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details NeighborhoodCirculator< IMAGEITERATOR, NEIGHBORCODE > Class Template Reference VIGRA

Circulator that walks around a given location in a given image. More...

#include <vigra/pixelneighborhood.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for NeighborhoodCirculator< IMAGEITERATOR, NEIGHBORCODE >:
RestrictedNeighborhoodCirculator< IMAGEITERATOR, NEIGHBORCODE >

Public Types

typedef IMAGEITERATOR base_type
typedef NEIGHBORCODE::Direction Direction
typedef reference index_reference
typedef NEIGHBORCODE NeighborCode
typedef IMAGEITERATOR::pointer pointer
typedef IMAGEITERATOR::reference reference
typedef IMAGEITERATOR::value_type value_type

Public Member Functions

base_type const & base () const
base_type center () const
const & 
diff () const
Direction direction () const
unsigned int directionBit () const
bool isDiagonal () const
NeighborhoodCirculatormoveCenterToNeighbor ()
 NeighborhoodCirculator (IMAGEITERATOR const &aCenter=IMAGEITERATOR(), Direction d=NEIGHBOROFFSETCIRCULATOR::InitialDirection)
bool operator!= (NeighborhoodCirculator const &rhs) const
reference operator* () const
NeighborhoodCirculator operator+ (difference_type d) const
NeighborhoodCirculatoroperator++ ()
NeighborhoodCirculator operator++ (int)
NeighborhoodCirculatoroperator+= (difference_type d)
NeighborhoodCirculator operator- (difference_type d) const
difference_type operator- (NeighborhoodCirculator const &rhs) const
NeighborhoodCirculatoroperator-- ()
NeighborhoodCirculator operator-- (int)
NeighborhoodCirculatoroperator-= (difference_type d)
pointer operator-> () const
bool operator== (NeighborhoodCirculator const &rhs) const
index_reference operator[] (difference_type d) const
NeighborhoodCirculatorswapCenterNeighbor ()
NeighborhoodCirculatorturnLeft ()
NeighborhoodCirculatorturnRight ()
NeighborhoodCirculatorturnRound ()
NeighborhoodCirculatorturnTo (Direction d)

Detailed Description

class vigra::NeighborhoodCirculator< IMAGEITERATOR, NEIGHBORCODE >

Circulator that walks around a given location in a given image.

The template parameters define the kind of neighborhood used and the underlying image. The access functions return the value of the current neighbor pixel. Use center() to access the center pixel of the neighborhood. The center can be changed by calling moveCenterToNeighbor() or swapCenterNeighbor(). Note that this circulator cannot be used when the center is at the image border. You must then use vigra::RestrictedNeighborhoodCirculator


#include <vigra/pixelneighborhood.hxx>
Namespace: vigra

BImage::traverser upperleft(...), lowerright(...);
int width = lowerright.x - upperleft.x;
int height = lowerright.y - upperleft.y;
++upperleft.y; // avoid image border
for(int y=1; y<height-1; ++y, ++upperleft.y)
BImage::traverser ix = upperleft + Diff2D(1,0);
for(int x=1; x<width-1; ++x, ++ix.x)
// analyse all neighbors of a pixel (use FourNeighborCode
// instead of EightNeighborCode for 4-neighborhood):
NeighborhoodCirculator<BImage::traverser, EightNeighborCode>
analysisFunc(*circulator, ...); // do sth. with current neighbor
while(++circulator != end); // compare with start/end circulator

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef IMAGEITERATOR base_type

type of the underlying image iterator

typedef NEIGHBORCODE NeighborCode

type of the used neighbor code

typedef IMAGEITERATOR::value_type value_type

the circulator's value type

typedef NEIGHBORCODE::Direction Direction

type of the direction code

typedef IMAGEITERATOR::reference reference

the circulator's reference type (return type of *circ)

the circulator's index reference type (return type of circ[n])

typedef IMAGEITERATOR::pointer pointer

the circulator's pointer type (return type of operator->)

the circulator's difference type (argument type of circ[diff])

the circulator tag (random_access_circulator_tag)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NeighborhoodCirculator ( IMAGEITERATOR const &  aCenter = IMAGEITERATOR(),
Direction  d = NEIGHBOROFFSETCIRCULATOR::InitialDirection 

Construct circulator with given center pixel, pointing to the neighbor at the given direction d.

Member Function Documentation

NeighborhoodCirculator& operator++ ( )


NeighborhoodCirculator operator++ ( int  )


NeighborhoodCirculator& operator-- ( )


NeighborhoodCirculator operator-- ( int  )




NeighborhoodCirculator operator+ ( difference_type  d) const


NeighborhoodCirculator operator- ( difference_type  d) const


NeighborhoodCirculator& turnRight ( )

Move to the direction that is 'right' relative to the current direction. This is equivalent to four_circulator– and eight_circulator -= 2 respectively.

NeighborhoodCirculator& turnLeft ( )

Move to the direction that is 'left' relative to the current direction. This is equivalent to four_circulator++ and eight_circulator += 2 respectively.

NeighborhoodCirculator& turnRound ( )

Move to the opposite direction of the current direction. This is equivalent to four_circulator += 2 and eight_circulator += 4 respectively.

Move to the given direction.

NeighborhoodCirculator& moveCenterToNeighbor ( )

Move the center in the current direction. The current neighbor becomes the new center, the direction does not change.

NeighborhoodCirculator& swapCenterNeighbor ( )

Exchange the center with the current neighbor. Equivalent to circ.moveCenterToNeighbor().turnRound() (but shorter and more efficient).

bool operator== ( NeighborhoodCirculator< IMAGEITERATOR, NEIGHBORCODE > const &  rhs) const


bool operator!= ( NeighborhoodCirculator< IMAGEITERATOR, NEIGHBORCODE > const &  rhs) const


difference_type operator- ( NeighborhoodCirculator< IMAGEITERATOR, NEIGHBORCODE > const &  rhs) const


reference operator* ( ) const


index_reference operator[] ( difference_type  d) const


pointer operator-> ( ) const

member access

base_type const& base ( ) const

Get the base iterator for the current neighbor.

base_type center ( ) const

Get the base iterator for the center of the circulator.

Direction direction ( ) const

Get the current direction.

unsigned int directionBit ( ) const

Get the current direction bit.

NEIGHBOROFFSETCIRCULATOR::value_type const& diff ( ) const

Get the difference vector (Diff2D) from the center to the current neighbor.

bool isDiagonal ( ) const

Is the current neighbor a diagonal neighbor?

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)