
2191  throughout the view's lifetime.
2192  */
2193  const_view_type
2194  subarray(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
2195  {
2196  const_view_type view;
2197  subarrayImpl(start, stop, view, true);
2198  return view;
2199  }
2201  /** \brief Create a read-only view to the specified ROI.
2203  The view can be used like an ordinary \ref MultiArrayView, but is
2204  a but slower. All chunks intersecting the view remain active
2205  throughout the view's lifetime.
2206  */
2207  const_view_type
2208  const_subarray(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
2209  {
2210  const_view_type view;
2211  subarrayImpl(start, stop, view, true);
2212  return view;
2213  }
2215  /** \brief Read the array element at index 'point'.
2217  Since the corresponding chunk must potentially be activated
2218  first, this function may be slow and should mainly be used in
2219  debugging.
2220  */
2221  value_type getItem(shape_type const & point) const
2222  {
2223  vigra_precondition(this->isInside(point),
2224  "ChunkedArray::getItem(): index out of bounds.");
2226  ChunkedArray * self = const_cast<ChunkedArray*>(this);
2227  shape_type chunk_index(chunkStart(point));
2228  Handle * handle = self->lookupHandle(chunk_index);
2229  if(handle->chunk_state_.load() == chunk_uninitialized)
2230  return fill_value_;
2231  pointer p = self->getChunk(handle, true, false, chunk_index);
2232  value_type res = *(p +
2233  detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::offsetInChunk(point, mask_, handle->strides()));
2234  self->unrefChunk(handle);
2235  return res;
2236  }
2238  /** \brief Write the array element at index 'point'.
2240  Since the corresponding chunk must potentially be activated
2241  first, this function may be slow and should mainly be used in
2242  debugging.
2243  */
2244  void setItem(shape_type const & point, value_type const & v)
2245  {
2246  vigra_precondition(!this->isReadOnly(),
2247  "ChunkedArray::setItem(): array is read-only.");
2248  vigra_precondition(this->isInside(point),
2249  "ChunkedArray::setItem(): index out of bounds.");
2251  shape_type chunk_index(chunkStart(point));
2252  Handle * handle = lookupHandle(chunk_index);
2253  pointer p = getChunk(handle, false, false, chunk_index);
2254  *(p + detail::ChunkIndexing<N>::offsetInChunk(point, mask_, handle->strides())) = v;
2255  unrefChunk(handle);
2256  }
2258  /** \brief Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
2260  Dimension 'dim' is bound at 'index', all other dimensions remain
2261  unchanged. All chunks intersecting the view remain active
2262  throughout the view's lifetime.
2263  */
2266  {
2267  shape_type start, stop(this->shape());
2268  start[dim] = index;
2269  stop[dim] = index+1;
2270  return subarray(start, stop).bindAt(dim, 0);
2271  }
2273  /** \brief Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
2275  Dimension 'M' (given as a template parameter) is bound at 'index',
2276  all other dimensions remain unchanged. All chunks intersecting the
2277  view remain active throughout the view's lifetime.
2278  */
2279  template <unsigned int M>
2281  bind (difference_type_1 index) const
2282  {
2283  return bindAt(M, index);
2284  }
2286  /** \brief Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
2288  Dimension 'N-1' is bound at 'index', all other dimensions remain
2289  unchanged. All chunks intersecting the view remain active
2290  throughout the view's lifetime.
2291  */
2293  bindOuter (difference_type_1 index) const
2294  {
2295  return bindAt(N-1, index);
2296  }
2298  /** \brief Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
2300  The M rightmost dimensions are bound to the indices given in 'd'.
2301  All chunks intersecting the view remain active throughout the view's lifetime.
2302  */
2303  template <int M, class Index>
2306  {
2307  return bindAt(N-1, d[M-1]).bindOuter(d.dropIndex(M-1));
2308  }
2310  // terminate the recursion of the above function
2311  template <class Index>
2313  bindOuter(const TinyVector <Index, 1> & d) const
2314  {
2315  return bindAt(N-1, d[0]);
2316  }
2318  /** \brief Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
2320  Dimension '0' is bound at 'index', all other dimensions remain
2321  unchanged. All chunks intersecting the view remain active
2322  throughout the view's lifetime.
2323  */
2324  MultiArrayView <N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag>
2325  bindInner (difference_type_1 index) const
2326  {
2327  return bindAt(0, index);
2328  }
2330  /** \brief Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
2332  The M leftmost dimensions are bound to the indices given in 'd'.
2333  All chunks intersecting the view remain active throughout the view's lifetime.
2334  */
2335  template <int M, class Index>
2338  {
2339  return bindAt(0, d[0]).bindInner(d.dropIndex(0));
2340  }
2342  // terminate the recursion of the above function
2343  template <class Index>
2345  bindInner(const TinyVector <Index, 1> & d) const
2346  {
2347  return bindAt(0, d[0]);
2348  }
2350  /** \brief Get the number of chunks the cache will hold.
2352  If there are any inactive chunks in the cache, these will be
2353  sent asleep until the max cahce size is reached. The max cache
2354  size may be temporarily overridden when more chunks need
2355  to be active simultaneously.
2356  */
2357  std::size_t cacheMaxSize() const
2358  {
2359  if(cache_max_size_ < 0)
2360  const_cast<int &>(cache_max_size_) = detail::defaultCacheSize(this->chunkArrayShape());
2361  return cache_max_size_;
2362  }
2364  /** \brief Set the number of chunks the cache will hold.
2366  This should be big enough to hold all chunks that are frequently needed
2367  and must therefore be adopted to the application's access pattern.
2368  */
2369  void setCacheMaxSize(std::size_t c)
2370  {
2371  cache_max_size_ = c;
2372  if(c < cache_.size())
2373  {
2374  threading::lock_guard<threading::mutex> guard(*chunk_lock_);
2375  cleanCache();
2376  }
2377  }
2379  /** \brief Create a scan-order iterator for the entire chunked array.
2380  */
2381  iterator begin()
2382  {
2383  return createCoupledIterator(*this);
2384  }
2386  /** \brief Create the end iterator for scan-order iteration over
2387  the entire chunked array.
2388  */
2389  iterator end()
2390  {
2391  return begin().getEndIterator();
2392  }
2394  /** \brief Create a read-only scan-order iterator for the entire
2395  chunked array.
2396  */
2397  const_iterator cbegin() const
2398  {
2399  return createCoupledIterator(const_cast<ChunkedArray const &>(*this));
2400  }
2402  /** \brief Create the end iterator for read-only scan-order iteration over
2403  the entire chunked array.
2404  */
2405  const_iterator cend() const
2406  {
2407  return cbegin().getEndIterator();
2408  }
2410  /** \brief Create a read-only scan-order iterator for the entire
2411  chunked array.
2412  */
2413  const_iterator begin() const
2414  {
2415  return createCoupledIterator(*this);
2416  }
2418  /** \brief Create the end iterator for read-only scan-order iteration over
2419  the entire chunked array.
2420  */
2421  const_iterator end() const
2422  {
2423  return begin().getEndIterator();
2424  }
2426  /** \brief Create an iterator over all chunks intersected by the given ROI.
2427  */
2428  chunk_iterator chunk_begin(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop)
2429  {
2430  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "ChunkedArray::chunk_begin()");
2431  return chunk_iterator(this, start, stop, chunkStart(start), chunkStop(stop), this->chunk_shape_);
2432  }
2434  /** \brief Create the end iterator for iteration over all chunks
2435  intersected by the given ROI.
2436  */
2437  chunk_iterator chunk_end(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop)
2438  {
2439  return chunk_begin(start, stop).getEndIterator();
2440  }
2442  /** \brief Create a read-only iterator over all chunks intersected
2443  by the given ROI.
2444  */
2445  chunk_const_iterator chunk_begin(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
2446  {
2447  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "ChunkedArray::chunk_begin()");
2448  return chunk_const_iterator(this, start, stop, chunkStart(start), chunkStop(stop), this->chunk_shape_);
2449  }
2451  /** \brief Create the end iterator for read-only iteration over all chunks
2452  intersected by the given ROI.
2453  */
2454  chunk_const_iterator chunk_end(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
2455  {
2456  return chunk_begin(start, stop).getEndIterator();
2457  }
2459  /** \brief Create a read-only iterator over all chunks intersected
2460  by the given ROI.
2461  */
2462  chunk_const_iterator chunk_cbegin(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
2463  {
2464  checkSubarrayBounds(start, stop, "ChunkedArray::chunk_cbegin()");
2465  return chunk_const_iterator(this, start, stop, chunkStart(start), chunkStop(stop), this->chunk_shape_);
2466  }
2468  /** \brief Create the end iterator for read-only iteration over all chunks
2469  intersected by the given ROI.
2470  */
2471  chunk_const_iterator chunk_cend(shape_type const & start, shape_type const & stop) const
2472  {
2473  return chunk_cbegin(start, stop).getEndIterator();
2474  }
2476  shape_type bits_, mask_;
2477  int cache_max_size_;
2478  VIGRA_SHARED_PTR<threading::mutex> chunk_lock_;
2479  CacheType cache_;
2480  Chunk fill_value_chunk_;
2481  Handle fill_value_handle_;
2482  value_type fill_value_;
2483  double fill_scalar_;
2484  MultiArray<N, Handle> handle_array_;
2485  std::size_t data_bytes_, overhead_bytes_;
2486 };
2488 /** Returns a CoupledScanOrderIterator to simultaneously iterate over image m1 and its coordinates.
2489  */
2490 template <unsigned int N, class T>
2491 typename ChunkedArray<N, T>::iterator
2492 createCoupledIterator(ChunkedArray<N, T> & m)
2493 {
2494  typedef typename ChunkedArray<N, T>::iterator IteratorType;
2495  typedef typename IteratorType::handle_type P1;
2496  typedef typename P1::base_type P0;
2498  return IteratorType(P1(m,
2499  P0(m.shape())));
2500 }
2502 template <unsigned int N, class T>
2503 typename ChunkedArray<N, T>::const_iterator
2504 createCoupledIterator(ChunkedArray<N, T> const & m)
2505 {
2506  typedef typename ChunkedArray<N, T>::const_iterator IteratorType;
2507  typedef typename IteratorType::handle_type P1;
2508  typedef typename P1::base_type P0;
2510  return IteratorType(P1(m,
2511  P0(m.shape())));
2512 }
2514 /** \weakgroup ParallelProcessing
2515  \sa ChunkedArrayFull
2516 */
2518 /** Implement ChunkedArray as an ordinary MultiArray with a single chunk.
2520  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/multi_array_chunked.hxx> <br/>
2521  Namespace: vigra
2522 */
2523 template <unsigned int N, class T, class Alloc = std::allocator<T> >
2525 : public ChunkedArray<N, T>,
2526  public MultiArray<N, T, Alloc>
2527 {
2528  public:
2531  typedef typename Storage::value_type value_type;
2532  typedef typename Storage::pointer pointer;
2533  typedef typename Storage::const_pointer const_pointer;
2534  typedef typename Storage::reference reference;
2535  typedef typename Storage::const_reference const_reference;
2536  typedef typename Storage::difference_type difference_type;
2537  typedef typename Storage::difference_type shape_type;
2538  typedef typename Storage::key_type key_type;
2539  typedef typename Storage::size_type size_type;
2540  typedef typename Storage::difference_type_1 difference_type_1;
2541  typedef typename Storage::iterator iterator;
2542  typedef typename Storage::const_iterator const_iterator;
2543  typedef typename Storage::view_type view_type;
2545  typedef typename ChunkedArray<N, T>::Chunk Chunk;
2547  static shape_type computeChunkShape(shape_type s)
2548  {
2549  for(unsigned k=0; k<N; ++k)
2550  s[k] = ceilPower2(s[k]);
2551  return s;
2552  }
2554  using Storage::subarray;
2555  using Storage::bindOuter;
2556  using Storage::bindInner;
2557  using Storage::bind;
2558  using Storage::bindAt;
2559  using Storage::isInside;
2560  using Storage::shape;
2561  using Storage::size;
2562  using Storage::begin;
2563  using Storage::end;
2565 #ifndef DOXYGEN // doxygen doesn't understand this
2566  using Storage::operator==;
2567  using Storage::operator!=;
2568 #endif
2570  /** \brief Construct with given 'shape' and 'options', using the allocator
2571  'alloc' to manage the memory.
2572  */
2573  explicit ChunkedArrayFull(shape_type const & shape,
2574  ChunkedArrayOptions const & options = ChunkedArrayOptions(),
2575  Alloc const & alloc = Alloc())
2576  : ChunkedArray<N, T>(shape, computeChunkShape(shape), options.cacheMax(0)),
2577  Storage(shape, this->fill_value_, alloc),
2578  upper_bound_(shape),
2579  chunk_(detail::defaultStride(shape), this->data())
2580  {
2581  this->handle_array_[0].pointer_ = &chunk_;
2582  this->handle_array_[0].chunk_state_.store(1);
2583  this->data_bytes_ = size()*sizeof(T);
2584  this->overhead_bytes_ = overheadBytesPerChunk();
2585  }
2587  ChunkedArrayFull(ChunkedArrayFull const & rhs)
2588  : ChunkedArray<N, T>(rhs),
2589  Storage(rhs),
2590  upper_bound_(rhs.upper_bound_),
2591  chunk_(detail::defaultStride(shape), this->data())
2592  {
2593  this->handle_array_[0].pointer_ = &chunk_;
2594  this->handle_array_[0].chunk_state_.store(1);
2595  }
2597  ChunkedArrayFull & operator=(ChunkedArrayFull const & rhs)
2598  {
2599  if(this != &rhs)
2600  {
2601  ChunkedArray<N, T>::operator=(rhs);
2602  Storage::operator=(rhs);
2603  upper_bound_ = rhs.upper_bound_;
2604  }
2605  return *this;
2606  }
2608  ~ChunkedArrayFull()
2609  {}
2611  virtual shape_type chunkArrayShape() const
2612  {
2613  return shape_type(1);
2614  }
2616  virtual pointer loadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> **, shape_type const &)
2617  {
2618  return this->data();
2619  }
2621  virtual bool unloadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> *, bool /* destroy */)
2622  {
2623  return false; // never destroys the data
2624  }
2626  virtual std::size_t dataBytes(Chunk *) const
2627  {
2628  return prod(this->shape());
2629  }
2631  virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
2632  {
2633  return sizeof(Chunk) + sizeof(SharedChunkHandle<N, T>);
2634  }
2636  virtual pointer chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
2637  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
2638  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h) const
2639  {
2640  shape_type global_point = point + h->offset_;
2642  if(!this->isInside(global_point))
2643  {
2644  upper_bound = point + this->chunk_shape_;
2645  return 0;
2646  }
2648  strides = this->stride();
2649  upper_bound = upper_bound_;
2650  return const_cast<pointer>(&Storage::operator[](global_point));
2651  }
2653  virtual pointer chunkForIterator(shape_type const & point,
2654  shape_type & strides, shape_type & upper_bound,
2655  IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> * h)
2656  {
2657  shape_type global_point = point + h->offset_;
2659  if(!this->isInside(global_point))
2660  {
2661  upper_bound = point + this->chunk_shape_;
2662  return 0;
2663  }
2665  strides = this->stride();
2666  upper_bound = upper_bound_;
2667  return &Storage::operator[](global_point);
2668  }
2670  virtual std::string backend() const
2671  {
2672  return "ChunkedArrayFull";
2673  }
2675  shape_type upper_bound_;
2676  Chunk chunk_; // a dummy chunk to fulfill the API
2677 };
2679 /** \weakgroup ParallelProcessing
2680  \sa ChunkedArrayLazy
2681 */
2683 /** Implement ChunkedArray as a collection of in-memory chunks.
2685  This optimizes over an ordinary MultiArray by allocating chunks only
2686  upon the first write. This is especially useful when only a small
2687  part of the entire array is actually needed, e.g. in a data viewer.
2689  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/multi_array_chunked.hxx> <br/>
2690  Namespace: vigra
2691 */
2692 template <unsigned int N, class T, class Alloc = std::allocator<T> >
2694 : public ChunkedArray<N, T>
2695 {
2696  public:
2698  class Chunk
2699  : public ChunkBase<N, T>
2700  {
2701  public:
2702  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
2703  typedef T value_type;
2704  typedef value_type * pointer;
2705  typedef value_type & reference;
2707  Chunk(shape_type const & shape, Alloc const & alloc = Alloc())
2708  : ChunkBase<N, T>(detail::defaultStride(shape))
2709  , size_(prod(shape))
2710  , alloc_(alloc)
2711  {}
2713  ~Chunk()
2714  {
2715  deallocate();
2716  }
2718  pointer allocate()
2719  {
2720  if(this->pointer_ == 0)
2721  this->pointer_ = detail::alloc_initialize_n<T>(size_, T(), alloc_);
2722  return this->pointer_;
2723  }
2725  void deallocate()
2726  {
2727  detail::destroy_dealloc_n(this->pointer_, size_, alloc_);
2728  this->pointer_ = 0;
2729  }
2731  MultiArrayIndex size_;
2732  Alloc alloc_;
2734  private:
2735  Chunk & operator=(Chunk const &);
2736  };
2739  typedef typename ChunkStorage::difference_type shape_type;
2740  typedef T value_type;
2741  typedef value_type * pointer;
2742  typedef value_type & reference;
2744  /** \brief Construct with given 'shape', 'chunk_shape' and 'options',
2745  using the allocator 'alloc' to manage the memory.
2746  */
2747  explicit ChunkedArrayLazy(shape_type const & shape,
2748  shape_type const & chunk_shape=shape_type(),
2749  ChunkedArrayOptions const & options = ChunkedArrayOptions(),
2750  Alloc const & alloc = Alloc())
2751  : ChunkedArray<N, T>(shape, chunk_shape, options.cacheMax(0))
2752  , alloc_(alloc)
2753  {}
2755  ~ChunkedArrayLazy()
2756  {
2757  typename ChunkStorage::iterator i = this->handle_array_.begin(),
2758  end = this->handle_array_.end();
2759  for(; i != end; ++i)
2760  {
2761  if(i->pointer_)
2762  delete static_cast<Chunk*>(i->pointer_);
2763  i->pointer_ = 0;
2764  }
2765  }
2767  virtual pointer loadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> ** p, shape_type const & index)
2768  {
2769  if(*p == 0)
2770  {
2771  *p = new Chunk(this->chunkShape(index));
2772  this->overhead_bytes_ += sizeof(Chunk);
2773  }
2774  return static_cast<Chunk *>(*p)->allocate();
2775  }
2777  virtual bool unloadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> * chunk, bool destroy)
2778  {
2779  if(destroy)
2780  static_cast<Chunk *>(chunk)->deallocate();
2781  return destroy;
2782  }
2784  virtual std::string backend() const
2785  {
2786  return "ChunkedArrayLazy";
2787  }
2789  virtual std::size_t dataBytes(ChunkBase<N,T> * c) const
2790  {
2791  return c->pointer_ == 0
2792  ? 0
2793  : static_cast<Chunk*>(c)->size_*sizeof(T);
2794  }
2796  virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
2797  {
2798  return sizeof(Chunk) + sizeof(SharedChunkHandle<N, T>);
2799  }
2801  Alloc alloc_;
2802 };
2804 /** \weakgroup ParallelProcessing
2805  \sa ChunkedArrayCompressed
2806 */
2808 /** Implement ChunkedArray as a collection of potentially compressed
2809  in-memory chunks.
2811  This works like \ref ChunkedArrayLazy, but inactive chunks are compressed
2812  when sent asleep. This is especially appropriate for highly compressible
2813  data such as label images.
2815  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/multi_array_chunked.hxx> <br/>
2816  Namespace: vigra
2817 */
2818 template <unsigned int N, class T, class Alloc = std::allocator<T> >
2820 : public ChunkedArray<N, T>
2821 {
2822  public:
2824  class Chunk
2825  : public ChunkBase<N, T>
2826  {
2827  public:
2828  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
2829  typedef T value_type;
2830  typedef value_type * pointer;
2831  typedef value_type & reference;
2833  Chunk(shape_type const & shape)
2834  : ChunkBase<N, T>(detail::defaultStride(shape))
2835  , compressed_()
2836  , size_(prod(shape))
2837  {}
2839  ~Chunk()
2840  {
2841  deallocate();
2842  }
2844  pointer allocate()
2845  {
2846  if(this->pointer_ == 0)
2847  this->pointer_ = detail::alloc_initialize_n<T>(size_, T(), alloc_);
2848  return this->pointer_;
2849  }
2851  void deallocate()
2852  {
2853  detail::destroy_dealloc_n(this->pointer_, size_, alloc_);
2854  this->pointer_ = 0;
2855  compressed_.clear();
2856  }
2858  void compress(CompressionMethod method)
2859  {
2860  if(this->pointer_ != 0)
2861  {
2862  vigra_invariant(compressed_.size() == 0,
2863  "ChunkedArrayCompressed::Chunk::compress(): compressed and uncompressed pointer are both non-zero.");
2865  ::vigra::compress((char const *)this->pointer_, size_*sizeof(T), compressed_, method);
2867  // std::cerr << "compression ratio: " << double(compressed_.size())/(this->size()*sizeof(T)) << "\n";
2868  detail::destroy_dealloc_n(this->pointer_, size_, alloc_);
2869  this->pointer_ = 0;
2870  }
2871  }
2873  pointer uncompress(CompressionMethod method)
2874  {
2875  if(this->pointer_ == 0)
2876  {
2877  if(compressed_.size())
2878  {
2879  this->pointer_ = alloc_.allocate((typename Alloc::size_type)size_);
2881  ::vigra::uncompress(compressed_.data(), compressed_.size(),
2882  (char*)this->pointer_, size_*sizeof(T), method);
2883  compressed_.clear();
2884  }
2885  else
2886  {
2887  this->pointer_ = allocate();
2888  }
2889  }
2890  else
2891  {
2892  vigra_invariant(compressed_.size() == 0,
2893  "ChunkedArrayCompressed::Chunk::uncompress(): compressed and uncompressed pointer are both non-zero.");
2894  }
2895  return this->pointer_;
2896  }
2898  ArrayVector<char> compressed_;
2899  MultiArrayIndex size_;
2900  Alloc alloc_;
2902  private:
2903  Chunk & operator=(Chunk const &);
2904  };
2907  typedef typename ChunkStorage::difference_type shape_type;
2908  typedef T value_type;
2909  typedef value_type * pointer;
2910  typedef value_type & reference;
2912  /** \brief Construct with given 'shape', 'chunk_shape' and 'options'.
2914  The most important option concerns the compression algorithm. Supported
2915  algorithms are:
2916  <ul>
2917  <li>LZ4: Very fast algorithm that achieves decent compression ratios.
2918  <li>ZLIB_FAST: Fast compression using 'zlib' (slower than LZ4, but higher compression).
2919  <li>ZLIB_BEST: Best compression using 'zlib', slow.
2920  <li>ZLIB_NONE: Use 'zlib' format without compression.
2921  <li>DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: Same as LZ4.
2922  </ul>
2923  */
2924  explicit ChunkedArrayCompressed(shape_type const & shape,
2925  shape_type const & chunk_shape=shape_type(),
2926  ChunkedArrayOptions const & options = ChunkedArrayOptions())
2927  : ChunkedArray<N, T>(shape, chunk_shape, options),
2928  compression_method_(options.compression_method)
2929  {
2930  if(compression_method_ == DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
2931  compression_method_ = LZ4;
2932  }
2935  {
2936  typename ChunkStorage::iterator i = this->handle_array_.begin(),
2937  end = this->handle_array_.end();
2938  for(; i != end; ++i)
2939  {
2940  if(i->pointer_)
2941  delete static_cast<Chunk*>(i->pointer_);
2942  i->pointer_ = 0;
2943  }
2944  }
2946  virtual pointer loadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> ** p, shape_type const & index)
2947  {
2948  if(*p == 0)
2949  {
2950  *p = new Chunk(this->chunkShape(index));
2951  this->overhead_bytes_ += sizeof(Chunk);
2952  }
2953  return static_cast<Chunk *>(*p)->uncompress(compression_method_);
2954  }
2956  virtual bool unloadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> * chunk, bool destroy)
2957  {
2958  if(destroy)
2959  static_cast<Chunk *>(chunk)->deallocate();
2960  else
2961  static_cast<Chunk *>(chunk)->compress(compression_method_);
2962  return destroy;
2963  }
2965  virtual std::string backend() const
2966  {
2967  switch(compression_method_)
2968  {
2969  case ZLIB:
2970  return "ChunkedArrayCompressed<ZLIB>";
2971  case ZLIB_NONE:
2972  return "ChunkedArrayCompressed<ZLIB_NONE>";
2973  case ZLIB_FAST:
2974  return "ChunkedArrayCompressed<ZLIB_FAST>";
2975  case ZLIB_BEST:
2976  return "ChunkedArrayCompressed<ZLIB_BEST>";
2977  case LZ4:
2978  return "ChunkedArrayCompressed<LZ4>";
2979  default:
2980  return "unknown";
2981  }
2982  }
2984  virtual std::size_t dataBytes(ChunkBase<N,T> * c) const
2985  {
2986  return c->pointer_ == 0
2987  ? static_cast<Chunk*>(c)->compressed_.size()
2988  : static_cast<Chunk*>(c)->size_*sizeof(T);
2989  }
2991  virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
2992  {
2993  return sizeof(Chunk) + sizeof(SharedChunkHandle<N, T>);
2994  }
2996  CompressionMethod compression_method_;
2997 };
2999 /** \weakgroup ParallelProcessing
3000  \sa ChunkedArrayTmpFile
3001 */
3003 /** Implement ChunkedArray as a collection of chunks that can be
3004  swapped out into a temporary file when asleep.
3006  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/multi_array_chunked.hxx> <br/>
3007  Namespace: vigra
3009  The present implementation uses a memory-mapped sparse file to store the chunks.
3010  A sparse file is created on Linux using the O_TRUNC flag (this seems to be
3011  the default file behavior on Linux anyway), and on Windows by
3012  calling DeviceIoControl(file_handle, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE,...) after file creation.
3014  The file is automatically deleted upon closing. On Windows, this happens
3015  because the file was opened with FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE in combination
3016  with the flag FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, which tells the OS to avoid writing
3017  the file to disk if possible. (However, judging from the timings,
3018  something is still written, or cleanup takes considerable time.)
3019  On Linux, automated deletion is achieved via <tt>fileno(tmpfile())</tt>.
3020 */
3021 template <unsigned int N, class T>
3023 : public ChunkedArray<N, T>
3024 {
3025  /* REMARKS
3027  Alternatives are:
3028  * Don't create a file explicitly, but use the swap file instead. This is
3029  achieved on Linux by mmap(..., MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, ...),
3030  on Windows by calling CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ...).
3031  * On Linux, the memory must not be unmapped because this
3032  looses the data. In fact, anonymous mmap() is very similar to
3033  malloc(), and there is probably no good reason to use anonymous mmap().
3034  * On Windows, this is much faster, because the OS will never try to
3035  actually write something to disk (unless swapping is necessary).
3036  */
3037  public:
3038 #ifdef _WIN32
3039  typedef HANDLE FileHandle;
3040 #else
3041  typedef int FileHandle;
3042 #endif
3044  class Chunk
3045  : public ChunkBase<N, T>
3046  {
3047  public:
3048  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<N>::type shape_type;
3049  typedef T value_type;
3050  typedef value_type * pointer;
3051  typedef value_type & reference;
3053  Chunk(shape_type const & shape,
3054  std::size_t offset, size_t alloc_size,
3055  FileHandle file)
3056  : ChunkBase<N, T>(detail::defaultStride(shape))
3057  , offset_(offset)
3058  , alloc_size_(alloc_size)
3059  , file_(file)
3060  {}
3062  ~Chunk()
3063  {
3064  unmap();
3065  }
3067  pointer map()
3068  {
3069  if(this->pointer_ == 0)
3070  {
3071  #ifdef _WIN32
3072  static const std::size_t bits = sizeof(DWORD)*8,
3073  mask = (std::size_t(1) << bits) - 1;
3074  this->pointer_ = (pointer)MapViewOfFile(file_, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,
3075  std::size_t(offset_) >> bits, offset_ & mask, alloc_size_);
3076  if(this->pointer_ == 0)
3077  winErrorToException("ChunkedArrayChunk::map(): ");
3078  #else
3079  this->pointer_ = (pointer)mmap(0, alloc_size_, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
3080  file_, offset_);
3081  if(this->pointer_ == 0)
3082  throw std::runtime_error("ChunkedArrayChunk::map(): mmap() failed.");
3083  #endif
3084  }
3085  return this->pointer_;
3086  }
3088  void unmap()
3089  {
3090  if(this->pointer_ != 0)
3091  {
3092  #ifdef _WIN32
3093  ::UnmapViewOfFile(this->pointer_);
3094  #else
3095  munmap(this->pointer_, alloc_size_);
3096  #endif
3097  this->pointer_ = 0;
3098  }
3099  }
3101  std::size_t offset_, alloc_size_;
3102  FileHandle file_;
3104  private:
3105  Chunk & operator=(Chunk const &);
3106  };
3110  typedef typename ChunkStorage::difference_type shape_type;
3111  typedef T value_type;
3112  typedef value_type * pointer;
3113  typedef value_type & reference;
3115  static std::size_t computeAllocSize(shape_type const & shape)
3116  {
3117  std::size_t size = prod(shape)*sizeof(T);
3118  std::size_t mask = mmap_alignment - 1;
3119  return (size + mask) & ~mask;
3120  }
3122  /** \brief Construct with given 'shape', 'chunk_shape' and 'options'.
3124  If the optional 'path' is given, the file is created in this directory.
3125  Otherwise (default), the path specified by the $TMP or $TEMP environment
3126  variables (in that order) is used.
3127  */
3128  explicit ChunkedArrayTmpFile(shape_type const & shape,
3129  shape_type const & chunk_shape=shape_type(),
3130  ChunkedArrayOptions const & options = ChunkedArrayOptions(),
3131  std::string const & path = "")
3132  : ChunkedArray<N, T>(shape, chunk_shape, options)
3133  #ifndef VIGRA_NO_SPARSE_FILE
3134  , offset_array_(this->chunkArrayShape())
3135  #endif
3136  , file_size_()
3137  , file_capacity_()
3138  {
3139  ignore_argument(path);
3141  file_capacity_ = 4*prod(this->chunk_shape_)*sizeof(T);
3142  #else
3143  // compute offset in file
3144  typename OffsetStorage::iterator i = offset_array_.begin(),
3145  end = offset_array_.end();
3146  std::size_t size = 0;
3147  for(; i != end; ++i)
3148  {
3149  *i = size;
3150  size += computeAllocSize(this->chunkShape(i.point()));
3151  }
3152  file_capacity_ = size;
3153  this->overhead_bytes_ += offset_array_.size()*sizeof(std::size_t);
3154  // std::cerr << " file size: " << size << "\n";
3155  #endif
3157  #ifdef _WIN32
3158  // create a temp file
3159  file_ = ::CreateFile(winTempFileName(path).c_str(), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
3161  if (file_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
3162  winErrorToException("ChunkedArrayTmpFile(): ");
3164  // make it a sparse file
3165  DWORD dwTemp;
3166  if(!::DeviceIoControl(file_, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &dwTemp, NULL))
3167  winErrorToException("ChunkedArrayTmpFile(): ");
3169  // place the data in the swap file
3170  // file_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
3172  // resize and memory-map the file
3173  static const std::size_t bits = sizeof(LONG)*8, mask = (std::size_t(1) << bits) - 1;
3174  mappedFile_ = CreateFileMapping(file_, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE,
3175  file_capacity_ >> bits, file_capacity_ & mask, NULL);
3176  if(!mappedFile_)
3177  winErrorToException("ChunkedArrayTmpFile(): ");
3178  #else
3179  mappedFile_ = file_ = fileno(tmpfile());
3180  if(file_ == -1)
3181  throw std::runtime_error("ChunkedArrayTmpFile(): unable to open file.");
3182  lseek(file_, file_capacity_-1, SEEK_SET);
3183  if(write(file_, "0", 1) == -1)
3184  throw std::runtime_error("ChunkedArrayTmpFile(): unable to resize file.");
3185  #endif
3186  }
3189  {
3190  typename ChunkStorage::iterator i = this->handle_array_.begin(),
3191  end = this->handle_array_.end();
3192  for(; i != end; ++i)
3193  {
3194  if(i->pointer_)
3195  delete static_cast<Chunk*>(i->pointer_);
3196  i->pointer_ = 0;
3197  }
3198  #ifdef _WIN32
3199  ::CloseHandle(mappedFile_);
3200  ::CloseHandle(file_);
3201  #else
3202  ::close(file_);
3203  #endif
3204  }
3206  virtual pointer loadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> ** p, shape_type const & index)
3207  {
3208  if(*p == 0)
3209  {
3210  shape_type shape = this->chunkShape(index);
3211  std::size_t chunk_size = computeAllocSize(shape);
3213  std::size_t offset = file_size_;
3214  if(offset + chunk_size > file_capacity_)
3215  {
3216  file_capacity_ = max<std::size_t>(offset+chunk_size, file_capacity_ * 120 / 100); // extend file by 20%
3217  if(lseek(file_, file_capacity_-1, SEEK_SET) == -1)
3218  throw std::runtime_error("ChunkedArrayTmpFile(): unable to reset file size.");
3219  if(write(file_, "0", 1) == -1)
3220  throw std::runtime_error("ChunkedArrayTmpFile(): unable to resize file.");
3221  }
3222  file_size_ += chunk_size;
3223  #else
3224  std::size_t offset = offset_array_[index];
3225  #endif
3226  *p = new Chunk(shape, offset, chunk_size, mappedFile_);
3227  this->overhead_bytes_ += sizeof(Chunk);
3228  }
3229  return static_cast<Chunk*>(*p)->map();
3230  }
3232  virtual bool unloadChunk(ChunkBase<N, T> * chunk, bool /* destroy*/)
3233  {
3234  static_cast<Chunk *>(chunk)->unmap();
3235  return false; // never destroys the data
3236  }
3238  virtual std::string backend() const
3239  {
3240  return "ChunkedArrayTmpFile";
3241  }
3243  virtual std::size_t dataBytes(ChunkBase<N,T> * c) const
3244  {
3245  return c->pointer_ == 0
3246  ? 0
3247  : static_cast<Chunk*>(c)->alloc_size_;
3248  }
3250  virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
3251  {
3253  return sizeof(Chunk) + sizeof(SharedChunkHandle<N, T>);
3254  #else
3255  return sizeof(Chunk) + sizeof(SharedChunkHandle<N, T>) + sizeof(std::size_t);
3256  #endif
3257  }
3259  #ifndef VIGRA_NO_SPARSE_FILE
3260  OffsetStorage offset_array_; // the array of chunks
3261  #endif
3262  FileHandle file_, mappedFile_; // the file back-end
3263  std::size_t file_size_, file_capacity_;
3264 };
3266 template<unsigned int N, class U>
3267 class ChunkIterator
3268 : public MultiCoordinateIterator<N>
3269 , private MultiArrayView<N, typename UnqualifiedType<U>::type>
3270 {
3271  public:
3272  typedef typename UnqualifiedType<U>::type T;
3273  typedef MultiCoordinateIterator<N> base_type;
3274  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T> base_type2;
3276  typedef typename base_type::shape_type shape_type;
3277  typedef typename base_type::difference_type difference_type;
3278  typedef ChunkIterator iterator;
3279  typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
3281  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T> value_type;
3282  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T> & reference;
3283  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T> const & const_reference;
3284  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T> * pointer;
3285  typedef MultiArrayView<N, T> const * const_pointer;
3287  typedef typename IfBool<UnqualifiedType<U>::isConst,
3288  ChunkedArrayBase<N, T> const,
3289  ChunkedArrayBase<N, T> >::type array_type;
3290  typedef IteratorChunkHandle<N, T> Chunk;
3293  ChunkIterator()
3294  : base_type()
3295  , base_type2()
3296  {}
3298  ChunkIterator(array_type * array,
3299  shape_type const & start, shape_type const & end,
3300  shape_type const & chunk_start, shape_type const & chunk_end,
3301  shape_type const & chunk_shape)
3302  : base_type(chunk_start, chunk_end)
3303  , array_(array)
3304  , chunk_(chunk_start * chunk_shape)
3305  , start_(start - chunk_.offset_)
3306  , stop_(end - chunk_.offset_)
3307  , chunk_shape_(chunk_shape)
3308  {
3309  getChunk();
3310  }
3312  ChunkIterator(ChunkIterator const & rhs)
3313  : base_type(rhs)
3314  , base_type2(rhs)
3315  , array_(rhs.array_)
3316  , chunk_(rhs.chunk_)
3317  , start_(rhs.start_)
3318  , stop_(rhs.stop_)
3319  , chunk_shape_(rhs.chunk_shape_)
3320  {
3321  getChunk();
3322  }
3324  ChunkIterator & operator=(ChunkIterator const & rhs)
3325  {
3326  if(this != &rhs)
3327  {
3328  base_type::operator=(rhs);
3329  array_ = rhs.array_;
3330  chunk_ = rhs.chunk_;
3331  start_ = rhs.start_;
3332  stop_ = rhs.stop_;
3333  chunk_shape_ = rhs.chunk_shape_;
3334  getChunk();
3335  }
3336  return *this;
3337  }
3339  reference operator*()
3340  {
3341  return *this;
3342  }
3344  const_reference operator*() const
3345  {
3346  return *this;
3347  }
3349  pointer operator->()
3350  {
3351  return this;
3352  }
3354  const_pointer operator->() const
3355  {
3356  return this;
3357  }
3359  value_type operator[](MultiArrayIndex i) const
3360  {
3361  return *(ChunkIterator(*this) += i);
3362  }
3364  value_type operator[](const shape_type &coordOffset) const
3365  {
3366  return *(ChunkIterator(*this) += coordOffset);
3367  }
3369  void getChunk()
3370  {
3371  if(array_)
3372  {
3373  shape_type array_point = max(start_, this->point()*chunk_shape_),
3374  upper_bound(SkipInitialization);
3375  this->m_ptr = array_->chunkForIterator(array_point, this->m_stride, upper_bound, &chunk_);
3376  this->m_shape = min(upper_bound, stop_) - array_point;
3377  }
3378  }
3380  shape_type chunkStart() const
3381  {
3382  return max(start_, this->point()*chunk_shape_) + chunk_.offset_;
3383  }
3385  shape_type chunkStop() const
3386  {
3387  return chunkStart() + this->m_shape;
3388  }
3390  ChunkIterator & operator++()
3391  {
3392  base_type::operator++();
3393  getChunk();
3394  return *this;
3395  }
3397  ChunkIterator operator++(int)
3398  {
3399  ChunkIterator res(*this);
3400  ++*this;
3401  return res;
3402  }
3404  ChunkIterator & operator+=(MultiArrayIndex i)
3405  {
3407  getChunk();
3408  return *this;
3409  }
3411  ChunkIterator & operator+=(const shape_type &coordOffset)
3412  {
3413  base_type::operator+=(coordOffset);
3414  getChunk();
3415  return *this;
3416  }
3418  ChunkIterator & operator--()
3419  {
3420  base_type::operator--();
3421  getChunk();
3422  return *this;
3423  }
3425  ChunkIterator operator--(int)
3426  {
3427  ChunkIterator res(*this);
3428  --*this;
3429  return res;
3430  }
3432  ChunkIterator & operator-=(MultiArrayIndex i)
3433  {
3434  return operator+=(-i);
3435  }
3437  ChunkIterator & operator-=(const shape_type &coordOffset)
3438  {
3439  return operator+=(-coordOffset);
3440  }
3442  ChunkIterator getEndIterator() const
3443  {
3444  ChunkIterator res(*this);
3445  static_cast<base_type &>(res) = base_type::getEndIterator();
3446  res.getChunk();
3447  return res;
3448  }
3450  ChunkIterator operator+(MultiArrayIndex d) const
3451  {
3452  return ChunkIterator(*this) += d;
3453  }
3455  ChunkIterator operator-(MultiArrayIndex d) const
3456  {
3457  return ChunkIterator(*this) -= d;
3458  }
3460  ChunkIterator operator+(const shape_type &coordOffset) const
3461  {
3462  return ChunkIterator(*this) += coordOffset;
3463  }
3465  ChunkIterator operator-(const shape_type &coordOffset) const
3466  {
3467  return ChunkIterator(*this) -= coordOffset;
3468  }
3470  MultiArrayIndex operator-(const ChunkIterator & other) const
3471  {
3472  return base_type::operator-(other);
3473  }
3475 #ifndef DOXYGEN // doxygen doesn't understand this
3476  using base_type::operator==;
3477  using base_type::operator!=;
3478 #endif
3479  using base_type::shape;
3481  array_type * array_;
3482  Chunk chunk_;
3483  shape_type start_, stop_, chunk_shape_, array_point_;
3484 };
3486 //@}
3488 } // namespace vigra
std::size_t cacheMaxSize() const
Get the number of chunks the cache will hold.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2357
chunk_iterator chunk_end(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop)
Create the end iterator for iteration over all chunks intersected by the given ROI.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2437
Sequential iterator for MultiArrayView.
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:161
MultiArrayView< N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag > bindOuter(difference_type_1 index) const
Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2293
std::size_t dataBytes() const
Bytes of main memory occupied by the array's data.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1674
ChunkedArrayTmpFile(shape_type const &shape, shape_type const &chunk_shape=shape_type(), ChunkedArrayOptions const &options=ChunkedArrayOptions(), std::string const &path="")
Construct with given 'shape', 'chunk_shape' and 'options'.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:3128
const_iterator end() const
Create the end iterator for read-only scan-order iteration over the entire chunked array...
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2421
void commitSubarray(shape_type const &start, MultiArrayView< N, U, Stride > const &subarray)
Copy an ordinary MultiArrayView into an ROI of the chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2114
Option object for ChunkedArray construction.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1267
view_type::pointer pointer
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2502
void transpose(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > &v, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &r)
Definition: matrix.hxx:965
void releaseChunks(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop, bool destroy=false)
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2051
ChunkedArrayCompressed(shape_type const &shape, shape_type const &chunk_shape=shape_type(), ChunkedArrayOptions const &options=ChunkedArrayOptions())
Construct with given 'shape', 'chunk_shape' and 'options'.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2924
Diff2D operator-(Diff2D const &a, Diff2D const &b)
Definition: diff2d.hxx:711
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2819
const_iterator begin() const
Create a read-only scan-order iterator for the entire chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2413
chunk_iterator chunk_begin(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop)
Create an iterator over all chunks intersected by the given ROI.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2428
MultiArrayView< N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag > bind(difference_type_1 index) const
Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2281
ChunkedArrayFull(shape_type const &shape, ChunkedArrayOptions const &options=ChunkedArrayOptions(), Alloc const &alloc=Alloc())
Construct with given 'shape' and 'options', using the allocator 'alloc' to manage the memory...
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2573
void linearSequence(Iterator first, Iterator last, Value start, Value step)
Fill an array with a sequence of numbers.
Definition: algorithm.hxx:208
view_type::iterator iterator
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2548
iterator begin()
Create a scan-order iterator for the entire chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2381
shape_type chunkStart(shape_type const &global_start) const
Find the chunk that contains array element 'global_start'.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1708
const_iterator cbegin() const
Create a read-only scan-order iterator for the entire chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2397
void compress(char const *source, std::size_t size, ArrayVector< char > &dest, CompressionMethod method)
Diff2D operator+(Diff2D const &a, Diff2D const &b)
Definition: diff2d.hxx:739
ChunkedArrayLazy(shape_type const &shape, shape_type const &chunk_shape=shape_type(), ChunkedArrayOptions const &options=ChunkedArrayOptions(), Alloc const &alloc=Alloc())
Construct with given 'shape', 'chunk_shape' and 'options', using the allocator 'alloc' to manage the ...
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2747
Interface and base class for chunked arrays.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:463
std::ptrdiff_t MultiArrayIndex
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:60
value_type getItem(shape_type const &point) const
Read the array element at index 'point'.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2221
bool allLess(TinyVectorBase< V1, SIZE, D1, D2 > const &l, TinyVectorBase< V2, SIZE, D3, D4 > const &r)
pointwise less-than
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:1375
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2524
view_type::difference_type difference_type
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2522
int cacheSize() const
Number of chunks currently fitting into the cache.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1664
FFTWComplex< R > & operator-=(FFTWComplex< R > &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
Definition: fftw3.hxx:867
MultiArrayView< N-M, T, ChunkedArrayTag > bindOuter(const TinyVector< Index, M > &d) const
Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2305
MultiArrayView< N-M, T, ChunkedArrayTag > bindInner(const TinyVector< Index, M > &d) const
Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2337
ChunkedArrayOptions & compression(CompressionMethod v)
Compress inactive chunks with the given method.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1312
chunk_const_iterator chunk_cbegin(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop) const
Create a read-only iterator over all chunks intersected by the given ROI.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2462
void setCacheMaxSize(std::size_t c)
Set the number of chunks the cache will hold.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2369
const_view_type const_subarray(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop) const
Create a read-only view to the specified ROI.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2208
std::size_t overheadBytes() const
Bytes of main memory needed to manage the chunked storage.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1681
FFTWComplex< R > & operator+=(FFTWComplex< R > &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
Definition: fftw3.hxx:859
view_type::reference reference
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2510
Int32 log2i(UInt32 x)
Compute the base-2 logarithm of an integer.
Definition: mathutil.hxx:361
NumericTraits< V >::Promote prod(TinyVectorBase< V, SIZE, D1, D2 > const &l)
product of the vector's elements
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:2097
bool operator!=(FFTWComplex< R > const &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
not equal
Definition: fftw3.hxx:841
bool operator!=(MultiArrayView< N, U, C1 > const &rhs) const
Check if two arrays differ in at least one element.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1799
iterator end()
Create the end iterator for scan-order iteration over the entire chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2389
ChunkedArrayOptions & fillValue(double v)
Element value for read-only access of uninitialized chunks.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1282
void checkoutSubarray(shape_type const &start, MultiArrayView< N, U, Stride > &subarray) const
Copy an ROI of the chunked array into an ordinary MultiArrayView.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2092
bool operator==(FFTWComplex< R > const &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
Definition: fftw3.hxx:825
shape_type chunkStop(shape_type global_stop) const
Find the chunk that is beyond array element 'global_stop'.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1722
virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
Bytes of main memory needed to manage a single chunk.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:3250
TinyVector< MultiArrayIndex, N > type
Definition: multi_shape.hxx:272
view_type::size_type size_type
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2518
const_view_type subarray(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop) const
Create a read-only view to the specified ROI.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2194
std::size_t dataBytesPerChunk() const
Number of data bytes in an uncompressed chunk.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1697
ChunkedArrayOptions & cacheMax(int v)
Maximum number of chunks in the cache.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1297
view_type::const_pointer const_pointer
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2506
view_type::value_type value_type
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2498
void setItem(shape_type const &point, value_type const &v)
Write the array element at index 'point'.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2244
shape_type chunkShape(shape_type const &chunk_index) const
Find the shape of the chunk indexed by 'chunk_index'.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1736
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2693
Class for fixed size vectors.This class contains an array of size SIZE of the specified VALUETYPE...
Definition: accessor.hxx:940
MultiArrayView< N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag > bindInner(difference_type_1 index) const
Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2325
Definition: metaprogramming.hxx:130
chunk_const_iterator chunk_cend(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop) const
Create the end iterator for read-only iteration over all chunks intersected by the given ROI...
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2471
chunk_const_iterator chunk_begin(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop) const
Create a read-only iterator over all chunks intersected by the given ROI.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2445
view_type::difference_type_1 difference_type_1
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2526
virtual shape_type chunkArrayShape() const
Number of chunks along each coordinate direction.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1688
virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
Bytes of main memory needed to manage a single chunk.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2631
detail::SelectIntegerType< 32, detail::UnsignedIntTypes >::type UInt32
32-bit unsigned int
Definition: sized_int.hxx:183
bool operator==(MultiArrayView< N, U, C1 > const &rhs) const
Check if two arrays are elementwise equal.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1784
chunk_const_iterator chunk_end(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop) const
Create the end iterator for read-only iteration over all chunks intersected by the given ROI...
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2454
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:3022
Base class for, and view to, vigra::MultiArray.
Definition: multi_array.hxx:704
void uncompress(char const *source, std::size_t srcSize, char *dest, std::size_t destSize, CompressionMethod method)
virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
Bytes of main memory needed to manage a single chunk.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2796
bool allLessEqual(TinyVectorBase< V1, SIZE, D1, D2 > const &l, TinyVectorBase< V2, SIZE, D3, D4 > const &r)
pointwise less-equal
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:1399
view_type subarray(shape_type const &start, shape_type const &stop)
Create a view to the specified ROI.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2180
UInt32 ceilPower2(UInt32 x)
Round up to the nearest power of 2.
Definition: mathutil.hxx:294
virtual std::size_t overheadBytesPerChunk() const
Bytes of main memory needed to manage a single chunk.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2991
TinyVector< V, SIZE > transpose(TinyVector< V, SIZE > const &t, TinyVector< T, SIZE > const &permutation)
transposed copy
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:2251
const_iterator cend() const
Create the end iterator for read-only scan-order iteration over the entire chunked array...
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2405
MultiArrayView< N-1, T, ChunkedArrayTag > bindAt(MultiArrayIndex dim, MultiArrayIndex index) const
Create a lower dimensional view to the chunked array.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2265
Iterate over a virtual array where each element contains its coordinate.
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:157
virtual shape_type chunkArrayShape() const
Number of chunks along each coordinate direction.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:2611
view_type::const_reference const_reference
Definition: multi_array.hxx:2514
Initialize options with defaults.
Definition: multi_array_chunked.hxx:1272

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)