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details Machine Learning VIGRA


 Random forest version 3.
 Visitors to extract information during training of vigra::RandomForest version 2.


class  DepthStop
 Random forest 'maximum depth' stop criterion. More...
class  EntropyScore
 Functor that computes the entropy score. More...
class  GiniScore
 Functor that computes the gini score. More...
class  KolmogorovSmirnovScore
 Functor that computes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov score. More...
class  NodeComplexityStop
 Random forest 'node complexity' stop criterion. More...
class  NumInstancesStop
 Random forest 'number of datapoints' stop criterion. More...
class  ProblemSpec< LabelType >
 problem specification class for the random forest. More...
class  PurityStop
 Random forest 'node purity' stop criterion. More...
class  RandomForest< LabelType, PreprocessorTag >
 Random forest version 2 (see also vigra::rf3::RandomForest for version 3) More...
class  RandomForestOptions
 Options object for the random forest. More...
class  Sampler< Random >
 Create random samples from a sequence of indices. More...
class  SamplerOptions
 Options object for the Sampler class. More...

Detailed Description

This module provides classification algorithms that map features to labels or label probabilities. Look at the vigra::RandomForest class (for implementation version 2) or the vigra::rf3::random_forest() factory function (for implementation version 3) for an overview of the functionality as well as use cases.

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)