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bit_array.hxx VIGRA

4 #include <functional>
5 #include <ostream>
6 #include "metaprogramming.hxx"
8 namespace vigra {
10 template <class> // undefined class to provoke usable error messages
11 class vigra_error_BitArray_accepts_only_unsigned_underlying_types_and_no_;
13 template <unsigned SIZE, class X> // bitwise operators do not necessarily work for bool
14 struct EnableBitArray
15  : public enable_if<(HasMetaLog2<X>::value && !IsSameType<X, bool>::value && SIZE > 0)> {};
17 // BitArray: a minimal subset of std::bitset with the extension of compile-time
18 // access functions set<unsigned>(), test<unsigned>(), reset<unsigned>(), and
19 // flip<unsigned>(), plus all relational operators;
20 // furthermore, there are no range checks.
22 template <unsigned SIZE, class WORD_TYPE = unsigned, class = void>
23 class BitArray
24  : public
25  vigra_error_BitArray_accepts_only_unsigned_underlying_types_and_no_
27 {};
29 template <unsigned SIZE, class WORD_TYPE>
30 class BitArray<SIZE, WORD_TYPE, typename EnableBitArray<SIZE, WORD_TYPE>::type>
31 {
32  // 'unsigned' will be the most efficent word type for most CPUs,
33  // since very long immediates such as a possible 64 bit 'unsigned long'
34  // are slower for many typical uses of BitArray
35  protected:
36  static const unsigned bit_size = SIZE;
37  static const unsigned word_len = MetaLog2<WORD_TYPE>::value;
38  static const unsigned array_len = (bit_size + word_len - 1) / word_len;
39  static const unsigned last_pos = array_len - 1;
40  template <unsigned pos>
41  struct bit_index
42  {
43  static const unsigned word_pos = pos / word_len;
44  static const unsigned bit_pos = pos % word_len;
45  static const WORD_TYPE bit_mask = WORD_TYPE(1) << bit_pos;
46  };
47  typedef bit_index<bit_size> size_index;
48  static const WORD_TYPE ones_mask = ~(WORD_TYPE(0));
49  static const unsigned border_pos = size_index::bit_pos;
50  static const WORD_TYPE last_mask = !border_pos ? 0
51  : size_index::bit_mask - 1;
52  static const bool does_fit = border_pos == 0;
53  unsigned word_pos(unsigned pos) const
54  {
55  return pos / word_len;
56  };
57  WORD_TYPE bit_mask(unsigned pos) const
58  {
59  return WORD_TYPE(1) << (pos % word_len); // the compiler knows as well..
60  };
62  WORD_TYPE set_bits[array_len];
64  public:
65  unsigned size()
66  {
67  return bit_size;
68  }
69  void clear()
70  {
71  for (unsigned i = 0; i != array_len; ++i)
72  set_bits[i] = 0;
73  }
74  BitArray()
75  {
76  clear();
77  }
78  template <unsigned pos>
79  void set()
80  {
81  typedef bit_index<pos> index;
82  set_bits[index::word_pos] |= index::bit_mask;
83  }
84  template <unsigned pos>
85  void reset()
86  {
87  typedef bit_index<pos> index;
88  set_bits[index::word_pos] &= ~index::bit_mask;
89  }
90  template <unsigned pos>
91  void flip()
92  {
93  typedef bit_index<pos> index;
94  set_bits[index::word_pos] ^= index::bit_mask;
95  }
96  template <unsigned pos>
97  bool test() const
98  {
99  typedef bit_index<pos> index;
100  return (set_bits[index::word_pos] & index::bit_mask) != 0;
101  }
103  BitArray & set(unsigned pos, bool value = true)
104  {
105  (set_bits[word_pos(pos)] &= ~bit_mask(pos))
106  |= value ? bit_mask(pos) : 0;
107  return *this;
108  }
109  BitArray & reset(unsigned pos)
110  {
111  set_bits[word_pos(pos)] &= ~bit_mask(pos);
112  return *this;
113  }
114  BitArray & flip(unsigned pos)
115  {
116  set_bits[word_pos(pos)] ^= bit_mask(pos);
117  return *this;
118  }
119  bool test(unsigned pos) const
120  {
121  return set_bits[word_pos(pos)] & bit_mask(pos);
122  }
123  bool operator[](unsigned pos) const
124  {
125  return test(pos);
126  }
128  BitArray & set()
129  {
130  for (unsigned i = 0; i != last_pos + does_fit; ++i)
131  set_bits[i] = ones_mask;
132  if (!does_fit)
133  set_bits[last_pos] = last_mask;
134  return *this;
135  }
136  BitArray & reset()
137  {
138  for (unsigned i = 0; i != array_len; ++i)
139  set_bits[i] = 0;
140  return *this;
141  }
142  BitArray & flip()
143  {
144  for (unsigned i = 0; i != last_pos + does_fit; ++i)
145  set_bits[i] ^= ones_mask;
146  if (!does_fit)
147  set_bits[last_pos] ^= last_mask;
148  return *this;
149  }
151  operator bool() const
152  {
153  for (unsigned i = 0; i != array_len; ++i)
154  if (set_bits[i] != 0)
155  return true;
156  return false;
157  }
158  bool operator!() const
159  {
160  return !bool(*this);
161  }
162  bool any() const
163  {
164  return *this;
165  }
166  bool none() const
167  {
168  return !*this;
169  }
170  bool all() const
171  {
172  for (unsigned i = 0; i != last_pos + does_fit; ++i)
173  if (set_bits[i] != ones_mask)
174  return false;
175  if (!does_fit)
176  return set_bits[last_pos] == last_mask;
177  return true;
178  }
180  BitArray operator~() const
181  {
182  BitArray x(*this);
183  x.flip();
184  return x;
185  }
187  protected:
188  template <class F>
189  bool mutual_compare(const BitArray & t, F f, bool if_equal = false) const
190  {
191  for (int i = last_pos; i >= 0; i--)
192  {
193  WORD_TYPE x = set_bits[i];
194  WORD_TYPE y = t.set_bits[i];
195  if (f(x, y))
196  return true;
197  if (f(y, x))
198  return false;
199  }
200  return if_equal;
201  }
202  typedef std::less<WORD_TYPE> less;
203  typedef std::greater<WORD_TYPE> greater;
205  public:
206  bool operator<(const BitArray & t) const
207  {
208  return mutual_compare(t, less());
209  }
210  bool operator>(const BitArray & t) const
211  {
212  return mutual_compare(t, greater());
213  }
215  bool operator<=(const BitArray & t) const
216  {
217  return mutual_compare(t, less(), true);
218  }
219  bool operator>=(const BitArray & t) const
220  {
221  return mutual_compare(t, greater(), true);
222  }
224  bool operator!=(const BitArray & t) const
225  {
226  for (unsigned i = 0; i != array_len; ++i)
227  if (set_bits[i] != t.set_bits[i])
228  return true;
229  return false;
230  }
231  bool operator==(const BitArray & t) const
232  {
233  return !operator!=(t);
234  }
236  protected:
237  struct bit_and_assign
238  {
239  static void assign(WORD_TYPE & a, WORD_TYPE b) { a &= b; }
240  };
241  struct exclusive_or_assign
242  {
243  static void assign(WORD_TYPE & a, WORD_TYPE b) { a ^= b; }
244  };
245  struct bit_or_assign
246  {
247  static void assign(WORD_TYPE & a, WORD_TYPE b) { a |= b; }
248  };
249  template <class A>
250  BitArray & assign_operator(const BitArray & x)
251  {
252  for (unsigned i = 0; i != array_len; ++i)
253  A::assign(set_bits[i], x.set_bits[i]);
254  return *this;
255  }
256  public:
257  BitArray & operator&=(const BitArray & x)
258  {
259  return assign_operator<bit_and_assign>(x);
260  }
261  BitArray & operator^=(const BitArray & x)
262  {
263  return assign_operator<exclusive_or_assign>(x);
264  }
265  BitArray & operator|=(const BitArray & x)
266  {
267  return assign_operator<bit_or_assign>(x);
268  }
270  protected:
271  template <class A>
272  BitArray & bit_operator(const BitArray & y) const
273  {
274  BitArray x(*this);
275  return x.assign_operator<A>(y);
276  }
277  public:
278  BitArray operator&(const BitArray & y) const
279  {
280  return bit_operator<bit_and_assign>(y);
281  }
282  BitArray operator^(const BitArray & y) const
283  {
284  return bit_operator<exclusive_or_assign>(y);
285  }
286  BitArray operator|(const BitArray & y) const
287  {
288  return bit_operator<bit_or_assign>(y);
289  }
291  bool operator&&(const BitArray & y) const
292  {
293  return *this && y;
294  }
295  bool operator||(const BitArray & y) const
296  {
297  return *this || y;
298  }
300  friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const BitArray & z)
301  {
302  for (int i = bit_size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
303  os << (z[i] ? "1" : "0");
304  return os;
305  }
306 };
308 // work around GCC's zero-sized array extension
309 template <class WORD_TYPE>
310 class BitArray<0, WORD_TYPE>
311 {
312 // bool error[-(long int)sizeof(WORD_TYPE)];
313  void clear() {}
314 };
316 } // namespace vigra
318 #endif // VIGRA_BIT_ARRAY_HXX
bool operator<=(FixedPoint< IntBits1, FracBits1 > l, FixedPoint< IntBits2, FracBits2 > r)
less or equal
Definition: fixedpoint.hxx:521
bool operator!=(FFTWComplex< R > const &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
not equal
Definition: fftw3.hxx:841
bool operator==(FFTWComplex< R > const &a, const FFTWComplex< R > &b)
Definition: fftw3.hxx:825
bool operator<(FixedPoint< IntBits1, FracBits1 > l, FixedPoint< IntBits2, FracBits2 > r)
less than
Definition: fixedpoint.hxx:512
bool operator>=(FixedPoint< IntBits1, FracBits1 > l, FixedPoint< IntBits2, FracBits2 > r)
greater or equal
Definition: fixedpoint.hxx:539
bool operator>(FixedPoint< IntBits1, FracBits1 > l, FixedPoint< IntBits2, FracBits2 > r)
Definition: fixedpoint.hxx:530

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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