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details Algorithms to Initialize Images VIGRA


template<... >
void initImage (...)
 Write a value to every pixel in an image or rectangular ROI. More...
template<... >
void initImageBorder (...)
 Write value to the specified border pixels in the image. More...
template<... >
void initImageIf (...)
 Write value to pixel in the image if mask is true. More...
template<... >
void initImageWithFunctor (...)
 Write the result of a functor call to every pixel in an image or rectangular ROI. More...

Detailed Description

Init images or image borders

Function Documentation

void vigra::initImage (   ...)

Write a value to every pixel in an image or rectangular ROI.

This function can be used to init the image.

The initial value can either be a constant of appropriate type (compatible with the destination's value_type), or a functor with compatible result_type. These two cases are automatically distinguished when FunctorTraits<FUNCTOR>::isInitializer yields VigraTrueType. Since the functor is passed by const reference, its operator() must be const, and its internal state may need to be mutable.

Function initMultiArray() implements the same functionality for arbitrary dimensional arrays. In many situations, the assignment functions of vigra::MultiArrayView offer a simpler and more readable alternative to the init functions.


pass 2D array views:

namespace vigra {
template <class T, class S, class VALUETYPE>
initImage(MultiArrayView<2, T, S> img, VALUETYPE const & v);
template <class T, class S, class FUNCTOR>
initImage(MultiArrayView<2, T, S> img, FUNCTOR const & v);

show deprecated declarations


#include <vigra/initimage.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

Initialize with a constant:

MultiArray<2, unsigned char> img(100, 100);
// init the image with the value 128
initImage(img, 128);
// init the interior with the value 1
initImage(img.subarray(Shape2(10), Shape2(-10)), 1);
// equivalent to
img = 128;
img.subarray(Shape2(10), Shape2(-10)) = 1;

Initialize with a functor:

struct Counter {
Counter() : count(0) {}
int operator()() const { return count++; }
mutable int count;
MultiArray<2, int> img(100, 100);
// write the current count in every pixel
initImage(img, Counter());
// equivalent to
#include <vigra/algorithm.hxx>
linearSequence(img.begin(), img.end());

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void vigra::initImageWithFunctor (   ...)

Write the result of a functor call to every pixel in an image or rectangular ROI.

This function can be used to init the image by calling the given functor for each pixel. The functor is passed by reference, so that its internal state can be updated in each call.


pass 2D array views:

namespace vigra {
template <class T, class S, class FUNCTOR>
initImageWithFunctor(MultiArrayView<2, T, S> img, FUNCTOR & f);

show deprecated declarations


#include <vigra/initimage.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

struct Counter {
Counter() : count(0) {}
int operator()() const { return count++; }
int count;
MultiArray<2, int> img(100, 100);
// write the current count in every pixel
Counter counter;
initImageWithFunctor(img, counter);
// equivalent to
#include <vigra/algorithm.hxx>
linearSequence(img.begin(), img.end());

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void vigra::initImageIf (   ...)

Write value to pixel in the image if mask is true.

This function can be used to init a region-of-interest of the image.

The initial value can either be a constant of appropriate type (compatible with the destination's value_type), or a functor with compatible result_type. These two cases are automatically distinguished when FunctorTraits<FUNCTOR>::isInitializer yields VigraTrueType. Since the functor is passed by const reference, its operator() must be const, and its internal state may need to be mutable.


pass 2D array views:

namespace vigra {
template <class T, class S,
class TM, class SM,
initImageIf(MultiArrayView<2, T, S> img,
MultiArrayView<2, TM, SM> const & mask,
VALUETYPE const & v);
template <class T, class S,
class TM, class SM,
class FUNCTOR>
initImageIf(MultiArrayView<2, T, S> img,
MultiArrayView<2, TM, SM> const & mask,
FUNCTOR const & v);

show deprecated declarations


#include <vigra/initimage.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

MultiArray<2, RGBValue<unsigned char> > img(100, 100),
MultiArray<2, unsigned char> mask(100, 100);
... // init the ROI mask
// set the ROI to one
initImageIf(img, mask,
NumericTraits<RGBValue<unsigned char> >::one());

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void vigra::initImageBorder (   ...)

Write value to the specified border pixels in the image.

A pixel is initialized if its distance to the border is at most 'borderwidth'.

The initial value can either be a constant of appropriate type (compatible with the destination's value_type), or a functor with compatible result_type. These two cases are automatically distinguished when FunctorTraits<FUNCTOR>::isInitializer yields VigraTrueType. Since the functor is passed by const reference, its operator() must be const, and its internal state may need to be mutable.


pass 2D array views:

namespace vigra {
template <class T, class S, class VALUETYPE>
initImageBorder(MultiArrayView<2, T, S> img,
int border_width, VALUETYPE const & v);
template <class T, class S, class FUNCTOR>
initImageBorder(MultiArrayView<2, T, S> img,
int border_width, FUNCTOR const & v);

show deprecated declarations


#include <vigra/initimage.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

#include <vigra/random.hxx>
MultiArray<2, int> img(100, 100);
// fill a border of 5 pixels with random numbers

show deprecated examples

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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