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Numeric and Promote Traits of FFTWComplex VIGRA

The numeric and promote traits for fftw_complex and FFTWComplex follow the general specifications for Numeric and Promotion Traits and AlgebraicField. They are explicitly specialized for the types involved:

struct NumericTraits<fftw_complex>
typedef fftw_complex Promote;
typedef fftw_complex RealPromote;
typedef fftw_complex ComplexPromote;
typedef fftw_real ValueType;
typedef VigraFalseType isIntegral;
typedef VigraFalseType isScalar;
typedef VigraFalseType isOrdered;
typedef VigraTrueType isComplex;
// etc.
template<class Real>
struct NumericTraits<FFTWComplex<Real> >
typedef FFTWComplex<Real> Promote;
typedef FFTWComplex<Real> RealPromote;
typedef FFTWComplex<Real> ComplexPromote;
typedef Real ValueType;
typedef VigraFalseType isIntegral;
typedef VigraFalseType isScalar;
typedef VigraFalseType isOrdered;
typedef VigraTrueType isComplex;
// etc.
struct NormTraits<fftw_complex>
typedef fftw_complex Type;
typedef fftw_real SquaredNormType;
typedef fftw_real NormType;
template<class Real>
struct NormTraits<FFTWComplex>
typedef FFTWComplex Type;
typedef fftw_real SquaredNormType;
typedef fftw_real NormType;
template <>
struct PromoteTraits<fftw_complex, fftw_complex>
typedef fftw_complex Promote;
template <>
struct PromoteTraits<fftw_complex, double>
typedef fftw_complex Promote;
template <>
struct PromoteTraits<double, fftw_complex>
typedef fftw_complex Promote;
template <class Real>
struct PromoteTraits<FFTWComplex<Real>, FFTWComplex<Real> >
typedef FFTWComplex<Real> Promote;
template <class Real>
struct PromoteTraits<FFTWComplex<Real>, double>
typedef FFTWComplex<Real> Promote;
template <class Real>
struct PromoteTraits<double, FFTWComplex<Real> >
typedef FFTWComplex<Real> Promote;

#include <vigra/fftw3.hxx> (for FFTW 3) or
#include <vigra/fftw.hxx> (for deprecated FFTW 2)
Namespace: vigra

© Ullrich Köthe (ullrich.koethe@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de)
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing, University of Heidelberg, Germany

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