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linear_solve.hxx VIGRA

1 /************************************************************************/
2 /* */
3 /* Copyright 2003-2008 by Gunnar Kedenburg and Ullrich Koethe */
4 /* */
5 /* This file is part of the VIGRA computer vision library. */
6 /* The VIGRA Website is */
7 /* http://hci.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/vigra/ */
8 /* Please direct questions, bug reports, and contributions to */
9 /* ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de or */
10 /* vigra@informatik.uni-hamburg.de */
11 /* */
12 /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person */
13 /* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation */
14 /* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without */
15 /* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, */
16 /* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or */
17 /* sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the */
18 /* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following */
19 /* conditions: */
20 /* */
21 /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
22 /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the */
23 /* Software. */
24 /* */
33 /* */
34 /************************************************************************/
40 #include <ctype.h>
41 #include <string>
42 #include "mathutil.hxx"
43 #include "matrix.hxx"
44 #include "singular_value_decomposition.hxx"
47 namespace vigra
48 {
50 namespace linalg
51 {
53 namespace detail {
55 template <class T, class C1>
56 T determinantByLUDecomposition(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & a)
57 {
58  typedef MultiArrayShape<2>::type Shape;
60  MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(a), n = columnCount(a);
61  vigra_precondition(n == m,
62  "determinantByLUDecomposition(): square matrix required.");
63  vigra_precondition(NumericTraits<T>::isIntegral::value == false,
64  "determinantByLUDecomposition(): Input matrix must not be an integral type.");
66  Matrix<T> LU(a);
67  T det = 1.0;
69  for (MultiArrayIndex j = 0; j < n; ++j)
70  {
71  // Apply previous transformations.
72  for (MultiArrayIndex i = 0; i < m; ++i)
73  {
74  MultiArrayIndex end = std::min(i, j);
75  T s = dot(rowVector(LU, Shape(i,0), end), columnVector(LU, Shape(0,j), end));
76  LU(i,j) = LU(i,j) -= s;
77  }
79  // Find pivot and exchange if necessary.
80  MultiArrayIndex p = j + argMax(abs(columnVector(LU, Shape(j,j), m)));
81  if (p != j)
82  {
83  rowVector(LU, p).swapData(rowVector(LU, j));
84  det = -det;
85  }
87  det *= LU(j,j);
89  // Compute multipliers.
90  if (LU(j,j) != 0.0)
91  columnVector(LU, Shape(j+1,j), m) /= LU(j,j);
92  else
93  break; // det is zero
94  }
95  return det;
96 }
98 template <class T, class C1>
99 typename NumericTraits<T>::Promote
100 determinantByMinors(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & mat)
101 {
102  typedef typename NumericTraits<T>::Promote PromoteType;
103  MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(mat);
104  MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(mat);
105  vigra_precondition(
106  n == m,
107  "determinantByMinors(): square matrix required.");
108  vigra_precondition(
109  NumericTraits<PromoteType>::isSigned::value,
110  "determinantByMinors(): promote type must be signed.");
111  if (m == 1)
112  {
113  return mat(0, 0);
114  }
115  else
116  {
117  Matrix<T> minor_mat(Shape2(m-1, n-1));
118  PromoteType det = NumericTraits<PromoteType>::zero();
119  for (MultiArrayIndex i = 0; i < m; i++)
120  {
121  for (MultiArrayIndex j = 0, jj = 0; j < (m - 1); j++, jj++)
122  {
123  if (j == i)
124  {
125  jj++;
126  }
127  rowVector(minor_mat, j) = rowVector(mat, Shape2(jj, 1), m);
128  }
129  const PromoteType sign = 1 - 2 * (i % 2);
130  det += sign * mat(i, 0) * determinantByMinors(minor_mat);
131  }
132  return det;
133  }
134 }
136 // returns the new value of 'a' (when this Givens rotation is applied to 'a' and 'b')
137 // the new value of 'b' is zero, of course
138 template <class T>
139 T givensCoefficients(T a, T b, T & c, T & s)
140 {
141  if(abs(a) < abs(b))
142  {
143  T t = a/b,
144  r = std::sqrt(1.0 + t*t);
145  s = 1.0 / r;
146  c = t*s;
147  return r*b;
148  }
149  else if(a != 0.0)
150  {
151  T t = b/a,
152  r = std::sqrt(1.0 + t*t);
153  c = 1.0 / r;
154  s = t*c;
155  return r*a;
156  }
157  else // a == b == 0.0
158  {
159  c = 1.0;
160  s = 0.0;
161  return 0.0;
162  }
163 }
165 // see Golub, van Loan: Algorithm 5.1.3 (p. 216)
166 template <class T>
167 bool givensRotationMatrix(T a, T b, Matrix<T> & gTranspose)
168 {
169  if(b == 0.0)
170  return false; // no rotation needed
171  givensCoefficients(a, b, gTranspose(0,0), gTranspose(0,1));
172  gTranspose(1,1) = gTranspose(0,0);
173  gTranspose(1,0) = -gTranspose(0,1);
174  return true;
175 }
177 // reflections are symmetric matrices and can thus be applied to rows
178 // and columns in the same way => code simplification relative to rotations
179 template <class T>
180 inline bool
181 givensReflectionMatrix(T a, T b, Matrix<T> & g)
182 {
183  if(b == 0.0)
184  return false; // no reflection needed
185  givensCoefficients(a, b, g(0,0), g(0,1));
186  g(1,1) = -g(0,0);
187  g(1,0) = g(0,1);
188  return true;
189 }
191 // see Golub, van Loan: Algorithm 5.2.2 (p. 227) and Section 12.5.2 (p. 608)
192 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
193 bool
194 qrGivensStepImpl(MultiArrayIndex i, MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> rhs)
195 {
196  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
198  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(r);
199  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(r);
200  const MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(rhs);
201  vigra_precondition(m == rowCount(rhs),
202  "qrGivensStepImpl(): Matrix shape mismatch.");
204  Matrix<T> givens(2,2);
205  for(int k=m-1; k>static_cast<int>(i); --k)
206  {
207  if(!givensReflectionMatrix(r(k-1,i), r(k,i), givens))
208  continue; // r(k,i) was already zero
210  r(k-1,i) = givens(0,0)*r(k-1,i) + givens(0,1)*r(k,i);
211  r(k,i) = 0.0;
213  r.subarray(Shape(k-1,i+1), Shape(k+1,n)) = givens*r.subarray(Shape(k-1,i+1), Shape(k+1,n));
214  rhs.subarray(Shape(k-1,0), Shape(k+1,rhsCount)) = givens*rhs.subarray(Shape(k-1,0), Shape(k+1,rhsCount));
215  }
216  return r(i,i) != 0.0;
217 }
219 // see Golub, van Loan: Section 12.5.2 (p. 608)
220 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class Permutation>
221 void
222 upperTriangularCyclicShiftColumns(MultiArrayIndex i, MultiArrayIndex j,
223  MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> &r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> &rhs, Permutation & permutation)
224 {
225  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
227  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(r);
228  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(r);
229  const MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(rhs);
230  vigra_precondition(i < n && j < n,
231  "upperTriangularCyclicShiftColumns(): Shift indices out of range.");
232  vigra_precondition(m == rowCount(rhs),
233  "upperTriangularCyclicShiftColumns(): Matrix shape mismatch.");
235  if(j == i)
236  return;
237  if(j < i)
238  std::swap(j,i);
240  Matrix<T> t = columnVector(r, i);
241  MultiArrayIndex ti = permutation[i];
242  for(MultiArrayIndex k=i; k<j;++k)
243  {
244  columnVector(r, k) = columnVector(r, k+1);
245  permutation[k] = permutation[k+1];
246  }
247  columnVector(r, j) = t;
248  permutation[j] = ti;
250  Matrix<T> givens(2,2);
251  for(MultiArrayIndex k=i; k<j; ++k)
252  {
253  if(!givensReflectionMatrix(r(k,k), r(k+1,k), givens))
254  continue; // r(k+1,k) was already zero
256  r(k,k) = givens(0,0)*r(k,k) + givens(0,1)*r(k+1,k);
257  r(k+1,k) = 0.0;
259  r.subarray(Shape(k,k+1), Shape(k+2,n)) = givens*r.subarray(Shape(k,k+1), Shape(k+2,n));
260  rhs.subarray(Shape(k,0), Shape(k+2,rhsCount)) = givens*rhs.subarray(Shape(k,0), Shape(k+2,rhsCount));
261  }
262 }
264 // see Golub, van Loan: Section 12.5.2 (p. 608)
265 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class Permutation>
266 void
267 upperTriangularSwapColumns(MultiArrayIndex i, MultiArrayIndex j,
268  MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> &r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> &rhs, Permutation & permutation)
269 {
270  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
272  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(r);
273  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(r);
274  const MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(rhs);
275  vigra_precondition(i < n && j < n,
276  "upperTriangularSwapColumns(): Swap indices out of range.");
277  vigra_precondition(m == rowCount(rhs),
278  "upperTriangularSwapColumns(): Matrix shape mismatch.");
280  if(j == i)
281  return;
282  if(j < i)
283  std::swap(j,i);
285  columnVector(r, i).swapData(columnVector(r, j));
286  std::swap(permutation[i], permutation[j]);
288  Matrix<T> givens(2,2);
289  for(int k=m-1; k>static_cast<int>(i); --k)
290  {
291  if(!givensReflectionMatrix(r(k-1,i), r(k,i), givens))
292  continue; // r(k,i) was already zero
294  r(k-1,i) = givens(0,0)*r(k-1,i) + givens(0,1)*r(k,i);
295  r(k,i) = 0.0;
297  r.subarray(Shape(k-1,i+1), Shape(k+1,n)) = givens*r.subarray(Shape(k-1,i+1), Shape(k+1,n));
298  rhs.subarray(Shape(k-1,0), Shape(k+1,rhsCount)) = givens*rhs.subarray(Shape(k-1,0), Shape(k+1,rhsCount));
299  }
300  MultiArrayIndex end = std::min(j, m-1);
301  for(MultiArrayIndex k=i+1; k<end; ++k)
302  {
303  if(!givensReflectionMatrix(r(k,k), r(k+1,k), givens))
304  continue; // r(k+1,k) was already zero
306  r(k,k) = givens(0,0)*r(k,k) + givens(0,1)*r(k+1,k);
307  r(k+1,k) = 0.0;
309  r.subarray(Shape(k,k+1), Shape(k+2,n)) = givens*r.subarray(Shape(k,k+1), Shape(k+2,n));
310  rhs.subarray(Shape(k,0), Shape(k+2,rhsCount)) = givens*rhs.subarray(Shape(k,0), Shape(k+2,rhsCount));
311  }
312 }
314 // see Lawson & Hanson: Algorithm H1 (p. 57)
315 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class U>
316 bool householderVector(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & v, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & u, U & vnorm)
317 {
318  vnorm = (v(0,0) > 0.0)
319  ? -norm(v)
320  : norm(v);
321  U f = std::sqrt(vnorm*(vnorm - v(0,0)));
323  if(f == NumericTraits<U>::zero())
324  {
325  u.init(NumericTraits<T>::zero());
326  return false;
327  }
328  else
329  {
330  u(0,0) = (v(0,0) - vnorm) / f;
331  for(MultiArrayIndex k=1; k<rowCount(u); ++k)
332  u(k,0) = v(k,0) / f;
333  return true;
334  }
335 }
337 // see Lawson & Hanson: Algorithm H1 (p. 57)
338 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
339 bool
340 qrHouseholderStepImpl(MultiArrayIndex i, MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> & r,
341  MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & rhs, MultiArrayView<2, T, C3> & householderMatrix)
342 {
343  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
345  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(r);
346  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(r);
347  const MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(rhs);
349  vigra_precondition(i < n && i < m,
350  "qrHouseholderStepImpl(): Index i out of range.");
352  Matrix<T> u(m-i,1);
353  T vnorm;
354  bool nontrivial = householderVector(columnVector(r, Shape(i,i), m), u, vnorm);
356  r(i,i) = vnorm;
357  columnVector(r, Shape(i+1,i), m).init(NumericTraits<T>::zero());
359  if(columnCount(householderMatrix) == n)
360  columnVector(householderMatrix, Shape(i,i), m) = u;
362  if(nontrivial)
363  {
364  for(MultiArrayIndex k=i+1; k<n; ++k)
365  columnVector(r, Shape(i,k), m) -= dot(columnVector(r, Shape(i,k), m), u) * u;
366  for(MultiArrayIndex k=0; k<rhsCount; ++k)
367  columnVector(rhs, Shape(i,k), m) -= dot(columnVector(rhs, Shape(i,k), m), u) * u;
368  }
369  return r(i,i) != 0.0;
370 }
372 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
373 bool
374 qrColumnHouseholderStep(MultiArrayIndex i, MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> &r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> &rhs)
375 {
376  Matrix<T> dontStoreHouseholderVectors; // intentionally empty
377  return qrHouseholderStepImpl(i, r, rhs, dontStoreHouseholderVectors);
378 }
380 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
381 bool
382 qrRowHouseholderStep(MultiArrayIndex i, MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> &r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & householderMatrix)
383 {
384  Matrix<T> dontTransformRHS; // intentionally empty
385  MultiArrayView<2, T, StridedArrayTag> rt = transpose(r),
386  ht = transpose(householderMatrix);
387  return qrHouseholderStepImpl(i, rt, dontTransformRHS, ht);
388 }
390 // O(n) algorithm due to Bischof: Incremental Condition Estimation, 1990
391 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class SNType>
392 void
393 incrementalMaxSingularValueApproximation(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & newColumn,
394  MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & z, SNType & v)
395 {
396  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
397  MultiArrayIndex n = rowCount(newColumn) - 1;
399  SNType vneu = squaredNorm(newColumn);
400  T yv = dot(columnVector(newColumn, Shape(0,0),n), columnVector(z, Shape(0,0),n));
401  // use atan2 as it is robust against overflow/underflow
402  T t = 0.5*std::atan2(T(2.0*yv), T(sq(v)-vneu)),
403  s = std::sin(t),
404  c = std::cos(t);
405  v = std::sqrt(sq(c*v) + sq(s)*vneu + 2.0*s*c*yv);
406  columnVector(z, Shape(0,0),n) = c*columnVector(z, Shape(0,0),n) + s*columnVector(newColumn, Shape(0,0),n);
407  z(n,0) = s*newColumn(n,0);
408 }
410 // O(n) algorithm due to Bischof: Incremental Condition Estimation, 1990
411 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class SNType>
412 void
413 incrementalMinSingularValueApproximation(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & newColumn,
414  MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & z, SNType & v, double tolerance)
415 {
416  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
418  if(v <= tolerance)
419  {
420  v = 0.0;
421  return;
422  }
424  MultiArrayIndex n = rowCount(newColumn) - 1;
426  T gamma = newColumn(n,0);
427  if(gamma == 0.0)
428  {
429  v = 0.0;
430  return;
431  }
433  T yv = dot(columnVector(newColumn, Shape(0,0), static_cast<int>(n)),
434  columnVector(z, Shape(0,0), static_cast<int>(n)));
435  // use atan2 as it is robust against overflow/underflow
436  T t = 0.5*std::atan2(T(-2.0*yv), T(squaredNorm(gamma / v) + squaredNorm(yv) - 1.0)),
437  s = std::sin(t),
438  c = std::cos(t);
439  columnVector(z, Shape(0,0), static_cast<int>(n)) *= c;
440  z(n,0) = (s - c*yv) / gamma;
441  v *= norm(gamma) / hypot(c*gamma, v*(s - c*yv));
442 }
444 // QR algorithm with optional column pivoting
445 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
446 unsigned int
447 qrTransformToTriangularImpl(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> & r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & rhs, MultiArrayView<2, T, C3> & householder,
448  ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> & permutation, double epsilon)
449 {
450  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
451  typedef typename NormTraits<MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> >::NormType NormType;
452  typedef typename NormTraits<MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> >::SquaredNormType SNType;
454  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(r);
455  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(r);
456  const MultiArrayIndex maxRank = std::min(m, n);
458  vigra_precondition(m >= n,
459  "qrTransformToTriangularImpl(): Coefficient matrix with at least as many rows as columns required.");
461  const MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(rhs);
462  bool transformRHS = rhsCount > 0;
463  vigra_precondition(!transformRHS || m == rowCount(rhs),
464  "qrTransformToTriangularImpl(): RHS matrix shape mismatch.");
466  bool storeHouseholderSteps = columnCount(householder) > 0;
467  vigra_precondition(!storeHouseholderSteps || r.shape() == householder.shape(),
468  "qrTransformToTriangularImpl(): Householder matrix shape mismatch.");
470  bool pivoting = permutation.size() > 0;
471  vigra_precondition(!pivoting || n == static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(permutation.size()),
472  "qrTransformToTriangularImpl(): Permutation array size mismatch.");
474  if(n == 0)
475  return 0; // trivial solution
477  Matrix<SNType> columnSquaredNorms;
478  if(pivoting)
479  {
480  columnSquaredNorms.reshape(Shape(1,n));
481  for(MultiArrayIndex k=0; k<n; ++k)
482  columnSquaredNorms[k] = squaredNorm(columnVector(r, k));
484  int pivot = argMax(columnSquaredNorms);
485  if(pivot != 0)
486  {
487  columnVector(r, 0).swapData(columnVector(r, pivot));
488  std::swap(columnSquaredNorms[0], columnSquaredNorms[pivot]);
489  std::swap(permutation[0], permutation[pivot]);
490  }
491  }
493  qrHouseholderStepImpl(0, r, rhs, householder);
495  MultiArrayIndex rank = 1;
496  NormType maxApproxSingularValue = norm(r(0,0)),
497  minApproxSingularValue = maxApproxSingularValue;
499  double tolerance = (epsilon == 0.0)
500  ? m*maxApproxSingularValue*NumericTraits<T>::epsilon()
501  : epsilon;
503  bool simpleSingularValueApproximation = (n < 4);
504  Matrix<T> zmax, zmin;
505  if(minApproxSingularValue <= tolerance)
506  {
507  rank = 0;
508  pivoting = false;
509  simpleSingularValueApproximation = true;
510  }
511  if(!simpleSingularValueApproximation)
512  {
513  zmax.reshape(Shape(m,1));
514  zmin.reshape(Shape(m,1));
515  zmax(0,0) = r(0,0);
516  zmin(0,0) = 1.0 / r(0,0);
517  }
519  for(MultiArrayIndex k=1; k<maxRank; ++k)
520  {
521  if(pivoting)
522  {
523  for(MultiArrayIndex l=k; l<n; ++l)
524  columnSquaredNorms[l] -= squaredNorm(r(k, l));
525  int pivot = k + argMax(rowVector(columnSquaredNorms, Shape(0,k), n));
526  if(pivot != static_cast<int>(k))
527  {
528  columnVector(r, k).swapData(columnVector(r, pivot));
529  std::swap(columnSquaredNorms[k], columnSquaredNorms[pivot]);
530  std::swap(permutation[k], permutation[pivot]);
531  }
532  }
534  qrHouseholderStepImpl(k, r, rhs, householder);
536  if(simpleSingularValueApproximation)
537  {
538  NormType nv = norm(r(k,k));
539  maxApproxSingularValue = std::max(nv, maxApproxSingularValue);
540  minApproxSingularValue = std::min(nv, minApproxSingularValue);
541  }
542  else
543  {
544  incrementalMaxSingularValueApproximation(columnVector(r, Shape(0,k),k+1), zmax, maxApproxSingularValue);
545  incrementalMinSingularValueApproximation(columnVector(r, Shape(0,k),k+1), zmin, minApproxSingularValue, tolerance);
546  }
548 #if 0
549  Matrix<T> u(k+1,k+1), s(k+1, 1), v(k+1,k+1);
550  singularValueDecomposition(r.subarray(Shape(0,0), Shape(k+1,k+1)), u, s, v);
551  std::cerr << "estimate, svd " << k << ": " << minApproxSingularValue << " " << s(k,0) << "\n";
552 #endif
554  if(epsilon == 0.0)
555  tolerance = m*maxApproxSingularValue*NumericTraits<T>::epsilon();
557  if(minApproxSingularValue > tolerance)
558  ++rank;
559  else
560  pivoting = false; // matrix doesn't have full rank, triangulize the rest without pivoting
561  }
562  return static_cast<unsigned int>(rank);
563 }
565 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
566 unsigned int
567 qrTransformToUpperTriangular(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> & r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & rhs,
568  ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> & permutation, double epsilon = 0.0)
569 {
570  Matrix<T> dontStoreHouseholderVectors; // intentionally empty
571  return qrTransformToTriangularImpl(r, rhs, dontStoreHouseholderVectors, permutation, epsilon);
572 }
574 // QR algorithm with optional row pivoting
575 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
576 unsigned int
577 qrTransformToLowerTriangular(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> & r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & rhs, MultiArrayView<2, T, C3> & householderMatrix,
578  double epsilon = 0.0)
579 {
580  ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> permutation(static_cast<unsigned int>(rowCount(rhs)));
581  for(MultiArrayIndex k=0; k<static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(permutation.size()); ++k)
582  permutation[k] = k;
583  Matrix<T> dontTransformRHS; // intentionally empty
584  MultiArrayView<2, T, StridedArrayTag> rt = transpose(r),
585  ht = transpose(householderMatrix);
586  unsigned int rank = qrTransformToTriangularImpl(rt, dontTransformRHS, ht, permutation, epsilon);
588  // apply row permutation to RHS
589  Matrix<T> tempRHS(rhs);
590  for(MultiArrayIndex k=0; k<static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(permutation.size()); ++k)
591  rowVector(rhs, k) = rowVector(tempRHS, permutation[k]);
592  return rank;
593 }
595 // QR algorithm without column pivoting
596 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
597 inline bool
598 qrTransformToUpperTriangular(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> & r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & rhs,
599  double epsilon = 0.0)
600 {
601  ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> noPivoting; // intentionally empty
603  return (qrTransformToUpperTriangular(r, rhs, noPivoting, epsilon) ==
604  static_cast<unsigned int>(columnCount(r)));
605 }
607 // QR algorithm without row pivoting
608 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
609 inline bool
610 qrTransformToLowerTriangular(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> & r, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> & householder,
611  double epsilon = 0.0)
612 {
613  Matrix<T> noPivoting; // intentionally empty
615  return (qrTransformToLowerTriangular(r, noPivoting, householder, epsilon) ==
616  static_cast<unsigned int>(rowCount(r)));
617 }
619 // restore ordering of result vector elements after QR solution with column pivoting
620 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class Permutation>
621 void inverseRowPermutation(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> &permuted, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> &res,
622  Permutation const & permutation)
623 {
624  for(MultiArrayIndex k=0; k<columnCount(permuted); ++k)
625  for(MultiArrayIndex l=0; l<rowCount(permuted); ++l)
626  res(permutation[l], k) = permuted(l,k);
627 }
629 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
630 void applyHouseholderColumnReflections(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const &householder, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> &res)
631 {
632  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
633  MultiArrayIndex n = rowCount(householder);
634  MultiArrayIndex m = columnCount(householder);
635  MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(res);
637  for(int k = m-1; k >= 0; --k)
638  {
639  MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> u = columnVector(householder, Shape(k,k), n);
640  for(MultiArrayIndex l=0; l<rhsCount; ++l)
641  columnVector(res, Shape(k,l), n) -= dot(columnVector(res, Shape(k,l), n), u) * u;
642  }
643 }
645 } // namespace detail
647 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
648 unsigned int
649 linearSolveQRReplace(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> &A, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> &b,
650  MultiArrayView<2, T, C3> & res,
651  double epsilon = 0.0)
652 {
653  typedef typename Matrix<T>::difference_type Shape;
656  MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(A);
657  MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(res);
658  MultiArrayIndex rank = std::min(m,n);
659  Shape ul(MultiArrayIndex(0), MultiArrayIndex(0));
662  vigra_precondition(rhsCount == columnCount(b),
663  "linearSolveQR(): RHS and solution must have the same number of columns.");
664  vigra_precondition(m == rowCount(b),
665  "linearSolveQR(): Coefficient matrix and RHS must have the same number of rows.");
666  vigra_precondition(n == rowCount(res),
667  "linearSolveQR(): Mismatch between column count of coefficient matrix and row count of solution.");
668  vigra_precondition(epsilon >= 0.0,
669  "linearSolveQR(): 'epsilon' must be non-negative.");
671  if(m < n)
672  {
673  // minimum norm solution of underdetermined system
674  Matrix<T> householderMatrix(n, m);
675  MultiArrayView<2, T, StridedArrayTag> ht = transpose(householderMatrix);
676  rank = static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(detail::qrTransformToLowerTriangular(A, b, ht, epsilon));
677  res.subarray(Shape(rank,0), Shape(n, rhsCount)).init(NumericTraits<T>::zero());
678  if(rank < m)
679  {
680  // system is also rank-deficient => compute minimum norm least squares solution
681  MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> Asub = A.subarray(ul, Shape(m,rank));
682  detail::qrTransformToUpperTriangular(Asub, b, epsilon);
683  linearSolveUpperTriangular(A.subarray(ul, Shape(rank,rank)),
684  b.subarray(ul, Shape(rank,rhsCount)),
685  res.subarray(ul, Shape(rank, rhsCount)));
686  }
687  else
688  {
689  // system has full rank => compute minimum norm solution
690  linearSolveLowerTriangular(A.subarray(ul, Shape(rank,rank)),
691  b.subarray(ul, Shape(rank, rhsCount)),
692  res.subarray(ul, Shape(rank, rhsCount)));
693  }
694  detail::applyHouseholderColumnReflections(householderMatrix.subarray(ul, Shape(n, rank)), res);
695  }
696  else
697  {
698  // solution of well-determined or overdetermined system
699  ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> permutation(static_cast<unsigned int>(n));
700  for(MultiArrayIndex k=0; k<n; ++k)
701  permutation[k] = k;
703  rank = static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(detail::qrTransformToUpperTriangular(A, b, permutation, epsilon));
705  Matrix<T> permutedSolution(n, rhsCount);
706  if(rank < n)
707  {
708  // system is rank-deficient => compute minimum norm solution
709  Matrix<T> householderMatrix(n, rank);
710  MultiArrayView<2, T, StridedArrayTag> ht = transpose(householderMatrix);
711  MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> Asub = A.subarray(ul, Shape(rank,n));
712  detail::qrTransformToLowerTriangular(Asub, ht, epsilon);
713  linearSolveLowerTriangular(A.subarray(ul, Shape(rank,rank)),
714  b.subarray(ul, Shape(rank, rhsCount)),
715  permutedSolution.subarray(ul, Shape(rank, rhsCount)));
716  detail::applyHouseholderColumnReflections(householderMatrix, permutedSolution);
717  }
718  else
719  {
720  // system has full rank => compute exact or least squares solution
721  linearSolveUpperTriangular(A.subarray(ul, Shape(rank,rank)),
722  b.subarray(ul, Shape(rank,rhsCount)),
723  permutedSolution);
724  }
725  detail::inverseRowPermutation(permutedSolution, res, permutation);
726  }
727  return static_cast<unsigned int>(rank);
728 }
730 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
731 unsigned int linearSolveQR(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & A, MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> const & b,
732  MultiArrayView<2, T, C3> & res)
733 {
734  Matrix<T> r(A), rhs(b);
735  return linearSolveQRReplace(r, rhs, res);
736 }
738 /** \defgroup MatrixAlgebra Advanced Matrix Algebra
740  \brief Solution of linear systems, eigen systems, linear least squares etc.
742  \ingroup LinearAlgebraModule
743  */
744 //@{
745  /** Create the inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix \a v.
747  If the matrix \a v is square, \a res must have the same shape and will contain the
748  inverse of \a v. If \a v is rectangular, \a res must have the transposed shape
749  of \a v. The inverse is then computed in the least-squares
750  sense, i.e. \a res will be the pseudo-inverse (Moore-Penrose inverse).
751  The function returns <tt>true</tt> upon success, and <tt>false</tt> if \a v
752  is not invertible (has not full rank). The inverse is computed by means of QR
753  decomposition. This function can be applied in-place.
755  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
756  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
757  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
758  */
759 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
761 {
762  typedef typename MultiArrayShape<2>::type Shape;
764  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(v);
765  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(v);
766  vigra_precondition(n == rowCount(res) && m == columnCount(res),
767  "inverse(): shape of output matrix must be the transpose of the input matrix' shape.");
769  if(m < n)
770  {
772  Matrix<T> r(vt.shape()), q(n, n);
773  if(!qrDecomposition(vt, q, r))
774  return false; // a didn't have full rank
775  linearSolveUpperTriangular(r.subarray(Shape(0,0), Shape(m,m)),
776  transpose(q).subarray(Shape(0,0), Shape(m,n)),
777  transpose(res));
778  }
779  else
780  {
781  Matrix<T> r(v.shape()), q(m, m);
782  if(!qrDecomposition(v, q, r))
783  return false; // a didn't have full rank
784  linearSolveUpperTriangular(r.subarray(Shape(0,0), Shape(n,n)),
785  transpose(q).subarray(Shape(0,0), Shape(n,m)),
786  res);
787  }
788  return true;
789 }
791  /** Create the inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix \a v.
793  The result is returned as a temporary matrix. If the matrix \a v is square,
794  the result will have the same shape and contains the inverse of \a v.
795  If \a v is rectangular, the result will have the transposed shape of \a v.
796  The inverse is then computed in the least-squares
797  sense, i.e. \a res will be the pseudo-inverse (Moore-Penrose inverse).
798  The inverse is computed by means of QR decomposition. If \a v
799  is not invertible, <tt>vigra::PreconditionViolation</tt> exception is thrown.
800  Usage:
802  \code
803  vigra::Matrix<double> v(n, n);
804  v = ...;
806  vigra::Matrix<double> m = inverse(v);
807  \endcode
809  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
810  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
811  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
812  */
813 template <class T, class C>
814 TemporaryMatrix<T> inverse(const MultiArrayView<2, T, C> &v)
815 {
816  TemporaryMatrix<T> ret(columnCount(v), rowCount(v)); // transpose shape
817  vigra_precondition(inverse(v, ret),
818  "inverse(): matrix is not invertible.");
819  return ret;
820 }
822 template <class T>
823 TemporaryMatrix<T> inverse(const TemporaryMatrix<T> &v)
824 {
825  if(columnCount(v) == rowCount(v))
826  {
827  vigra_precondition(inverse(v, const_cast<TemporaryMatrix<T> &>(v)),
828  "inverse(): matrix is not invertible.");
829  return v;
830  }
831  else
832  {
833  TemporaryMatrix<T> ret(columnCount(v), rowCount(v)); // transpose shape
834  vigra_precondition(inverse(v, ret),
835  "inverse(): matrix is not invertible.");
836  return ret;
837  }
838 }
840  /** Compute the determinant of a square matrix.
842  \a method must be one of the following:
843  <DL>
844  <DT>"default"<DD> Use "minor" for integral types and "LU" for any other.
845  <DT>"Cholesky"<DD> Compute the solution by means of Cholesky decomposition. This
846  method is faster than "LU", but requires the matrix \a a
847  to be symmetric positive definite. If this is
848  not the case, a <tt>ContractViolation</tt> exception is thrown.
849  <DT>"LU"<DD> Compute the solution by means of LU decomposition.
850  <DT>"minor"<DD> Compute the solution by means of determinants of minors.
851  </DL>
853  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
854  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
855  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
856  */
857 template <class T, class C1>
858 typename NumericTraits<T>::Promote
859 determinant(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & a, std::string method = "default")
860 {
861  typedef typename NumericTraits<T>::Promote PromoteType;
863  vigra_precondition(rowCount(a) == n,
864  "determinant(): Square matrix required.");
866  method = tolower(method);
868  if(method == "default")
869  {
870  method = NumericTraits<T>::isIntegral::value ? "minor" : "lu";
871  }
872  if(n == 1)
873  return a(0,0);
874  if(n == 2)
875  return a(0,0)*a(1,1) - a(0,1)*a(1,0);
876  if(method == "lu")
877  {
878  return detail::determinantByLUDecomposition(a);
879  }
880  else if(method == "minor")
881  {
882  return detail::determinantByMinors(a);
883  }
884  else if(method == "cholesky")
885  {
886  Matrix<T> L(a.shape());
887  vigra_precondition(choleskyDecomposition(a, L),
888  "determinant(): Cholesky method requires symmetric positive definite matrix.");
889  T det = L(0,0);
890  for(MultiArrayIndex k=1; k<n; ++k)
891  det *= L(k,k);
892  return sq(det);
893  }
894  else
895  {
896  vigra_precondition(false, "determinant(): Unknown solution method.");
897  }
898  return PromoteType();
899 }
901  /** Compute the logarithm of the determinant of a symmetric positive definite matrix.
903  This is useful to avoid multiplication of very large numbers in big matrices.
904  It is implemented by means of Cholesky decomposition.
906  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
907  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
908  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
909  */
910 template <class T, class C1>
912 {
914  vigra_precondition(rowCount(a) == n,
915  "logDeterminant(): Square matrix required.");
916  if(n == 1)
917  {
918  vigra_precondition(a(0,0) > 0.0,
919  "logDeterminant(): Matrix not positive definite.");
920  return std::log(a(0,0));
921  }
922  if(n == 2)
923  {
924  T det = a(0,0)*a(1,1) - a(0,1)*a(1,0);
925  vigra_precondition(det > 0.0,
926  "logDeterminant(): Matrix not positive definite.");
927  return std::log(det);
928  }
929  else
930  {
931  Matrix<T> L(a.shape());
932  vigra_precondition(choleskyDecomposition(a, L),
933  "logDeterminant(): Matrix not positive definite.");
934  T logdet = std::log(L(0,0));
935  for(MultiArrayIndex k=1; k<n; ++k)
936  logdet += std::log(L(k,k)); // L(k,k) is guaranteed to be positive
937  return 2.0*logdet;
938  }
939 }
941  /** Cholesky decomposition.
943  \a A must be a symmetric positive definite matrix, and \a L will be a lower
944  triangular matrix, such that (up to round-off errors):
946  \code
947  A == L * transpose(L);
948  \endcode
950  This implementation cannot be applied in-place, i.e. <tt>&L == &A</tt> is an error.
951  If \a A is not symmetric, a <tt>ContractViolation</tt> exception is thrown. If it
952  is not positive definite, the function returns <tt>false</tt>.
954  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
955  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
956  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
957  */
958 template <class T, class C1, class C2>
961 {
963  vigra_precondition(NumericTraits<T>::isIntegral::value == false,
964  "choleskyDecomposition(): Input matrix must not be an integral type.");
965  vigra_precondition(rowCount(A) == n,
966  "choleskyDecomposition(): Input matrix must be square.");
967  vigra_precondition(n == columnCount(L) && n == rowCount(L),
968  "choleskyDecomposition(): Output matrix must have same shape as input matrix.");
969  vigra_precondition(isSymmetric(A),
970  "choleskyDecomposition(): Input matrix must be symmetric.");
972  for (MultiArrayIndex j = 0; j < n; ++j)
973  {
974  T d(0.0);
975  for (MultiArrayIndex k = 0; k < j; ++k)
976  {
977  T s(0.0);
978  for (MultiArrayIndex i = 0; i < k; ++i)
979  {
980  s += L(k, i)*L(j, i);
981  }
982  L(j, k) = s = (A(j, k) - s)/L(k, k);
983  d = d + s*s;
984  }
985  d = A(j, j) - d;
986  if(d <= 0.0)
987  return false; // A is not positive definite
988  L(j, j) = std::sqrt(d);
989  for (MultiArrayIndex k = j+1; k < n; ++k)
990  {
991  L(j, k) = 0.0;
992  }
993  }
994  return true;
995 }
997  /** QR decomposition.
999  \a a contains the original matrix, results are returned in \a q and \a r, where
1000  \a q is a orthogonal matrix, and \a r is an upper triangular matrix, such that
1001  (up to round-off errors):
1003  \code
1004  a == q * r;
1005  \endcode
1007  If \a a doesn't have full rank, the function returns <tt>false</tt>.
1008  The decomposition is computed by householder transformations. It can be applied in-place,
1009  i.e. <tt>&a == &q</tt> or <tt>&a == &r</tt> are allowed.
1011  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
1012  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
1013  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
1014  */
1015 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
1018  double epsilon = 0.0)
1019 {
1020  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(a);
1021  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(a);
1022  vigra_precondition(n == columnCount(r) && m == rowCount(r) &&
1023  m == columnCount(q) && m == rowCount(q),
1024  "qrDecomposition(): Matrix shape mismatch.");
1026  q = identityMatrix<T>(m);
1028  r = a;
1029  ArrayVector<MultiArrayIndex> noPivoting; // intentionally empty
1030  return (static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(detail::qrTransformToUpperTriangular(r, tq, noPivoting, epsilon) == std::min(m,n)));
1031 }
1033  /** Deprecated, use \ref linearSolveUpperTriangular().
1034  */
1035 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
1036 inline
1039 {
1040  return linearSolveUpperTriangular(r, b, x);
1041 }
1043  /** Solve a linear system with upper-triangular coefficient matrix.
1045  The square matrix \a r must be an upper-triangular coefficient matrix as can,
1046  for example, be obtained by means of QR decomposition. If \a r doesn't have full rank
1047  the function fails and returns <tt>false</tt>, otherwise it returns <tt>true</tt>. The
1048  lower triangular part of matrix \a r will not be touched, so it doesn't need to contain zeros.
1050  The column vectors of matrix \a b are the right-hand sides of the equation (several equations
1051  with the same coefficients can thus be solved in one go). The result is returned
1052  int \a x, whose columns contain the solutions for the corresponding
1053  columns of \a b. This implementation can be applied in-place, i.e. <tt>&b == &x</tt> is allowed.
1054  The following size requirements apply:
1056  \code
1057  rowCount(r) == columnCount(r);
1058  rowCount(r) == rowCount(b);
1059  columnCount(r) == rowCount(x);
1060  columnCount(b) == columnCount(x);
1061  \endcode
1063  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
1064  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
1065  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
1066  */
1067 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
1070 {
1071  MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(r);
1072  MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(b);
1073  vigra_precondition(m == columnCount(r),
1074  "linearSolveUpperTriangular(): square coefficient matrix required.");
1075  vigra_precondition(m == rowCount(b) && m == rowCount(x) && rhsCount == columnCount(x),
1076  "linearSolveUpperTriangular(): matrix shape mismatch.");
1078  for(MultiArrayIndex k = 0; k < rhsCount; ++k)
1079  {
1080  for(int i=m-1; i>=0; --i)
1081  {
1082  if(r(i,i) == NumericTraits<T>::zero())
1083  return false; // r doesn't have full rank
1084  T sum = b(i, k);
1085  for(MultiArrayIndex j=i+1; j<m; ++j)
1086  sum -= r(i, j) * x(j, k);
1087  x(i, k) = sum / r(i, i);
1088  }
1089  }
1090  return true;
1091 }
1093  /** Solve a linear system with lower-triangular coefficient matrix.
1095  The square matrix \a l must be a lower-triangular coefficient matrix. If \a l
1096  doesn't have full rank the function fails and returns <tt>false</tt>,
1097  otherwise it returns <tt>true</tt>. The upper triangular part of matrix \a l will not be touched,
1098  so it doesn't need to contain zeros.
1100  The column vectors of matrix \a b are the right-hand sides of the equation (several equations
1101  with the same coefficients can thus be solved in one go). The result is returned
1102  in \a x, whose columns contain the solutions for the corresponding
1103  columns of \a b. This implementation can be applied in-place, i.e. <tt>&b == &x</tt> is allowed.
1104  The following size requirements apply:
1106  \code
1107  rowCount(l) == columnCount(l);
1108  rowCount(l) == rowCount(b);
1109  columnCount(l) == rowCount(x);
1110  columnCount(b) == columnCount(x);
1111  \endcode
1113  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
1114  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
1115  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
1116  */
1117 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
1120 {
1123  vigra_precondition(m == rowCount(l),
1124  "linearSolveLowerTriangular(): square coefficient matrix required.");
1125  vigra_precondition(m == rowCount(b) && m == rowCount(x) && n == columnCount(x),
1126  "linearSolveLowerTriangular(): matrix shape mismatch.");
1128  for(MultiArrayIndex k = 0; k < n; ++k)
1129  {
1130  for(MultiArrayIndex i=0; i<m; ++i)
1131  {
1132  if(l(i,i) == NumericTraits<T>::zero())
1133  return false; // l doesn't have full rank
1134  T sum = b(i, k);
1135  for(MultiArrayIndex j=0; j<i; ++j)
1136  sum -= l(i, j) * x(j, k);
1137  x(i, k) = sum / l(i, i);
1138  }
1139  }
1140  return true;
1141 }
1144  /** Solve a linear system when the Cholesky decomposition of the left hand side is given.
1146  The square matrix \a L must be a lower-triangular matrix resulting from Cholesky
1147  decomposition of some positive definite coefficient matrix.
1149  The column vectors of matrix \a b are the right-hand sides of the equation (several equations
1150  with the same matrix \a L can thus be solved in one go). The result is returned
1151  in \a x, whose columns contain the solutions for the corresponding
1152  columns of \a b. This implementation can be applied in-place, i.e. <tt>&b == &x</tt> is allowed.
1153  The following size requirements apply:
1155  \code
1156  rowCount(L) == columnCount(L);
1157  rowCount(L) == rowCount(b);
1158  columnCount(L) == rowCount(x);
1159  columnCount(b) == columnCount(x);
1160  \endcode
1162  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
1163  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
1164  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
1165  */
1166 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
1167 inline
1169 {
1170  /* Solve L * y = b */
1171  linearSolveLowerTriangular(L, b, x);
1172  /* Solve L^T * x = y */
1174 }
1176  /** Solve a linear system.
1178  <b> Declarations:</b>
1180  \code
1181  // use MultiArrayViews for input and output
1182  template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
1183  bool linearSolve(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & A,
1184  MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> const & b,
1185  MultiArrayView<2, T, C3> res,
1186  std::string method = "QR");
1188  // use TinyVector for RHS and result
1189  template <class T, class C1, int N>
1190  bool linearSolve(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & A,
1191  TinyVector<T, N> const & b,
1192  TinyVector<T, N> & res,
1193  std::string method = "QR");
1194  \endcode
1196  \a A is the coefficient matrix, and the column vectors
1197  in \a b are the right-hand sides of the equation (so, several equations
1198  with the same coefficients can be solved in one go). The result is returned
1199  in \a res, whose columns contain the solutions for the corresponding
1200  columns of \a b. The number of columns of \a A must equal the number of rows of
1201  both \a b and \a res, and the number of columns of \a b and \a res must match.
1202  If right-hand-side and result are specified as TinyVector, the number of columns
1203  of \a A must equal N.
1205  \a method must be one of the following:
1206  <DL>
1207  <DT>"Cholesky"<DD> Compute the solution by means of Cholesky decomposition. The
1208  coefficient matrix \a A must by symmetric positive definite. If
1209  this is not the case, the function returns <tt>false</tt>.
1211  <DT>"QR"<DD> (default) Compute the solution by means of QR decomposition. The
1212  coefficient matrix \a A can be square or rectangular. In the latter case,
1213  it must have more rows than columns, and the solution will be computed in the
1214  least squares sense. If \a A doesn't have full rank, the function
1215  returns <tt>false</tt>.
1217  <DT>"SVD"<DD> Compute the solution by means of singular value decomposition. The
1218  coefficient matrix \a A can be square or rectangular. In the latter case,
1219  it must have more rows than columns, and the solution will be computed in the
1220  least squares sense. If \a A doesn't have full rank, the function
1221  returns <tt>false</tt>.
1223  <DT>"NE"<DD> Compute the solution by means of the normal equations, i.e. by applying Cholesky
1224  decomposition to the equivalent problem <tt>A'*A*x = A'*b</tt>. This only makes sense
1225  when the equation is to be solved in the least squares sense, i.e. when \a A is a
1226  rectangular matrix with more rows than columns. If \a A doesn't have full column rank,
1227  the function returns <tt>false</tt>.
1228  </DL>
1230  This function can be applied in-place, i.e. <tt>&b == &res</tt> or <tt>&A == &res</tt> are allowed
1231  (provided they have the required shapes).
1233  The following size requirements apply:
1235  \code
1236  rowCount(r) == rowCount(b);
1237  columnCount(r) == rowCount(x);
1238  columnCount(b) == columnCount(x);
1239  \endcode
1241  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_solve.hxx> or<br>
1242  <b>\#include</b> <vigra/linear_algebra.hxx><br>
1243  Namespaces: vigra and vigra::linalg
1244  */
1245 doxygen_overloaded_function(template <...> bool linearSolve)
1247 template <class T, class C1, class C2, class C3>
1248 bool linearSolve(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & A,
1249  MultiArrayView<2, T, C2> const & b,
1251  std::string method = "QR")
1252 {
1253  const MultiArrayIndex n = columnCount(A);
1254  const MultiArrayIndex m = rowCount(A);
1256  vigra_precondition(n <= m,
1257  "linearSolve(): Coefficient matrix A must have at least as many rows as columns.");
1258  vigra_precondition(n == rowCount(res) &&
1259  m == rowCount(b) && columnCount(b) == columnCount(res),
1260  "linearSolve(): matrix shape mismatch.");
1262  method = tolower(method);
1263  if(method == "cholesky")
1264  {
1265  vigra_precondition(columnCount(A) == rowCount(A),
1266  "linearSolve(): Cholesky method requires square coefficient matrix.");
1267  Matrix<T> L(A.shape());
1268  if(!choleskyDecomposition(A, L))
1269  return false; // false if A wasn't symmetric positive definite
1270  choleskySolve(L, b, res);
1271  }
1272  else if(method == "qr")
1273  {
1274  return static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(linearSolveQR(A, b, res)) == n;
1275  }
1276  else if(method == "ne")
1277  {
1278  return linearSolve(transpose(A)*A, transpose(A)*b, res, "Cholesky");
1279  }
1280  else if(method == "svd")
1281  {
1282  MultiArrayIndex rhsCount = columnCount(b);
1283  Matrix<T> u(A.shape()), s(n, 1), v(n, n);
1285  MultiArrayIndex rank = static_cast<MultiArrayIndex>(singularValueDecomposition(A, u, s, v));
1287  Matrix<T> t = transpose(u)*b;
1288  for(MultiArrayIndex l=0; l<rhsCount; ++l)
1289  {
1290  for(MultiArrayIndex k=0; k<rank; ++k)
1291  t(k,l) /= s(k,0);
1292  for(MultiArrayIndex k=rank; k<n; ++k)
1293  t(k,l) = NumericTraits<T>::zero();
1294  }
1295  res = v*t;
1297  return (rank == n);
1298  }
1299  else
1300  {
1301  vigra_precondition(false, "linearSolve(): Unknown solution method.");
1302  }
1303  return true;
1304 }
1306 template <class T, class C1, int N>
1307 bool linearSolve(MultiArrayView<2, T, C1> const & A,
1308  TinyVector<T, N> const & b,
1309  TinyVector<T, N> & res,
1310  std::string method = "QR")
1311 {
1312  Shape2 shape(N, 1);
1313  return linearSolve(A, MultiArrayView<2, T>(shape, b.data()), MultiArrayView<2, T>(shape, res.data()), method);
1314 }
1316 //@}
1318 } // namespace linalg
1320 using linalg::inverse;
1321 using linalg::determinant;
1323 using linalg::linearSolve;
1324 using linalg::choleskySolve;
1330 } // namespace vigra
bool qrDecomposition(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > const &a, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &q, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C3 > &r, double epsilon=0.0)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:1016
FixedPoint16< 2, OverflowHandling > atan2(FixedPoint16< IntBits, OverflowHandling > y, FixedPoint16< IntBits, OverflowHandling > x)
Arctangent. Accuracy better than 1/3 degree (9 significant bits).
Definition: fixedpoint.hxx:1654
MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > columnVector(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &m, MultiArrayIndex d)
Definition: matrix.hxx:727
std::string tolower(std::string s)
Definition: utilities.hxx:96
MultiArrayIndex rowCount(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > &x)
Definition: matrix.hxx:671
void transpose(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > &v, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &r)
Definition: matrix.hxx:965
linalg::TemporaryMatrix< T > sin(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &v)
bool linearSolveLowerTriangular(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > &l, const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &b, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C3 > x)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:1118
const difference_type & shape() const
Definition: multi_array.hxx:1648
linalg::TemporaryMatrix< T > sign(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &v)
bool reverseElimination(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > &r, const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &b, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C3 > x)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:1037
bool isSymmetric(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > &v)
Definition: matrix.hxx:779
void choleskySolve(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > const &L, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > const &b, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C3 > &x)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:1168
std::ptrdiff_t MultiArrayIndex
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:60
FixedPoint16< IntBits, OverflowHandling > hypot(FixedPoint16< IntBits, OverflowHandling > v1, FixedPoint16< IntBits, OverflowHandling > v2)
Length of hypotenuse.
Definition: fixedpoint.hxx:1640
Definition: multi_fwd.hxx:63
NumericTraits< V >::Promote sum(TinyVectorBase< V, SIZE, D1, D2 > const &l)
sum of the vector's elements
Definition: tinyvector.hxx:2073
linalg::TemporaryMatrix< T > sq(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &v)
Matrix< T, ALLLOC >::NormType norm(const Matrix< T, ALLLOC > &a)
doxygen_overloaded_function(template<...> void separableConvolveBlockwise) template< unsigned int N
Separated convolution on ChunkedArrays.
Matrix< T, ALLLOC >::SquaredNormType squaredNorm(const Matrix< T, ALLLOC > &a)
TinyVector< MultiArrayIndex, N > type
Definition: multi_shape.hxx:272
int argMax(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &a)
Find the index of the maximum element in a matrix.
Definition: matrix.hxx:1986
NormTraits< T >::SquaredNormType dot(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > &x, const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &y)
Definition: matrix.hxx:1342
double gamma(double x)
The gamma function.
Definition: mathutil.hxx:1587
linalg::TemporaryMatrix< T > log(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &v)
MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > rowVector(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &m, MultiArrayIndex d)
Definition: matrix.hxx:697
MultiArrayIndex columnCount(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > &x)
Definition: matrix.hxx:684
bool choleskyDecomposition(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > const &A, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &L)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:959
T logDeterminant(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > const &a)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:911
bool linearSolveUpperTriangular(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > &r, const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &b, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C3 > x)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:1068
unsigned int singularValueDecomposition(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > const &A, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &U, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C3 > &S, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C4 > &V)
Definition: singular_value_decomposition.hxx:75
bool inverse(const MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > &v, MultiArrayView< 2, T, C2 > &res)
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:760
linalg::TemporaryMatrix< T > abs(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &v)
linalg::TemporaryMatrix< T > cos(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C > const &v)
bool linearSolve(...)
SquareRootTraits< FixedPoint< IntBits, FracBits > >::SquareRootResult sqrt(FixedPoint< IntBits, FracBits > v)
square root.
Definition: fixedpoint.hxx:616
NumericTraits< T >::Promote determinant(MultiArrayView< 2, T, C1 > const &a, std::string method="default")
Definition: linear_solve.hxx:859

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)