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Vigra Matlab VIGRA

Matlab bindings (mex-files) for the most important VIGRA functions are located [vigra_src_dir]/src/matlab. To compile and install them, start Matlab, go into that directory and call the function buildVigraExtensions:


If the compilation fails because includes or libraries are not found, you can provide additional search directories like this:

buildVigraExtensions('install_path', 'all', struct('flags', '-I/path/to/includes -L/path/to/libs'))

Additional compiler flags are specified in the same way. Suggestions about typical settings on Linux and Windows can be found in the individual .cpp files. For example, on Windows we usually need

buildVigraExtensions('install_path', 'all', ...
struct('flags', '-I[HDF5PATH]/include -L[HDF5PATH]/lib -lhdf5dll -lhdf5_hldll -D_HDF5USEDLL_ -DHDF5CPP_USEDLL'))

After successful compilation, you can obtain a list of the available VIGRA functions by calling

help vigraIndex

In the same way, you get documentation for the individual functions. More information about the glue code behind the bindings is available in this report.

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

html generated using doxygen and Python
vigra 1.11.1 (Fri May 19 2017)